Author Topic: Not looking for the traditional cut to 50 answer, but would like solid in put.  (Read 3077 times)

Offline jbeers285

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70 cards
Gold Hero's 4

Silver hero's (4)
Gabriel (wa)

Multi Color Hero's (3)
Samuel (Gold/Green)
Joseph (Blue/Green)
Ezekiel (Green/Teal)

Green Hero's (3)
Armor bearer

Blue Hero's (2)

Gold enhancements (2)
Samuels Edict
Deborah's Directive   

Blue Enhancements (2)
Reuben's Torn Clothes
Abraham's Descendants 

Silver Enhancements (3)
Angelic Guidance 
Angelic News
Striking Herod

Multi-color good enhancements (3)
Wheel within a Wheel (green/silver)
Live Coal (green/silver)
Spiritual Warfare (green/sliver)

Dual alignment cards (2)
Forest Fire (green/crimson)
Drawn Sword (green/crimson)

Artifacts (4)
Iron Pan
Magic Charms
I Am Holy
Hidden Treasures

Dom's (9)
Vain Philosophy
Christian Martyr
Falling Away

Souls (10)
Female only
NT only

Crimson Characters (6)
Babylonian Soldiers
King Belshazzar
King Merodach-Baladan
Judas Iscariot

Multi Color EC (4)
Foreign Wives
Winged lion

Evil Enhancements (7)
Swift Horses
Carried into exile
Head of Gold
Desecrate the Temple
Belshazzar's Banquet
Nebuchadnezzar's Pride

Multi Color Evil enhancements (2)
invoking terror
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I feel like your offense is trying to be too many themes at once. You have some Judges stuff, some Genesis stuff, and some FBTN stuff. I'd recommend taking out the Genesis stuff as they function the best as their own theme (or in Herolite with Zeb).

I also only count 9 Lost Souls (not 10) and one of them is the Hopper. I'm assuming one was missed in your typing. :P


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Regardless of the direction you want to go with the deck I would suggest the following cards for a Crimson defense:

Darius' Decree
Christian Suing Another (cbi when your dd is active_
Sarah's Jealousy (cbi assuming you pick a color they are not playing, works great with your spread offense and works super good with your Joseph or a Holy Grail)
Imitating Evil To get a cbi/cbn battle winner back
And Great Image,  to good to pass up if your are playing 70 cards. It would be tough to find a slot for it in a 56 in which case I would ignore it. The other 3 should go with any crimson build imo.

If you keep the build at 70 I would cut offense to add some of this defense. If you went smaller I guess you are going to have to cut a little of both.

Offline Prof Underwood

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10 ECs is not nearly enough for a 70 card deck.  This will lead to too many draws where you pull out some of your many LSs, and end up just giving them away because you don't have anyone to block with.  You probably need at least 5 more ECs.

Offline Isildur

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Whats the reasoning for 70 cards?
3 Prophets Packs ftw

Offline jbeers285

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Whats the reasoning for 70 cards?

Honestly no real reason I just want something totally different to
Go with. Plus at 70 defensive heavy won't shut me down and it should have enough defense to stand up.
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Offline AJ

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10 ECs is not nearly enough for a 70 card deck.  This will lead to too many draws where you pull out some of your many LSs, and end up just giving them away because you don't have anyone to block with.  You probably need at least 5 more ECs.
Hes not trying to run defense heavy or balanced so i dont think he needs the other ECs not every 70 card deck is defense heavy :P
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Offline Nameless

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10 ECs is not nearly enough for a 70 card deck.  This will lead to too many draws where you pull out some of your many LSs, and end up just giving them away because you don't have anyone to block with.  You probably need at least 5 more ECs.
Hes not trying to run defense heavy or balanced so i dont think he needs the other ECs not every 70 card deck is defense heavy :P
But 70 cards speed decks have never really been the rage, for a reason.

Offline Prof Underwood

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Hes not trying to run defense heavy or balanced so i dont think he needs the other ECs not every 70 card deck is defense heavy :P
My experience is that 70 card decks only work at top levels if they are defense-heavy.

If they are offense-heavy, then they'll still be slower than a 50 card speed deck, and they won't have enough defense to stop those speed decks.

If they are balanced, then they will be VERY susceptible to a poor draw on either offense OR defense that will end up costing them the game.

If they are defense-heavy (and fast), then they will always have enough power to stop the super-fast and super-strong offenses of opponents, and can therefore wait until they end up drawing whatever small offense they need to get to 5.


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@Jbeers how about you test the deck on RTS an see how it goes? That's probably the best way to find out. Then you can cut it down if you need to.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 07:48:06 PM by TheHobbit »

Offline jbeers285

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@Jbeers how about you test the deck on RTS an see how it goes? That's probably the best way to find out. Then you can cut it down if you need to.

Good thought but
1. It's very hard to find t1 games on rts right now
2. If you do find one people aren't playing meta decks bc it's off season
3. 80% of games on rts in my experience has resulted in playing against defensive heavy decks.
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I can get RTS up and running by tomorrow and can play you with a 52 card Disciples Pharisees meta deck sometime if you would like. Besides Justin seems lonely over there in the chat box haha.  ;)

Offline jbeers285

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I can get RTS up and running by tomorrow and can play you with a 52 card Disciples Pharisees meta deck sometime if you would like. Besides Justin seems lonely over there in the chat box haha.  ;)

That would be cool for me if you didn't mind and I played Justin 2 games of T2 tonight lol
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Offline Prof Underwood

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3. 80% of games on rts in my experience has resulted in playing against defensive heavy decks.
Maybe this indicates that it's fun for people to play defensive heavy decks and have real battles.  If only tournaments had longer time limits (like RTS games), so that people were free to play the game for the most fun :)

Offline christiangamer25

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yeah and ban hand control which only kills fun
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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3. 80% of games on rts in my experience has resulted in playing against defensive heavy decks.
Maybe this indicates that it's fun for people to play defensive heavy decks and have real battles.  If only tournaments had longer time limits (like RTS games), so that people were free to play the game for the most fun :)

It's not fun, don't worry. Defense is just brokenly good.


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