Author Topic: Isaiah Deck  (Read 1897 times)

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Isaiah Deck
« on: March 07, 2012, 04:06:01 PM »
I've posted this deck before, but I've added a few things and would like to get it down to a 50.  I am of the camp that I like to use protection of J to kill off my own assyrians to take out their defense when necessary, so that's why there are so many EC.  sorry for bad spelling, I'm doing this from memory.  I've never used king hezzy with this deck, i he that good?  I would like to add Cov with death is possible, but idk what to take out

56 cards

7 standard LS's plus hopper=8 LS

11 Standard Doms

Arts: 4
hidden treasures
unholy writ
Gifts of the magi

Obadiah's cave

Heros: 8
3 Isaiah angels
King Hezzy

Hero enhancements:11
birth foretold
feast of trumpets
live coal
spiritual warfare
wheel within a wheel
Isaiah's call
protection of J

assyrian archer
assyrian survivors
am slave

death of unrightious
2k horses
forgotten history

Chronic Apathy

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Re: Isaiah Deck
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2012, 04:15:20 PM »
I would take Angel of His Presence, The Rabshakeh, King Tiggy, Harvest Time, Unholy Writ, Feast of Trumpets, and Hosea, and add Gomer and Haman's Plot. Angel of His Presence, while theoretically good for drawing off of Isaiah, is nothing but fluff, and thus, a pretty easy cut. I understand using the Protection of Jerusalem strategy, but you still have too many evil characters, especially since most defenses that aren't the meta will be using some kind of a protect fort. This deck is slow enough that you shouldn't find too much use with Harvest Time. Writ is a hard cut, but in my experience, it doesn't really function as a battlewinner on its own anymore, and with your larger defense, you should be okay. Feast of Trumpets is nice with Gifts, but I think that more like than not you won't get a chance to use it often. Hosea is mostly fluff. He has a nice ability, but I'm not really feeling it in an Isaiah deck. I'd add Gomer and Plot because it helps round out your defense and gives it a lot of extra oomph.

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: Isaiah Deck
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2012, 06:08:38 PM »
I'll take out HT, KTP3, and Rabshakeh eaasy given your reasoning.  AoHP, hosea, and  feast of T add speed that I like, i end up finding them more useful than search when it comes to drawing.  I could see taking out hosea, but not both hoseah and AoHP because im only left with 6 heros then, and only a few that I could use without Isaiah.  UW still works for me, at least witht he people i play with, and i see no reason to add gomer and hamans plot because i dont rip cards. 

Offline Praeceps

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Re: Isaiah Deck
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2012, 05:56:23 PM »
King Hezzy is a very good addition if you can keep him safe in territory. Combined with Isaiah, he becomes bulletproof. So if you wanted to switch the angel for him, I'd recommend that, although, he's hanging in the wind in your territory unless you have an Josiah's covenant or Handkerchiefs up, and JC beats HK any day of the week.
Just one more thing...

Offline Red Wing

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Re: Isaiah Deck
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2012, 05:58:47 PM »
King Hezzy is a very good addition if you can keep him safe in territory. Combined with Isaiah, he becomes bulletproof. So if you wanted to switch the angel for him, I'd recommend that, although, he's hanging in the wind in your territory unless you have an Josiah's covenant or Handkerchiefs up, and JC beats HK any day of the week.
King Hezzy is already in there.
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Offline Praeceps

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Re: Isaiah Deck
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2012, 07:53:20 PM »
King Hezzy is a very good addition if you can keep him safe in territory. Combined with Isaiah, he becomes bulletproof. So if you wanted to switch the angel for him, I'd recommend that, although, he's hanging in the wind in your territory unless you have an Josiah's covenant or Handkerchiefs up, and JC beats HK any day of the week.
King Hezzy is already in there.

I know, I was referring to this:

I've never used king hezzy with this deck, i he that good?
Just one more thing...


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