This is my first try at an a-bomb deck. I didn't really know what to beef up the defense with, so I just threw in some standalones

Cards in deck: 51
Lost Souls: 8
Lost Soul (Beggar)
Lost Soul (can't be prevented)
Lost Soul (Female Only)
Lost Soul (hopper)
Lost Soul (revealer)
Lost Soul (shuffler)
Lost Soul (Shut Door)
Lost Soul (Wanderer)
Lamb Dominants: 5
Angel of the Lord
Grapes of Wrath
Guardian Of Your Souls
New Jerusalem
Son of God
Grim Reaper Dominants: 5
Christian Martyr
Destruction of Nehushtan
Falling Away
Fortresses: 2
High Places
House in Bethany
Multi-Color Sites: 1
The Ends of the Earth
Artifacts: 6
Burial Shroud
Chariot of Fire
Gifts of the Magi
Samaritan Water Jar
The Master's Table
Unholy Writ
Purple Covenant Cards: 1
The New Covenant (Bread and Wine)
Gold Heroes: 9
Good Samaritan
The Generous Widow
The Thankful Leper
The Woman at the Well
Watchful Servant
Green Heroes: 1
Gold Hero Enhancements: 8
Convincing Miracle
Fishers of Men
Furnace of God's Wrath
Hospitality of Martha
Meeting the Messiah
Repentance and Restitution
Samuel's Edict
Multi-Color Evil Characters: 5
The Goat with Horn
The Winged Leopard
The Amalikite's Slave
Antiochus IV Epiphanes
Black Evil Characters: 1
Simon the Magician
Brown Evil Characters: 1
Black Evil Enhancements: 4
Abomination of Desolation
Joseph in Prison
Wrath of Satan
Brown Evil Enhancements: 1
Haman's Plot