Welcome to Redemption and the message boards!

Good job at keeping your deck to 56 cards. Most new players don't understand the value of keeping their deck small so you're already a step ahead of the game!
i have some cash so advice on what to buy would be good. i have i think a total of 143 cards or somthing close to that. are there certian cards i should be hunting for?
One of the easiest "competative" decks to build from a G/H starter is a purple/white offense with Moses and Transfiguration splashed in for extra power. Crimson is a good brigade to start with for defense because there are so many good commons/uncommons that are easy/cheap to get.
For a complete list of all the Redemption cards (to help you decide which ones you want to get) you can download the "Complete Card List" from the Cactus website at the bottom of
this page.If you're looking to purchase cards to improve your deck the very first purchase you should make is the New Jerusalem Dominant. After that a good way to strengthen any specific brigade is by purchasing a Faith of our Fathers or Rock of Ages tin that contains cards from the brigade(s) you want. Each tin contains 5 booster packs and 10 prepacked cards that are listed on the bottom. For example Faith of our Fathers tin V contains purple and crimson so it's one of the tins that could help your deck.
The best place to get prices for single cards is www.threelionsgaming.com. You can purchase your singles right from the store. If you're comfortable purchasing from a third party there are many people with cards for sale in the Market Place on this message board. Almost everyone here is very trust worthy but to be safe make sure you get references from any third party seller. I also have a large collection of singles at discounted prices so feel free to message me if there's something you're looking for.
also had some questions about the following:
side battles: what are they and when do the happen?
having more than one character in battle: how dose this happen? do you just put it in?
is the egypt site yellow or gold?
same for moses, yellow or gold?
set aside: do you just set any card aside when its discard or prep faze?
if your hero/evil character is discarded can you add another hero/evil character?
if your hero/evil characger is ignored by an enhancement or whatever, can you put another hero/evil character?
1) Side battles happen when a card is played that causes 2 characters to fight each other. They happen during a rescue attempt or battle challenge but they are separate from the main battle.
2) You can have more than one character in battle if a character has a banding ability or uses a banding enhancement. For example, in your starter deck you have James, son of Zebedee. When he enters battle his ability activates and he may bring his brother John into battle.
3&4) Both are gold. There is evil Gold and good Gold. Egyptians are evil Gold. Moses is good Gold.
5) Yes you can play any set aside card during your prep or discard phase. For example, if you have Meeting in the Wilderness you can use it during your discard phase. Even though it's green you could use it to set aside Moses (gold) as long as you have a green Hero in your territory to play it on. So you active it on the green Hero, then choose any 2 Heroes to set aside.
6) I'll assume you mean discarded during the battle? If they lose the battle by the numbers or because of a special ability you cannot add another character to battle unless you have a card that allows you to (Unknown Nation).
7) If your character gets ignored you may not add another character unless you're able to play a banding enhancement that allows you to add another character to battle.
I hope this information is helpful to you! Again, welcome to Redemption!