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Wanderer is one of the best LS in the game, if not the best. It's very rare that I find a reason not to include it.
Even with so many common ways to negate it?
If it's negated, then it really doesn't matter which lost soul could have replaced it.
What lost souls would be used in a type 1 57 card deck? I know you would need to know what kind of deck it is, but is */4 and FBTN preffered over the revealer and anti burial/ wanderer?
Tier 1-Should be in every T1 deck:Revealer: Not only is it possible soul gen, a first-turn Revealer can often tell you what strategy your opponent is using before the game has really begun.
Tier 2-Should be in most decks, but may depend somewhat on strategy/other Lost Souls that should be included:N.T. Only: This dropped out of Tier 1 in my estimation due to the new SoG, but it still should make the cut in most decks. The fact is, it still can't be rescued by well over half of the useful Heroes in the game, and its very existence forces a lot of offenses to use the Negater LS just for a chance at rescuing it.
Tier 3-Depends heavily on strategy, and what else you have room for:2/3-Liner: This went from being Tier 1 to Tier 3 with the rescue rule and dom cap combined, when it made it impossible to rescue your own shuffler with SoG and made Burial far less common in T1. It still has its uses when combined with Hormah/DoU, but it seems in a lot of cases, it just effectively becomes an extra LS available for your opponent to rescue.
Tier 4-Can be useful in some circumstances, but very rarely used:First Round Protect: I wavered on this one between Tier 3 and 4, but decided that it's temporary nature makes it too situational to ever fit well in a T1 deck. I could see it fitting into certain stalling strategies, but it's definitely more of a T2 LS.
On NT Only: ...this LS requires players to either use an NT offense (or at least an offense that includes NT Heroes) or use an effective method of stopping it.
So unless you're playing against a straight Genesis deck the NT's protection is unlikely to matter. That is NOT good enough for me to put it anywhere near Tier 2.
Also, any deck that has the 2/3-liner should also have Burial.
I'm glad to hear people seriously misvalue lost souls. Should be an easy year at Nats.