Author Topic: Plz Rate My Deck  (Read 3929 times)


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Plz Rate My Deck
« on: February 01, 2009, 03:02:44 PM »
Hey everyone. Well, I'm new here, but I made my deck (which seems pretty good, but I'm not to sure about evil characters, though. They might not be too good). Lemme know what you think! Thanks!

(Needs a Name) Deck

Cards: 56

Lost Souls: 7
Lost Soul
Lost Soul
Lost Soul
Lost Soul (Site, Discard)
Lost Soul (Withdrawl, Beneath)
Lost Soul (Protected)
Lost Soul (Counts as 2)

Fortress: 1
Solomon's Temple

Sites: 2

Artifacts: 2
Tables of the Law
Temple Veil

Lamb Dominants: 3
Angel of the Lord
New Jerusalem
Son of God

Reaper Dominants: 2
Christian Martyr

Bi-Colored Enhancement: 1

Silver Heroes: 4
Liberating Angel
Angel in the Path
Hosts of Heaven
Servant Angel

Silver Bible Enhancements: 5
Death of Firstborn
The Fifth Seal
Three Angels
Weapon of Light

White Heroes: 4
Jairus' Daughter
Peter's Mother-In-Law

White Bible Enhancements: 6
Faith Shared
Lost Coin Found
Lion Dwelling With the Calf
Satan's Folly
Bronze Cymbals

Multi-Colored Bible Enhancement: 1
Pillar of a Cloud

Multi-Colored Evil Enhancements: 2
Lying Unto God

Silver Evil Characters: 4
Lying Spirit
Sabbath Breaker

Silver Evil Enhancements: 4
Persistent Pestering
False Peace
Balaam's Disobedience
Stolen Blessing

Crimson Evil Characters: 4
Possessing Demon
Red Dragon
Joel, son of Samuel

Crimson Evil Enhancements: 3
Going to their Deaths
« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 03:09:52 PM by Warrior »


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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2009, 03:07:07 PM »
I really don't see anything but some thrown together cards I mean white but not Musicians or TGt...really?


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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2009, 03:08:35 PM »
I really don't see anything but some thrown together cards I mean white but not Musicians or TGt...really?

So what do you recommend I do? I sorta don't understand what you said  :-\

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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2009, 03:14:34 PM »
Hey, Warrior, welcome to the boards!

It appears that you mostly have access to common/uncommons and starter deck cards. Is that correct?

A second question is do you have enough cards to make a deck with one good brigade and one evil brigade? (Instaposted with Soul Seeker.)

Lastly, it's really good that you are asking about a 56 card deck. Soul Seeker is absolutely correct below when he says that a small deck shows you are on the right path, because it shows you are understanding how the game works.  :thumbup:
« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 03:23:44 PM by EmJayBee83 »

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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2009, 03:15:57 PM »
I really don't see anything but some thrown together cards I mean white but not Musicians or TGt...really?

Caleb, I think that is uncalled for.  He has stated that he's new, and therefore one should keep that in mind when giving advice.

So what do you recommend I do? I sorta don't understand what you said  :-\

Never mind what Caleb said.  He is coming from a viewpoint that you own "every" card.  My advice for newer players is this.  Try to narrow down to one brigade on offense, and one brigade on defense.  That way, you will have enhancements that will always match your heroes or evil characters.  Once you begin to collect more cards, then you may want to consider to branch from that a little bit.
    :) You already have a good idea in including site access (temple veil) because sites are kind of popular.  Also, another good thing is that you have included sites which help your defense by limiting what offenses can come after you.  If you have them, try to include a few more sites, the more of the same color helps your defense a bit more.  Third, you are on the right track by keeping your deck pretty small.  It helps getting to your Dominants faster!  :)

Finally, Welcome to the Redemption boards.
noob with a medal


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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2009, 03:19:02 PM »
Firstly, hi and welcome to the boards :)

This deck is decent for being one of your first ones. Solomon's Temple doesn't do much help beings you only have 2 artifacts, I'd take that out. You sites can slow down your opponent a little, however I'd take them out because there are better things you could put in. You may want to add an additional site access if you have one though, such as Priestly Crown, The Ends of the Earth, or New Jerusalem. Your enhancement support is decent, there are some powerful cards in your deck that some top players use such as Baalm's Disobedience, Bronze Cymbals, etc.

It'll be hard at first beings you probably don't have a lot of cards, but I suggest using 1 good brigade for offense and 1 brigade for defense. This deck will work for now, just make sure to play "Booster Draft" a couple of times at your tournaments; as it is one of the cheapest and best ways to get cards.

On a side note: You can't have 2 "Dream" cards in your deck. For effect cards, it is 1 card per 50 in your deck.

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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2009, 03:23:57 PM »
This deck is decent for being one of your first ones. Solomon's Temple ...
On a side note: You can't have 2 "Dream" cards in your deck. For effect cards, it is 1 card per 50 in your deck.

oops, I missed those two points....good job Sauce.   You cannot have 2 dreams like Sauce said!  One of them HAS to come out of your deck.  There is a limited number of things that can go in Solomon's temple and "Temple Veil" is NOT one of them.  Until you get more cards, then you may want to consider pulling it out.

I do disagree with Sauce on the the early stage, I think it will help more than hurt.  They can do one of two things for you.  Either grant you access or hide souls.  Sites are more of a personal preference so rely on your own judgment with those.
noob with a medal


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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2009, 03:26:23 PM »
<I forgot to put this in my last post>

There are no silver brigade evil cards, that is Gray brigade ;).


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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2009, 04:45:34 PM »
How do I make a winning deck? Are there certain strategies? Thanks!

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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2009, 05:01:09 PM »
There are a bunch of strategies that give the opportunity to win.  Along with those strategies, it takes practice to eliminate mistakes.  Having a strong understanding of the rules and Reg helps this process as well.

There are cards you need to help your deck to be a whole lot stronger.  That, unfortunately, will cost you money.  If money is not hard to come by for you, then there is a list of cards that (you appear not to have) are in almost every deck.  Then there are other semi-expensive cards that help particular strategies....and are in almost all of those top strategy decks.

   Some traditionally strong strategies are:
           speed    (offense heavy)
           FBtN with supplemental
           Ignore  (Garden Tomb and Zeb. decks-->offense)
           Stand alone (on Defense)
           Capture  (on Defense)

That is but a sample.  Practice and Learn the rules is the first step.  As you get better at playing and your collection increases, then you can start nailing down a strategy that particularly suits you.
noob with a medal

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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2009, 05:43:47 PM »
Let me point you to a post I did about the stages of Redemption players.  It might help you :)


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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2009, 05:54:01 PM »
I tried that in this deck. Where did I go wrong? Thanks!

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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2009, 06:32:13 PM »
I tried that in this deck. Where did I go wrong? Thanks!
You tried what?
As a national champion, I support ReyZen deck pouches.


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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2009, 09:47:12 PM »
if you have a G/H, you might want to consider Moses, he is one of the best heroes, and if you can get a Transfiguration, it works even better. Covenant of Moses is also effective on him, as well as Godspeed... now, don't go and buy all those cards, but if you have one or two, that can help your deck. He doesn't need alot of enhancements, because 8/8 is decent numbers, and if you draw him early, you could get a few free lost souls.

Also, narrow it down to one brigade on offence, one on defence (except for Moses  ;)), it would be helpful if you bought a Rock of Ages or Faith of our Fathers tin.

also, welcome to the boards!

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Re: Plz Rate My Deck
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2009, 10:11:53 PM »
it would be helpful if you bought a Rock of Ages or Faith of our Fathers tin.

Agreed. Once you decide what brigades you want to play, you can go out and buy the relevant RoA/FooF tins to seriously boost your deck's abilities. Those tins each center around an offensive and defensive theme, like Babylonians for crimson, Angels for silver, Prophets for green, Assyrians for pale green, etc. and are great starting points for newer players. :)
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