I am currently 2nd place with it in ROOT for the month. so far the sites have held out, and I'm able to give one more free one with it being NJ ban for the variant this month so...
It had Abby in the list but I switched her out for Matt for testing purposes when I added the TGT guys. I still think Abby is better.
I went with Centurion's Proclamation over Triump so it could hit Damsel and just recently noticed it can also be recurred with Matt if in a pinch late game.
I want to go with Guardians idea on cutting 4D coin, but at the same time this crazy notion is telling me to cut Pentecost instead just because of Decree. Chariot would solve this problem.
Uzzah always wants in, and maybe he'll make the cut but I want to get it to 50 as much as possible, just need to cut cards...
Honestly, Matthew could probably be cut. You probably use him to recur Cent's Proc, or maybe get a draw or two, but you only have 2 purple enhancements that should be played during battle and 6 purple heroes.
Reach was recently cut before i added Matt and TGT guys but the deck seemed better with the TGT and since i added Peter I figured Id add the 4Dolla Holla to the mix.
Also I can decrease Matt to a 1/1 which is fun.