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58 cards
58 cardsGood Dominants: 6HTNJSoGAotLGoYSGrapesEvil Dominants: 5FACMBurialDoNLSs: 7Revealer1st Round2-linerShufflerNT OnlyFemale OnlyWandererFortresses: 3Fishing BoatWoPHerod's TempleMulti coloured sites: 1The Ends of the EarthArtifacts: 4Four Drachama CoinChariot of FireUnholy WritLampstandMulti Coloured Hero: 1Simon the ZealonRed Heros: 1PeterPurple Heros: 8BartholomewJames, son of AlphaesJames, son of ZebedeeJohnMatthewPhillipThaddeasThomasMulti Enhancements: 4Brass SerpentFall like LighteningPentecostPreaching the TruthPurple Enhancements: 2AoCPReach of DesperationGray Evil Characters: 8Emperor AugustusEmperor GalbaEmperor NeroEmperor OthoEmperor VitelliusPontius PilotLying SpiritSabbath BreakerMulti Coloured Enhancements: 3Expecting the JewsLying Unto GodRomans Destroy JerusalemGray Enhancements: 6Balaam's disobedienceDeluge of RainFalse PeaceHeavy TaxesNamaan's Chariot and HorsesNight RaidAdvise is much appreciated.
You have 58 cards?
58 cardsGood Dominants: 6HTNJSoGAotLGoYSGrapesEvil Dominants: 5FACMBurialDoNMayhemLSs: 7Revealer1st Round2-linerShufflerNT OnlyFemale OnlyWandererFortresses: 3WoPHerod's TempleFishing BoatArtifacts: 4Four Drachama CoinChariot of FireUnholy WritLampstandDenariusHoHMulti Coloured Hero: 1Simon the ZealonRed Heros: 1PeterPurple Heros: 8BartholomewJames, son of AlphaesJames, son of ZebedeeJohnMatthewPhillipThaddeasThomasMulti Enhancements: 4Brass SerpentFall like LighteningPentecostPassover HymePreaching the TruthPurple Enhancements: 5AoCPReach of DesperationMy Lord and My GodFaith as a Musterd Seed Sons of Thunder (unless this card is played another way than I think.. its all but worthless..)Gray Evil Characters: 7Emperor AugustusEmperor GalbaEmperor NeroEmperor OthoEmperor VitelliusPontius PilotSabbath BreakerMulti Coloured Enhancements: 2Expelling the JewsRomans Destroy JerusalemGray Enhancements: 6Balaam's disobedienceDeluge of RainFalse PeaceHeavy TaxesNamaan's Chariot and HorsesNight RaidAdvise is much appreciated.