Author Topic: My Red/Gray deck  (Read 1833 times)

Offline Bobbobowitz

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My Red/Gray deck
« on: July 04, 2010, 07:13:33 PM »
Total Cards - 56

Dominants: 6

Son of God
Angel of the Lord
Christian Martyr
New Jerusalem
Harvest Time
Guardian of your Souls - Added

Lost Souls: 7

*/4 or Higher
Site doubler (may be held in site along with another LS)
2 - liner (3-liner for multiplayer)
N.T only
Site Remover
Female/SoG only
When placed in site opponent must discard 1 card

Artifacts: 6

Chariot of Fire
Ark of the Covenant
Darius' Decree
Altar of Incense
Thirty Pieces of Silver
Unholy Writ

Covenants/Curses: 2

I Am Creator
Rain to Dust

Fortresses: 4

Solomon's Temple
Jerusalem Tower
Kingdoms of the World

Sites: 2

Mildewed House

Good Characters: 6

Amasai The Raider
The Centurion at Capernum

Good Enhancements: 10

David's Mighty Men
Wall's Collapse trimmed out
David's Sling
Power of the Cross
Adino's Spear
Abishai's Spear
Jashobeam's Spear
The Book of Gad the Seer
The Battle is the Lord's
A Roman Soldier's Faith

Evil Characters: 6

Emperor Nero
Emperor Augustus
King Cushan-Rishathaim

Evil Enhancements: 6
Water Shaft
Dishonest Trader
Naaman's Chariot and Horses
Bearing Bad News
Healing of Naaman
« Last Edit: July 05, 2010, 10:55:43 PM by Bobbobowitz »

Offline Townsend

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Re: My Red/Gray deck
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2010, 08:25:31 PM »
Why dont you make this a FBTN deck I dont see how the red is realy going to go any where offensively.
you can use all the banding people like Helez,Maharai, Isrealite Archer, along with your Abishai and Heldai, then band them all to Ira or Benaih kings or even Captain Kings and TSA kings and that is always fun.

The spears arent realy needed I think you definately need Warriors Spear that could be realy annoying to your opponent.

Saul/Paul there realy isnt any way to take advantage of him except by Healing of Naaman so Saul/Paul isnt realy needed.
I like self that is a plus.

I would put in King Hazeal or however you spell his name and the Strong force with all the Capture cards that would be fun.

This is just my advice

Offline Bobbobowitz

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Re: My Red/Gray deck
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2010, 08:54:01 PM »
Actually I usually do some battles with FBTN. Adino prevents special abilities on enhancements when he's holding a spear so I usually give him his own spear and band him to Abishai who also holds his own spear. This usually puts me at 29/25 or something like that and protects my heroes not in battle. Jashobeam's spear is what I usually put on Centurion who I band Abishai to to gain site access and to kill off WC EC's.

Saul/Paul is to prevent site lockout and can also be converted by Power of the Cross.

I took out my capture cards in order to thin it down to 56 cards and had like 2 in there before the person giving me advice took them out as well.

No idea who Hazeal is as well as Strong force, set names would be useful. 

Offline Townsend

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Re: My Red/Gray deck
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2010, 09:01:53 PM »
I didnt see the Power of the Cross in there.But you only have 6 heros 8 if you count Naaman and Paulio so its going to take longer to draw heros thats why you should trim down the enhancements and add in more heros.

King Hazeal and the strong force are in Roa tin 13 i think along with Green prophets Micah,Obadiahs caves etc.

The strong force is cool the sa is : If a Syrian King is in play you may play a card that captures a hero I think but its pretty cool considering all the gray capture cards.

Offline Bobbobowitz

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Re: My Red/Gray deck
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2010, 09:59:26 PM »
Right now I'm trying to keep the deck size down to 56. I've considered removing A Roman Soldier's Faith for A Soldiers Prayer to recycle either Freedom! or David's Mighty Men. I Am Creator lets me pull heroes out as well as Chariot recycling them when they die. But I usually never have a problem drawing heroes out (unless you count drawing Centurion when I'm being site locked by a little kid who then martyrs it without realizing what it did :( )

Offline Townsend

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Re: My Red/Gray deck
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2010, 09:46:20 AM »
lol that is funny... Well then you should put more site access stuff in there like dragon raid, Promised land etc.

Oh I just noticed you need the Shobach promo i think hes a Syrian king or something like that

Offline Bobbobowitz

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Re: My Red/Gray deck
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2010, 10:00:19 PM »
I've got a Shobach but he doesn't really fit into my theme as his SA isn't that useful. I use one color and so the first part is pretty useless as well as the second part since I lack generic Syrians. Basically I'm wondering if I should add a GoyS or a Glory of the Lord (I have both) and if so what I should cut out since I'm going to keep this at 56 cards out of preference. Promised Land is a possibility if I can cut out something, possibly Darius' Decree (Except that's in there after I played a Genesis deck and got my rear kicked 5/0 without even getting a chance to block.)

Offline Townsend

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Re: My Red/Gray deck
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2010, 10:04:30 PM »
I didnt even realize you didnt have a Goys definately put that in there.

Glory of the Lord not so much it you could put Lampstand in instead I think that would be better.

YEs Glory of the Lord protects from discard and such but lampstand is better cause it protects alot more. And you cant Destruction Lampstand lol

Offline Bobbobowitz

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Re: My Red/Gray deck
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2010, 10:58:03 PM »
Trimmed out Walls Collapsed for GoyS since Walls usually makes me discard my own sites. Might trim Darius' if I can't find something to add.

Offline _JM_

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Re: My Red/Gray deck
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2010, 09:06:30 PM »
Promised Land is a possibility if I can cut out something, possibly Darius' Decree (Except that's in there after I played a Genesis deck and got my rear kicked 5/0 without even getting a chance to block.)

Lol, you're welcome!  ;D

I would suggest switching your current sites out.  You're not really running a site-lock, so they are relatively superfluous.  I know Mildewed House is fantastic in a site-lock, but you can't count on your opponent to use their site access stuff if they don't have to.  Promised Land would be a good add, or Dragon Raid.  You could also use them as placeholders until you get TexP cards (Grapes, Mayhem, the reds, whatever).  Wall of Protection would not be bad either (replacing KotW), as your offense relies on banding.  You don't want someone else using that chain against you.

Offline Bobbobowitz

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Re: My Red/Gray deck
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2010, 11:23:03 PM »
Sup man, was wondering if I'd find you on here. And yea I will forever fear blue when I see it played because of you (along with every other color you used, those were all painful matches)

If I can get a Wall of Protection I'll throw that in since I don't ever use KotW. Promised Land I can throw in as well, luckily I pulled one from one of my last TexP packs before Creation ended, though Dragon Raid would be nicer since its not limited to two uses. For now I'll take Jericho out and leave Mildewed until I can find a Mayhem or Grapes or possibly Asahel since he's really the only one useful too me (the grays are all for pharisees so I'd either have to change my defense out or play them all on Saul before I convert him) I was also considering trimming out Storehouse since my hand is usually under 8 cards or I can reduce it pretty easily. That would give me room for another card (possibly FA or Destruction if I could manage to find one, even if I dislike having that many dominants in my deck )


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