Author Topic: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck - New Draft!  (Read 4465 times)


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<Unnamed> T1 MP Deck - New Draft!
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:39:15 PM »
I don't really know what to call this deck anymore, haha. It started out originally as Gardenciples, but I've since replaced the white with more purple and some silver. The name still mostly fit, though, so it was still Gardenciples, but now I'm replacing some of the purple with clay per the new cards and it doesn't really seem like Gardenciples anymore.

Disciples/Clay speed would I guess be an accurate name, lol, but I'm just not sure if this defense is enough even for MP anymore. As far as the new/clay cards go, I figured the Peter-centric ones would make a good support frame for the purple disciples cards, and with Matthias able to use purple and Stephen for CBN Acts enhancements (to offset Thomas with purple, who can also be given clay by the angel) it seems fairly solid on paper. I'm terrible at deck-building, though, so I could be way off, lol!

Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions would be most appreciated.

Cards in deck: 52
 Lost Souls: 8
  NT only
  1st round protect
  Female only
Dominants: 7
Fortresses: 2
  Herod’s Temple
Artifacts/Curses: 5
  Four-Drachma Coin
  Gifts of the Magi
    Captured Ark
Heroes: 12
  John (I)
  Stephen (TEC)
  Messengers of Joppa
  Peter (TEC)
  Widows of Joppa
  Angelic Visitor (TEC)
  Barnabas (TEC)
Hero Enhancements: 9
  Reach of Desperation
  Kindness (TEC)
  Speak with Power
  Deception Exposed
  Peter’s Sermon
  Narrow Escape (TEC)
  Peter's Vision
DAEs: 1
  Gamaliel’s Speech
Evil Characters: 5
  Sabbath Breaker
  Emperor Tiberius
  Emperor Vitellius
  Spirit of Temptation
  Foreign Wives
Evil Enhancements: 3
  Balaam’s Disobedience
  Gold Shield
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 10:32:22 PM by browarod »

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2014, 08:52:46 AM »
No Cornelius or Peace?
Kansas City Discord:

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2014, 09:09:39 AM »
nicanor is def a staple in t1 multi now but how many deacons is enough to make him work without widows table?

is mayhem not good in multi?

This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!


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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2014, 09:52:33 AM »
No Cornelius or Peace?
I forgot that Cornelius bands to Peter and the angels so I'll have to add him in. Any idea what to take out for him?

nicanor is def a staple in t1 multi now but how many deacons is enough to make him work without widows table?

is mayhem not good in multi?
Thank you for that, I now realize I only have 1 other deacon than Nicanor so I probably won't have his ability active very often. Would you recommend adding Tables/other deacons or just taking him out? I do have Gifts to still provide the drawing for me when my opponent uses a draw ability so I wonder if I could take Nicanor out for Cornelius....

I feel Mayhem is overrated and I use it in some decks (like my Hand Control 2P deck) but not in every deck. I don't really know what I'd take out here to add it.

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2014, 05:51:12 PM »
What does the new Kindness do for you, besides give everyone a card? Is Reassuring Angels really that helpful?

You should name the deck Cliples.


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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2014, 08:36:37 PM »
What does the new Kindness do for you, besides give everyone a card? Is Reassuring Angels really that helpful?
I see what you mean about Kindness. Reassuring Angels I could see being useful to pull out different disciples depending on my need (an early clay Thomas for CBN every-enhancement-in-the-deck, for example). Do you have suggestions for replacing them, or just take them out to get to 50?

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2014, 02:54:14 AM »
I would consider dropping Pentecost. You have plenty of drawing, there's no need to risk losing a bunch of Heroes to a Decree.

If you want to keep the drawing, you could swap for Miraculous Catch or Pretension.

New Covenant would be a solid choice as well, or just drop it to get down to 51.

I also agree with dropping Kindness. I would maybe swap in Fishers of Men so you have a bit of LS gen.

Adding Thaddeus gives you 8 Disciples, I just don't see a reason to not use Thaddeus in a T1 MP deck when you already have 7 other Disciples
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 02:56:28 AM by The Guardian »
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?


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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2014, 09:50:39 AM »
I had Thaddeus before I changed to the clay but I figured I didn't have enough Disciples to keep him useful. If you disagree then I'll try and add him back in. Thanks for the thought!

Other than Kindness (and Pentecost), what else can/should be taken out to add the things people have said?
-The New Covenent

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2014, 10:31:24 AM »
Scott you beat me to it! I'll be posting a similar deck soon. Your deck's balance is awesome though man!

Holy Grail would help immensely. If you drop Kindness, I would drop Gifts of the Magi for it. White TGT gives you He Is Risen for territory clearing, and Water Tomb offers Meeting the Messiah, but Clay doesn't give you any additional options if they've already got 2-3 ECs down.

These next two bits are totally subjective and heavily depend on your playstyle and preferences:

Also Speak With Power, although it takes care of an evil banding chain, puts the ECs right back in their territory which is less than ideal for TGT. I would consider adding Preaching the Truth. It's CBN on Thomas, Stephen, Peter, it crosses your brigades, and it permanently takes an EC out. I've been extremely pleased with it in my deck (I also have Nicolas of Antioch though).

I feel like Fishing Boat would be an even better fit than usual with the fact that Messengers of Joppa and Reassuring Angel could pull Peter or John right back. I'm running Peter's Vision so I can get around Nazareth if needed (as a bonus it gives Site Access and Soul Negation). I tend to disagree with Thaddeus, but he would be even less useful if you use Fishing Boat. I would run one or the other in this deck, not both.

Red was always playable :)


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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2014, 11:09:44 AM »
Okay so the changes suggested thus far:
+Fishers of Men

+Holy Grail

-Speak with Power
+Preaching the Truth

Cards to possibly add: Cornelius, Thaddeus or Fishing Boat

Cards to possibly remove: Reassuring Angels

Offline Red Warrior

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2014, 11:51:17 AM »
Dude... this is embarrassing... but I better admit it... I totally lost focus of the fact this is a multiplayer deck. Please kindly disregard ALL previous advice unless you're planning to make a 2 Player Version lol :doh: :doh: :doh:

Gifts will rock T1 MP, especially with Lampy in HT for DoN protection. Keep it!
Speak With Power does indeed leave ECs in territory. Bad for TGT 2P, awesome for Multi lol. Keep it!
Kindness is somewhat debatable. Could be a card to cut for your other suggestions.

-Narrow Escape
+Peter's Vision

I would highly suggest Peter's Vision. The odds are high of running into at least 1 Nazareth per table, and possibly even Golgotha. Nazareth shuts down Phil/Bart and Reassuring Angel.

Red was always playable :)

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2014, 12:29:17 PM »
I would drop VP for Mayhem, but seeing as how you don't like Mayhem... ::)

I would drop Kindness, Angelic Visitor, Matthias, Gold Shield, and Narrow Escape. I would add Widows o' Joppa (to protect from Mayhem and VP) or Timon (for Soul Gen and another Deacon), Cornelius for obvious reasons, and Night Raid for Soul Gen. That should put you at 50.

Personally if you're worried about Darius' Decree for your Pentecost I would cut Captured Ark for Joe's Silver Cup.

Definitely find room for Dragon Raid(p) when you get it.

TGT seems like a waste if everyone's using Gray...
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 12:31:47 PM by Master Q »
If you were to go on a trip... where would you like to go?


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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2014, 01:07:45 PM »
Thanks for the clarification Red Warrior, I was wondering about a couple of your choices, haha! I will consider the NE for PV change.

Master Q - TGT is mostly in there just because I have 2 TGT Heroes already in there (though at one point in the initial draft of this deck I had taken John out) and it sometimes gives free rescues (or at least makes people play ECs rather than holding them so there isn't as much uncertainty about what they have). I intend to add Dragon Raid I just haven't acquired one yet. Why drop Matthias? He's the only one at face value that can use all my enhancements. Granted I'm not running Holy Spirit in this deck, so maybe he's not as useful as, say Cornelius. Do you have a preference between Widows and Timon? The deck isn't really deacon-faced (mostly just disciples and Peter/clay) so I'm leaning towards Widows, but if putting more deacon stuff in would make it better I'm open to suggestions.

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2014, 04:28:46 PM »
I think everyone who's suggesting you take out Kindness is forgetting about the fact that if you have Gifts up, you get to draw four while everyone else draws one. That seems pretty worth it to me, especially since all your other artifacts except Lampy are discarded after use and Lampy can go into HT.


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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2014, 05:40:51 PM »
I think everyone who's suggesting you take out Kindness is forgetting about the fact that if you have Gifts up, you get to draw four while everyone else draws one. That seems pretty worth it to me, especially since all your other artifacts except Lampy are discarded after use and Lampy can go into HT.
Yeah that's why I was wondering why everyone said to take it out, lol.

I'll take a look through the deck tonight when I have the whole thing in my hands and try out some of the changes, but Gifts is staying so I think Kindness will as well.

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2014, 05:55:55 PM »
Bartimaeus would be great to pick out souls on the guy who has no defense.

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2014, 07:59:43 PM »
Bartimaeus would be great to pick out souls on the guy who has no defense.
I think you mean Barnabas...

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2014, 01:34:36 AM »
I think everyone who's suggesting you take out Kindness is forgetting about the fact that if you have Gifts up, you get to draw four while everyone else draws one. That seems pretty worth it to me, especially since all your other artifacts except Lampy are discarded after use and Lampy can go into HT.
Yeah that's why I was wondering why everyone said to take it out, lol.

I'll take a look through the deck tonight when I have the whole thing in my hands and try out some of the changes, but Gifts is staying so I think Kindness will as well.

If someone has RBD up you're going to be wishing you didn't have Kindness, though if you add Widows o' Joppa, you'll be protected from RBD, in which case it might be worth keeping Kindness in.

In regards to why I would cut Matthias, sure he can play all your cards, but he doesn't make them CBN, and he doesn't draw, band, negate or protect anything. He'll be a dead hero most of the game since you will want to attack with almost any other hero.

Also, have you considered adding the purple Peter? 
If you were to go on a trip... where would you like to go?

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2014, 09:29:13 AM »
I think everyone who's suggesting you take out Kindness is forgetting about the fact that if you have Gifts up, you get to draw four while everyone else draws one. That seems pretty worth it to me, especially since all your other artifacts except Lampy are discarded after use and Lampy can go into HT.
Yeah that's why I was wondering why everyone said to take it out, lol.

I'll take a look through the deck tonight when I have the whole thing in my hands and try out some of the changes, but Gifts is staying so I think Kindness will as well.

If someone has RBD up you're going to be wishing you didn't have Kindness, though if you add Widows o' Joppa, you'll be protected from RBD, in which case it might be worth keeping Kindness in.

In regards to why I would cut Matthias, sure he can play all your cards, but he doesn't make them CBN, and he doesn't draw, band, negate or protect anything. He'll be a dead hero most of the game since you will want to attack with almost any other hero.

Also, have you considered adding the purple Peter?
I agree with the Matthias reasoning but I think Simon the Zealot would be a better add than a duplicate character. It is type 1 multi after all.


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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2014, 10:35:54 AM »
Just to confirm, are you suggesting both Widows AND Simon to be added, or just one or the other? They seem to be a bit redundant (other than StZ being deck and Widows being discard) though Widows is active without entering battle first so I don't really know if both are needed.


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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck - New Draft!
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2014, 10:32:49 PM »
Finally had some time to look through everyone's suggestions and I've posted a new draft of the deck list. Haven't had a chance to test it, though.

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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck - New Draft!
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2014, 12:01:10 PM »
I think Nicanor in multi wont actually be used as much as people think. If you run into an RBD then every time the other three draw you have to discard the top card of deck.


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Re: <Unnamed> T1 MP Deck - New Draft!
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2014, 01:22:14 PM »
I think Nicanor in multi wont actually be used as much as people think. If you run into an RBD then every time the other three draw you have to discard the top card of deck.
That's actually part of the reason why I took him out of this version of the deck.


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