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Ok, so that gets one EC out of the way. What about his enhancements and doms?
Awesome advice from everybody on the defense, my gears are turning with a lot more to consider now. Thanks!Can I get some more feedback on the offense and neutral cards? I took out Pentecost, but I'm not confident in that decision. It just seemed like a wasted space with the filtering of Laver/Feast of Trumpets with Gates of Hell. I hate to take out Zerubbabel just because he is so much part of the theme (and fun to use, try him in ZT deck some time!) Dragon Raid is in there for Site Access if Cov w/ Levi is killed, but it has a double-edge... Since Orange is hardly an all-star cast of impenetrable characters, I had the "place-a-guard" lost soul with Dragon raid in there so that when (not if) my opponent kills Prince, I an add another demon from Dragon Raid.
Too many arts can clog up a deck. I don't like to have more than 4/5.
Also, what's crown of thorns for? I'd go with Writ instead.
Yeah, the point is to recur Trembling with Wandering Spirit. Just don't search if you get it set up, because it is extremely tough to beat. Not a lot of characters will get initative against your 3/1 Wandering Spirit, and even if they do Trembling will already be discarded.
Evil Characters (10)Seven Sons of ScevaGomerEvil SpawnLegion (_______)Trembling DemonWandering SpiritSpirit of TemptationFallen AngelKing of TyrusPrince of This World