Author Topic: Israelite/Assyrian Deck (Gold/Pale Green)  (Read 3154 times)

Offline beefstew1

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Israelite/Assyrian Deck (Gold/Pale Green)
« on: August 12, 2024, 09:15:19 PM »
Edit #1, working on Classic only tournament for this deck.  Will be using only text on scroll cards (pre-2013).  All new expansions removed and put into new deck

I know this deck needs to be updated due to banning of certain expansions.
My friend whom a few of you higher level members know, Ryan Ertmer told me that there was a change due to how overpowered some of the older cards mixed with the new make the decks virtually impossible to lose.
This deck, before all the new expansions came out and having made a couple modifications to was so overpowered against anyone I versed and I tended to eliminate their entire territories within a matter of a few turns after getting just a couple certain cards out, along with being able to discard from the deck directly, if played right, twice.
So, being I only have some of the newer expansions, I'll respond with changes made and if I don't have, will make an edit to include when I do acquire a specific card that is legal for the new standards.
Thanks in advance to those who help me build this deck to the tournament legal standards from being a 20ish year old deck that has seen many modifications over the years.

Now for the deck

Lost Soul 10 x8
Site Doubler Psalm 1:4 (Kings)
Rescue, Search Discarded Hero Psalm 30:3 (Deck I)
Angel Underdeck Psalm 119:176 (Priests)
Female Hero SoG Jeremiah 7:18 (Deck H)
Exchanger Ezekiel 34:6 (Priests)
Protected - Dominant or Angel Matthew 19:26 (Angel Wars)
Negate Luke 19:10 (Disciples)
Withdraw Underdeck Acts 23:27 (Angel Wars)
Site Discard 1 Corinthians 1:27 (Deck G)
Site Female Capture 2 Timothy 3:6-7 (Persecuted Church)

Lost Soul Site x3
Chorazin (Disciples)
Jericho (Priests)
Nero's Realm (Apostles)

Lost Soul Site/Hero x1 Is this considered a good or neutral card for deck building rules
New Jerusalem/Bride of Christ (Revelation of John)

Artifacts x5
Ark of the Covenant (Kings)
Hezekiah's Signet Ring (Kings)
Seven Lamps of Fire (Revelation of John)
Tables of the Law (Priests)
Three Nails (Apostles)

Covenants x2
Covenant of Eden (Patriarchs)
Covenant with Moses (Patriarchs)

Curses x2
Go Into Captivity (Priests)
Unknown Nation (Priests)

Fortresses x5
Good x3
Heavenly Temple (Revelation of John)
Judges Seat (Rock of Ages)
Solomon's Temple (Patriarchs)
Evil x2
Raider's Camp (Kings)
Satan's Seat (Faith of our Fathers)

Dominants x10
Good x6
Angel of the Lord (Deck D)
Glory of the Lord (Kings)
Grapes of Wrath (Thesaurus ex Preteritus)
Guardian of Your Souls (Revelation of John)
New Jerusalem (Promotional)
Son of God (Deck JDeck G)
Good/Evil x1 Neutral?
Three Woes (Revelation of John)

Evil x3
Falling Away (Women's)
Mayhem (Thesaurus ex Preteritus)
Strife (Deck I)

Heroes x7
Normal x3
Joshua (Settler's of Caanan)
Jair (Rock of Ages)
The Woman at the Well (Thesaurus ex Preteritus)
Warrior Class x1
Samson (Cloud of Witnesses)
Territory Class x2
Seeker of the Lord (Persescuted Church)
The Nobleman (Revelation of John)
Territory Cloud x1
Moses (Cloud of Witnesses)

Evil Characters x7
Normal x2
Esau, the Hunter (Deck F)
Spirit of Doubt (Angel Wars)
Warrior Class x4
Assyrian Archer (Faith of our Fathers)
Assyrian Siege Army (Faith of our Fathers)
Assyrian Survivor (Faith of our Fathers)
King Tiglath-Pileser III (Kings)
Dual Brigade x1
Egyptian Magicians (Faith of our Fathers)

Enhancements x25
Good x11
Normal x7
The Acts of Solomon (Kings)
Battle Prayer (Kings)
Built on the Rock (Priests)
Furnace of God's Wrath (Prophets)
Highway (Prophets)
Raised to Life (Deck F)
Sword Against Sword (Kings)
Dual Brigade x2
Sow, Reap, and Rejoice (Revelation of John)
Family Bond (Deck J)

Power Enhancement x2
Not Alone (Revelation of John)
The Sabbath (Priests)

Evil x13
Normal x12
All Hope Lost (Patriarchs)
Captured by Assyria (Faith of our Fathers)
Confusion (Prophets)
Consumed by Doubt (Angel Wars)
Death of Jacob (Deck F)
Death of Unrighteous (Patriarchs)
Fear of Danger (Angel Wars)
Hostility (Apostles)
Judah's Sin (Patriarchs)
Murder (Deck F)
The Rabshakeh Attacks (Kings)
Slave Trade (Deck F)
Territory Class Power Enhancement x1
Ashtaroth Worship (Deck I)

Good/Evil Enhancement x1 Neutral?
First Bowl of Wrath (Revelation of John)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2024, 07:09:06 PM by beefstew1 »

Offline Sean

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Re: Israelite/Assyrian Deck (Gold/Pale Green)
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2024, 09:58:31 AM »
The two types of tournaments are Classic and Rotation. Classic is only offered at Local and District level tournaments (based on the preference of the host/playgroup). Rotation is also offered at Local and District level but is the only one available at State, Regional, and National level. All cards (except banned) are allowed for Classic. Only cards from I/J deck and forward are allowed for Rotation (text box is no longer a scroll)

This deck has so many cards that are not legal for Rotation, if you are wanting to build a Rotation legal deck, unfortunately, I think you're better off starting from scratch.

Your offense with CoW Moses is a good place to start. He is a very strong hero. You can package him with Pharaoh's Daughter from Fall of Man, the Hunter LS from Fall of Man, and the Dread LS from the K Starter deck. Together those 3 cards almost always allow you to get Moses down right away to negate everything.
May you prosper greatly!
Daniel 4:1b

Offline beefstew1

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Re: Israelite/Assyrian Deck (Gold/Pale Green)
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2024, 04:04:13 PM »
The two types of tournaments are Classic and Rotation.

Thanks for that info.  I am planning on making it rotation legal but if I can, I'll have the cards that are in it keeping it not rotation legal, put into a personal reserve (Not in game) to just add to the deck for personal play.

If you have any deck reduction advice for this deck being very heavy with cards galore, what would be good cards to eliminate for the sake of at least strengthening it or at least, making it much more manageable for personal games?

Classic and Rotation.

With Classic, are all cards legal if the host is lenient to old cards and new cards together?
Only cards from I/J deck and forward are allowed for Rotation (text box is no longer a scroll)

Ok.  I have I/J, mostly in by binder, I think 2 sets if I remember correctly.
I'll have to figure out what expansions then are all legal with not having the scroll for the biblical texts

This deck has so many cards that are not legal for Rotation, if you are wanting to build a Rotation legal deck, unfortunately, I think you're better off starting from scratch.

Not exactly what I wanted to hear but I'll see what I can do to upgrade it to Rotation Legal

Again, thanks for the advice.

Offline Sean

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Re: Israelite/Assyrian Deck (Gold/Pale Green)
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2024, 08:16:31 PM »
For Classic, the only cards you can't have are banned cards. Everything else is fair game.

For trimming this down and keeping as a classic deck, I would take out the following:
Tables of the Law
Three Nails
Covenant of Eden
Covenant with Moses
Solomon's Temple (you can't have both Temples out at the same time)
Satan's Seat
Built on the Rock
Raised to Life
Sow, Reap, and Rejoice
All Hope Lost
Consumed by Doubt
Fear of Danger
Judah's Sin
Ashtaroth Worship

Taking those out, keep in mind you then need to select LSs to remove as well as Dominants since you can't have more Dominants than LSs.

These are the sets that are Rotation:
4th Edition Starter Decks   2013
Rock of Ages (Collectors Tin #26)   2013
The Early Church (Expansion)   2014
The Persecuted Church (Expansion)   2015
Cloud of Witnesses (Expansion)   2016
Revelation of John (Expansion)   2017
The Fall of Man (Expansion)   2018
Prophecies of Christ (Expansion)   2018
Prophecies of Christ 2 (Expansion)   2019
The Lineage of Christ   2020
Gospel of Christ   2022
Israel's Deliverance (Starter Decks)   2023
Israel’s Rebellion (Expansion)   2023
Roots (Expansion)   2024
Israel's Inheritance (Expansion)   2024
May you prosper greatly!
Daniel 4:1b

Offline beefstew1

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Re: Israelite/Assyrian Deck (Gold/Pale Green)
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2024, 01:23:19 AM »
Before, you said that Rotation is the upper level tournaments and have the ban restriction and that classic was fair game for all.

Curious as to which is the correct for the official tournaments.

Just wanted to point that out just in case you got flipped on which is which.

I'll also look at the deck modification in the morning after I get up and see what I can take out for the sake of strengthening the deck.
Just have had this deck so capture and discard based that it got ahead of me over the about 13 years I've had it.

Edit Below

I see what you mean with Classic now, I was tired when I initially read it.

I'm going to see how close I can get this deck to the Rotation legal status

I do also have an Israel's Rebellion Display ordered, so, I'm sure I will have some modifications to do from there once I get that in the mail.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2024, 03:23:09 PM by beefstew1 »

Offline Sean

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Re: Israelite/Assyrian Deck (Gold/Pale Green)
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2024, 09:24:38 PM »
If you are going to make this deck using only cards with the scroll then it technically be Classic eligible but you can also use the newest cards in Classic if you want.
May you prosper greatly!
Daniel 4:1b


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