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Redemption® Collectible Trading Card Game HQ => Deck Building & Design => Type 1 Deck Advice => Topic started by: southpawami on October 13, 2009, 09:53:40 PM

Title: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 13, 2009, 09:53:40 PM
***modified Monday, January 11th 2009***
This is my present deck. What do you think would make it better?

Deck: (50)

Dominants (5)
Son of God
Angel of the Lord
Grapes of Wrath
Christian Martyr

Fortresses (4)
The Name of the Lord
Chamber of Angels
The Pit

Artifacts / Covenants (1)
Golden Calf

Good characters (8)
Captain of the Host
The Strong Angel
Angel in the Path
Elders of Israel

Good enhancements (10)
Not Alone
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Beings
Pillar of Fire
Witnesses to Creation
Help from Heaven
Angelic Advice

The Fourth Seal
Might of Angels
Everlasting Beings

Evil characters (7)
Panic Demons (3) brown, black, crimson
King Ahaz
Red Dragon
Emperor Claudius

Evil enhancements (7)
Love of Money
Lying unto God
Pharaoh's Murderous Order
Preemptive Strike

Lost Souls (5 - AW) plus 2
Lost Soul - Acts 11:18 - N.T. only
Lost Loul - Jeremiah 7:18 - female only

Sites - 1
The Ends of the Earth - N.T. heroes have access to all sites.  If no N.T. hero is in battle, return this card from battle to territory.

Offense: I think this is a bypass offense.  There are five ignore/immune/cannot block cards, one search card, and one shuffle all artifacts card.  Two heros immune to the brigades of gray, pale green, and brown.  There are two mass damage cards for ECs.  Fortresses are present to prevent capture and discard damage.
Defense: I think this is a delay defense.  Fortresses are there to prevent and delay game.  Initially discard the demons with the angels into the Tartaros fortress, then use Admiral which sits in The Pit fortress to call the decks demons to battle for their special abilities.  Emperor Claudius exists to delay NT heroes.  Attempt to keep the EC special abilities and enhancements SAs via Golden Calf.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: browarod on October 13, 2009, 10:04:48 PM
Demonic Stronghold seems a waste of space with only 1 evil capture enhancement, even if you can recur it once. Having Name of the Lord and Chamber of Angels seems redundant. Also, the fact that only one of your evil enhancements and very few of your good enhancements are battle winners seems problematic.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on October 13, 2009, 10:47:17 PM
Dominants (4) it's all I got
-Son of God
-Angel of the Lord
-Christian Martyr
Add: Don, Mayhem, New Jeruselum, Falling Away or GoYS (either one)

-The Name of the Lord - Take this out. It is redundant. Yo uwant to win battles not withdraw
-Chamber of Angels - if angel is being discarded, it goes here instead. in two turns it goes to top of draw pile - holds any number of heroes
-Spiritual Realm - hoder's demons can't be captured, weapon class enhancements worth 0/0 when holder demon is in battle
Demonic Strongholds - I would take this out. You don't have enough captures to make this effective

-Golden Calf - prevent special abilities on O.T. heroes. cannot be negated. (this, Spiritual Realm, CoA, and Fourth Living Creature at the same time was a nightmare to my friends Kings deck.)
-Miraculous Handkerchiefs - all heroes in holder's territory and set-aside areas cannot be discarded.  Effects of enhancements cards, poisons, and diseases are delayed until Miraculous Handkerchiefs is removed
-I am Justice - You are better off adding Ark of the Covenant. It works whether your character is discarded or not
I am Creator - I don't think that you need this with your defense being so light.
Add: Chariot of Fire, Holy Grail

-The Ends of the Earth (no limit to use if used by heroes for site access - N.T. heroes have access to all sites.  If no N.T. hero is in battle, return this card from battle to territory.)

Lost Souls(7)
AW (5)  Starter Deck (1)  Priests (1)

Captain of the Host (W) 10/10
The Strong Angel (W) 10/8
Paladin, the Fighter (W) 7/7 I don't see him as a strong angel
Arianna (W) 8/7
Swift (W)9/9 & Eli (W) 6/7 Useless IMO But i could be wrong. I just wouldn't play them
Angel at Jerusalem 2/2 (initiative) -Take him out. Better Heros to put in
Add: Angel of the Harvest. Rids decks of cards nice and has great #'s. Michael of course. Gabriel He is a splash in some decks so why not put him in his own kind XD. Angel in the Path. Access to any site and is warrior class. I splash him with silver/white deck Great combo

HE (10)
set asides (2)
Protection of Jerusalem - Take out
Fourth Living Creature - Take out
banding (2)
Army of the Lord - All warrior angels band - can't be negated if played on Captain of the Host
Working Together - It would only be effective if you play it on michael because if TSA comes in everybody gets pushed back
Wings - Not a battle winner and takes up space
Flaming Sword - negate one enhancement
Protection of Angels - This takes up space to me
Captain's Sword - Switch out for Angel's Sword
The Fourth Seal - Put 3 Angels in for this. It is a better choice XD
Preaching the Truth - You have no humans to play this on. All of them are Angels
Add: Victory

Bad Guys(9)
6 x Panic Demons - I think all 6 of them are unnecessary. Do three maybe and add other great grey cards in here
-Saul/Paul 11/10
Shadow 4/7 - Your Demonic isn't strong enough
Elymas (Bar-Jesus) the Sorcerer - Does nothing for the battle. But can be good in some cases
Add: Emperor Nero. Can't think of anybody else right now
-Demonic Snare - Capture a Hero
-Twice Afflicted - search discard pile for gray enhancement and use it
-Enticed - place on lost soul, while this card remains holder's demons gain 3/3 (.. a dream with panic demons in numbers .. guards with this is ridiculous)
-Love of Money - evil character may use enhancements from any/all evil brigades
I don't think that 4 enhancements are going to last you for an entire game. I think you should include maybe 4 more enhancements in here

I made this deck so I could have offense and defense in the numbers of 30+ in a turn... and it can do that.  But it doesn't protect banding abilities and there are probably plenty of issues with it.  Please tell me your opinion.

I am thinking about adding the set aside for protecting covenants from discard... especially if I put I am Patience in there instead of I am Creator.

Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 14, 2009, 12:03:19 AM
3 Liner and a bag of chips, you're right... that conversion requires a human.  How did I miss that?

How do I say this... I don't have any of the cards you've suggested except Gabriel.  Have some white brigade though.  Have been thinking of silver/white for quite some time.  Covenants I am truth and I am love would be amazing for White.  Don't have Michael or Michael's Sword.

I do have I am Patience?

I don't really have any powerful evil characters....

The only evil characters I have are AW or the efgh starter decks
panic demons
-all six
obsidian demons (3 are gold)
-all five
-morgan, admiral, graven
shadow - search for demonic stronghold
-morg - release one hero from demonic stronghold to search for one enhancement depicting morg to play in present battle
-herod the great - no banding for good cards
-cubus - search for spiritual realm. bands to female evil character, worldly woman

nearly all of the AW enhancements are placed enhancements for crippling an opponent throughout the game... have roughly 142 out of 150 AW cards... it's the only expansion I've focused on.  Can you suggest out of those cards?
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 14, 2009, 12:33:03 AM
Broward, I guess I have about 5 one card wins, besides working together and army of the Lord, I have 'immune to selected brigade', 'immune to humans', 'ignore all humans'.  They are all numberless, and only saul/paul in my deck would be able to pull it off without a negate issue.  Michael (L) would also if I had him.  I have Witnesses of Creation also, which is a set aside for 7 turns, then angel can't be blocked.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on October 14, 2009, 11:02:06 AM
3 Liner and a bag of chips, you're right... that conversion requires a human.  How did I miss that?

How do I say this... I don't have any of the cards you've suggested except Gabriel.  Have some white brigade though.  Have been thinking of silver/white for quite some time.  Covenants I am truth and I am love would be amazing for White.  Don't have Michael or Michael's Sword.

I do have I am Patience?

I don't really have any powerful evil characters....

The only evil characters I have are AW or the efgh starter decks
panic demons
-all six
obsidian demons (3 are gold)
-all five
-morgan, admiral, graven
shadow - search for demonic stronghold
-morg - release one hero from demonic stronghold to search for one enhancement depicting morg to play in present battle
-herod the great - no banding for good cards
-cubus - search for spiritual realm. bands to female evil character, worldly woman

nearly all of the AW enhancements are placed enhancements for crippling an opponent throughout the game... have roughly 142 out of 150 AW cards... it's the only expansion I've focused on.  Can you suggest out of those cards?

Hey it's cool When I did my angel offense, I barely had any of the cards that were staples for them. All I had was Gab, FBTN TSA and Arriana. But I made it work. That is all you have to do. I have faith you can XD
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 14, 2009, 11:55:39 AM
modified the deck.. maybe this deck is going more towards the theme of the cards I have.  Please tell me what you think.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: xCaLeBx on October 14, 2009, 12:20:13 PM
you could always make a deck on rts that you don't have many of the cards for and then week by week eventually get all the cards. Thats what I do  :)
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on October 14, 2009, 12:26:26 PM
you could always make a deck on rts that you don't have many of the cards for and then week by week eventually get all the cards. Thats what I do  :)

Yeah or if you are me, spend every extra cent on cards for the new deck you need so you can test it out. lol But little by little is def the key. And if it doesn't work out, then at least you have all the cards you bought for your collection. XD
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 14, 2009, 12:49:25 PM
lol, that bad, huh?

What about if I do this:
take two weapon class enhancements out and put in "interrupt battle and play next enhancement" and "working together"
(the issue with Gabriel is that he just isn't warrior class or revelation... he is 10/10, but he just doesn't work together with other angels in banding, except with Three Angels in Patriarchs.  His SA is useful.)

put Morgan 10/11 (W), King Ahaz 7/7 (W), and Admiral 6/7 (W) in there and use them to play placed enhancements and play lacking sleep to weaken toughness turn after turn by 1/1, then play weakness in a player's territory to give me initiative in every block
then use that initiative to capture with gray
then use those captured heroes as search tools for enhancements during battle for Morg (W) 9/10

Is that any better?
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on October 14, 2009, 11:45:23 PM
Great stragedy with Morg. But I still don't think that you should have no weapon classes because of Gabe. Yes he is great but he isn't the main angel to use. I only use him for his ability. If he dies oh well, I have Michael, TSA, CotH and others who can win battles easily. So please keep in Angel's Sword. It will be well worth it. Trust me.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 15, 2009, 11:45:10 AM
Okay.. i'm listening.  So... throw in Gabriel and defense combo looks good.

Since king ahaz uses any old testament enhancement, the capture enhancement can be played with him.
what I'm looking at doing
-br ee
1. Rebellious - place this card on a Hero. while this card remains, negate the Hero's special ability and decrease Hero 0/1 per turn. (disease)
2. Lacking Sleep - hero decreases 1/1 per turn until */1.  While hero is Lacking Sleep, player must allow the opponent to play the first enhancement (disease)
3. Seeds of Rebellion - place this card on a Hero.  While this card remains, Hero decreases 0/2 per turn. (disease)
4. Weakness - place this card in a player's territory.  if that person control's a Hero in battle that has decreased toughness, the blocker has initiative
5. Great Mourning - opponent may not make a rescue attempt next turn
<< ? 6. Stolen Idols - all banding of heroes is negated ? - banding has been one of the only ways my friends have ever beaten Morgan >>

because of Ahaz... i could capture with the OT gray and OT pale green capture cards I have... but if he died, that combo would be broken
realized I had that providing angel who calls for healing enhancement from draw or discard pile, which allows I am healing covenant to be called, allowing Saul to be converted to Paul which enhancements played on him cannot be negated.  (basically, Paul acts as my missing Michael)
the search for Morg enhancements are limited to Morg depicted in the enhancements, which are
1. pushed back, 2. evil arises 3/3, 3. knocked to the ground 3/3, 4. intent to kill 6/0, 5. blade of death (W) 3/2
(2 and 4 are probably the one card winners in a battle, though 5 would be useful to say the least.)

Will post change after I figure it out.. might drop artifacts & covenants to just 2 or 3.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on October 15, 2009, 11:48:11 AM
You couldnt be abto to pull i am healing with providing angel. That is technically a covenant. You can't pull it out
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: Minister Polarius on October 15, 2009, 06:47:23 PM
Morg is awful. The only cards he can search for that are remotely useful are Torment and Intent to Kill. Torment is way easier to recur with Providing Angel, and Intent to Kill is a very mediocre card in a Brigade that is oozing with strong Enhancements.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 16, 2009, 01:03:02 AM
Alright.. I made some modifications... since I'm reading what all of you write, it's getting difficult to say much but that the angel war defense either causes headaches for the opponent or stinks.  I'm sure there's a master of placed enhancements and I don't know if I ever want to play against them.

I threw out the whole Paul idea... keeping the weapon enhancements two turns may win two souls.
so... 6 weapon class enhancements, 3 protection enhancements---> Fourth Living Creature, Flaming Sword, and Protection of Angels
seems a shame The Name of the LORD isn't in with CoH.. don't know if that will change.

Gabriel replaced Paladin, Kira lost her place to Eli the Priest which searches for any OT artifact in the draw pile.
(OT Golden Calf ruined a friends two favorite warrior class SAs only characters)
Eli stayed because weapon class enhancements can't be negated or discarded

I am Justice is getting replaced by I am Patience.  (I am Patience only requires a failed rescue attempt not a loss of hero for it's SA, and it's only limit is once per turn.  I am Justice has a two discard limit.)

Evil -
chucked the whole complex combos... threw in Cubus for the search for Spiritual Realm and Shadow for the search for Demonic Strongholds
plus 6 panic demons
found four captures, two evil banding protection cards (Besieged - curse, Midianite Attack), two LS lost cards (Great Mourning, Mission Deviation), and one set aside hero (Infectious Disease)
i figure w/spiritual realm out - demons can't get captured AND opponents heros weapon enhancements are worth 0/0, and demons can't get converted, w/demonic strongholds each panic demon will get 1/1 stronger per capture, and evil banding protection means the opponent could get hit with all panic demon SAs at one time in the best case scenario.  
may trade out two with negates or nukes(kill everything in battle)
seems like a simpler defense idea. - only need to figure out a discard defense.

Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on October 16, 2009, 11:15:36 AM
cool. now all you have to do is to test this out. Hopefully it turns out good for you. But remember each player can have the same exact identical deck and only two people be good with it. Everybody plays different. Just trial and error bud XD
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 16, 2009, 06:32:27 PM
Thanks, 3-Liner And Bags of Chips.  I don't get to play it till Tuesday.

Now, I'm starting to wonder... as I was reading the cards SAs, whenever a demon that's a */7 is inside The Pit, Three Nails is negated.  I just looked up Three Nails... I thought it was an enhancement... It's an (L) Artifact!  ouch.  So, with a demon defense, you just have to have The Pit in there.  Guess it's meant for Shadow, after he calls (L) 'The Darkness' or 'Demonic Strongholds', you throw him into 'The Pit' to negate Three Nails the entire game and use Gabriel to search and find their discard set aside enhancement. I was also thinking about it, and thought that as my Panic Demons gain 1/1, they start losing initiative in playing the first enhancement, which wrecks the whole capture strategy.  Almost makes me want to have Red Dragon, and (L) The Darkness... throw Red Dragon in The Darkness, disable OT special abilites via Eli the Priest search for OT artifact, then when it looks like my defense is gone, pop up immune to humans.  (don't have (L) The Darkness though... but sounds like a really frustrating combo for a friend.)

How would you use (L) 'The Darkness'?
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: Minister Polarius on October 17, 2009, 03:23:13 PM
What's with the (L)?
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 17, 2009, 11:02:05 PM
maybe that was confusing... it was helping me differentiate ultra-rare with everything else.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on October 18, 2009, 10:55:17 AM
Usually (L) is for limited (UL) is unlimited and (R) for rare (UR) for utlra rare and so forth. But once you get this deck together. I would love to play you on RTS once if you like to test it some time. WE just have to set up a time
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 23, 2009, 01:19:16 AM
Played the deck... seemed to work well.  The flaw in the whole strategy was the discard issue.  Friend used AotL to kill off the pale green panic demon, then later when five panic demons were pulled, two opponents heroes captured giving the 1/1 twice to every one of the five panic demons, he used a push back card to push back the gray panic demon who had the only capture with numbers added to the strength and toughness... losing 8/8 on the numbers.  He was able to come at me so strong due to earlier changing one of his 10/10 evil characters to good to weaken his defense.  My friend banded this new hero to his bander in his kings deck, and was able to start with 17 strength to my 20 toughness before captures.  The battle finished as he had 2 negates in his hand plus a copy last enhancement played card.  After my defense was squashed, it was only a matter of turns.

The curse that prevented banding from being negated, plus Spiritual Realm fortress which makes weapon class enhancements 0/0 and prevents capturing demons, were both in play, which was probably why he kept discarding so often.  I think I have a brown curse that prevents the opponent from playing enhancements... might think about that... as it would have changed the game.

So... was it the weaknesses in my deck, or my fault for converting his 10/10 evil guy to a hero?
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: Prof Underwood on October 23, 2009, 09:19:21 AM
It seems like you have made a decent deck here as a beginning player, and it's probably a fun one to play with.  I would suggest a few changes though.  I realize that you don't have all the cards, but I would gradually switch these out as you can come up with them.

The Name of the Lord - this is a great card, but having it AND chamber of angels is redundant
Spiritual Realm - most heroes don't try to capture and weapon class #'s aren't that important to worry about
Demonic Stronghold - again gaining the #'s won't really help you that much normally
Priestly Breastplate - most of the ignoring in the game comes from TGT which isn't stopped by this
I am Sustainer - again #'s aren't really that important
Paladin, the Fighter - too small for #'s, too big for initiative, and a lame special ability
Fourth Living Creature - you lose the ability to use a hero for protection, Blue Tassels is better
Weapon of the Holy 3/1 - again #'s aren't really that important
Weapon of the Light 2/* - again #'s aren't really that important
Sword of the Fighter 3/2 - again #'s aren't really that important
Sword of the Guardian 3/2 - again #'s aren't really that important

2-3 more angels (Gabriel, 1 with site access, and eventually Michael)
Jacob (who would band to all your other GCs)
3 more GEs of either blue or silver (probably 1 or 2 blue negates, and victory)
4 more EEs that win battles (ie. capture, discard, remove, convert, etc.)
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 24, 2009, 12:29:40 AM
k, updated the deck on the first post to what my current deck is.

i agree professor, my offense could use some work.  i do have battle winner cards for my offense, but with my friend having such a heavy collection of negates, it's difficult to imagine them very useful without a character that enhancements can't be negated on or an artifact that prevents negating. It's the negates that moved me towards warrior class enhancements.  When you see 3 battle winner enhancements get negated right after each other in the same battle... then see another enhancement negated in a later battle, the battle winner cards don't seem like they win so many battles.

my current ee's have 5 battle winners; 4 captures, 1 set aside... since the defense of the deck is based on panic demons, the 1/1 additional per demon from demonic stronghold adds significant numbers each capture... 5 little demons together add 5 toughness and 5 strength per capture... which brings a 10/20 to a 15/25 in one card.  And best yet, those numbers last as long as the captured heroes stay captured.

My other option with the cards that I have is to make a cripple panic demon defense, and use the placed enhancements all over the territory and then the battle.  As they add no points, one panic demon with starter deck multi ee that plays any brigade enhancement with Holy of Holies artifact up might make a serious nightmare to an opponent.  After a series of enhancements, a card like Babel that lets you band every evil character in play into battle would just finish the job by the numbers.  Since Holy of Holies prevents negates, ignores, and immunes, the next turn I'd guess I could just turn it over, and every placed enhancement would have full effect.  Alas, I don't have Holy of Holies.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: Prof Underwood on October 24, 2009, 09:54:43 PM
k, updated the deck on the first post to what my current deck is.
You took out The Strong Angel ???

He needs to go back in there :)
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 25, 2009, 11:58:57 PM
You took out The Strong Angel Huh

He needs to go back in there Smiley

wow, a mistake for sure.  :o  

was just looking at 3-liners previous comments, he said to put that low numbers Angel of the Path warrior angel that has all sites access.  I do have him, but I wonder who to get rid of to put him in.  I really like Eli warrior angel because all the negates one friend has don't work on him. Guess Swift is out, because Arianna can get me access to the lost soul that requires a female or Son of God.

So... Captain of the Host, The Strong Angel, Gabriel, Arianna, Angel of the Path, Eli

Yea, it's a total beginners deck for sure... I just don't have the crazy cards that the longer collectors do.  Blue Tassels looks neat. You are right. And I can see why it's better, as it protects at least 3 angels my fourth living creature doesn't, and doesn't require an angel to use.  Eventually Michael, yes, yes, I agree.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on October 26, 2009, 12:02:49 AM
I never said to take out TSA thought. IMO he is a staple. Him, Michael, Gabe, Arianna, and Angel in the Path are. But the characters in depend on what you want to do with it or how you play.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on October 26, 2009, 12:06:49 AM
lol  ;D

I never said to take out TSA thought. IMO he is a staple. Him, Michael, Gabe, Arianna, and Angel in the Path are. But the characters in depend on what you want to do with it or how you play.

I was just thinking to keep Arianna over Swift because of the Lost Soul card that needs a female to rescue.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on October 26, 2009, 12:11:18 AM
And She protects your deck and heroes in territory i believe from harm too.
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on October 26, 2009, 12:12:41 AM
ooooh!!! I just thought of a cool combo i used to do with my angels. There is this one covenant i can't remember the name that lets you discard a good card from hand to discard an evil character i believe in play. Use this with chambers and it is all over lol XD Worked pretty good with me...
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: RTSmaniac on October 26, 2009, 12:40:47 AM
how about ariana with mayhem so you can keep your hand?
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on October 26, 2009, 01:01:43 PM
how about ariana with mayhem so you can keep your hand?

Nice. didn't think of that one lol
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on January 05, 2010, 08:58:27 PM
After reading what everyone wrote and now playing a few games since then of two and three person, I've changed up this deck a bit.

Please tell me what you think.  Do you think it needs a lot more work?

Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on January 05, 2010, 11:12:50 PM
ooooh!!! I just thought of a cool combo i used to do with my angels. There is this one covenant i can't remember the name that lets you discard a good card from hand to discard an evil character i believe in play. Use this with chambers and it is all over lol XD Worked pretty good with me...

Ponders... it's not a bad idea.  "I am Holy" is the AW covenant that can get rid of characters & enhancements.  I tried that though.  The words... "upon activation, ..." are first, so my friends ruled against it more than once per turn.  I am Holy does force the hand to be revealed if there is no evil cards to discard.  I'll try it again with I am Holy, but this time combine it with CoH(i discarded enhancements last time).  Thanks for the tip.  ;D
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on January 05, 2010, 11:14:38 PM
how about ariana with mayhem so you can keep your hand?

I can't find the card mayhem in the card list.  What is it?  Where's it from?  What does it do?
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: browarod on January 06, 2010, 10:43:32 AM
Mayhem, and the rest of the cards in the latest set, are in a separate section of the REG located here (

Here's the specific info for Mayhem:

Type: Grim Reaper • Brigade: • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: Each player must shuffle hand into deck to draw six. • Identifiers: None • Verse: Isaiah 59:7 • Availability: Thesaurus ex Preteritus booster packs ()
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on January 06, 2010, 10:53:54 PM
Mayhem, and the rest of the cards in the latest set, are in a separate section of the REG located here (

Here's the specific info for Mayhem:

Type: Grim Reaper • Brigade: • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: Each player must shuffle hand into deck to draw six. • Identifiers: None • Verse: Isaiah 59:7 • Availability: Thesaurus ex Preteritus booster packs ()

So, it's a bit like Hur, just multiplayer?
Title: Re: Please help me with my Angel deck... tell me your opinions.
Post by: southpawami on January 08, 2010, 12:10:35 PM
Morg is awful. The only cards he can search for that are remotely useful are Torment and Intent to Kill. Torment is way easier to recur with Providing Angel, and Intent to Kill is a very mediocre card in a Brigade that is oozing with strong Enhancements.

I didn't really read this and think about it till now.  Providing Angel recurring Torment... very cool.
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