Author Topic: Flood advice deck - Flood/Animals  (Read 8227 times)


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Flood advice deck - Flood/Animals
« on: October 29, 2021, 06:10:13 AM »
Again this is a flood deck using only rotation cards.  Any advice for tweeting to improve would be greatly appreciated.

Son of God
Angel of the Lord (J)
Christian Martyr (I/J)
A New Beginning (FoM)
Lost Souls
Blind (FoM)
Opressed (LoC)
Foreigner (PoC)
Acussers (LoC)
Fool (RoA)
Lost Boy (PoC)
Pitch and Gopher Wood (CoW)**
covenant with Philistia (LoC)
Carcasses (PoC)
The Rainbow (FoM)**
Covenant with Noah (PoC)
Noah's Ark (P)**
Tree of Knowledge (FoM)
Dual-Alignment Cards
Two by Two (FoM)
Stolen Blessing (LoC)
Anthopophobia (FoM)***
Forbidden Fruit (FoM)

Noah (CoW)**
Noah's Wife (CoW)**
Shem, Covenant Keeper (LoC)
Ham (CoW)**
Japheth (CoW)**
Shem's Wife (FoM)
Ham’s Wife (FoM)
Japheth's Wife (FoM)
Good Enhancements
Bless the Nations (PoC)
Faith Among Corruption (CoW)**
Faith of Noah (CoW)**
Israel's Sword (LoC)
The Dove Returns (CoW)**
Offering Your Son (PoC)
Judah’s Intervention (LoC)
Evil Characters
Leviathan (RoJ)
The Serpent (Promo full art)
Hungry Lions (LoC)
Negev Lions (PoC)
Wilde Beasts (FoM)
Behemoth (CoW))

Evil Enhancements
Seized by Babylon (PoC)
Betrayel (PoC)**
Thrown to the Beasts (CoW)**
Scattered (RoA)

Noah’s Ark (Ark of Salvation) (PoC) - Storehouse
Brothers Reunited (LoC)
The Flood (CoW)**
Israel’s BoW(LoC)
Wild Ox (LoC)
The Great Fish (PoC)**
Beasts of the Earth
Coliseum Lions
Honey from a Lion (CoW)**
Serpent’s Curse (FoM)

« Last Edit: October 29, 2021, 10:03:50 PM by SpartaPastor »

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Re: Flood advice deck - Flood/Animals
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2021, 09:11:47 PM »
Endless Treasures would be a nice way to get those Curses out when you need them and also get some value from it. Works great with Offering Your Son which you already have in there.

Unfortunately you can't run both Noah's Ark promo and Ark of Salvation, so I'd cut the latter for Storehouse.

Faith is a great tutor for Noah and some of your battlewinners.

Kinda hard to justify Remnant in a Flood deck in my mind these days. It used to be that The Angel of the Winds was a nice Reserve option to give you another shot at Noah on turn one, but since you have no Reserve access on turn one then it's a dead draw early and you probably won't use Winds any later than turn 2, which gives a pretty narrow Remnant window. Obviously taking a character from your opponent is still good, but without a way to reset it if you draw it early (like Sheol or DoU) then it might not be worth it. Something like Covet would probably be better since it's a soul gen option and occasionally you could snag your opponent's Remnant if they have something you want to take. Another option is to keep Remnant and put Jonah in Reserve. You have to be careful about putting him down if you need Flood unity, but if you don't then he's a nice counter and gets CBN Great Fish.

Lastly, Pride of Lions and Lurking both seem like they'd be pretty good fits here. One could replace Thrown to the Beasts and the other I'd probably take out Honey from a Lion and move something else in deck to Reserve. I've always felt like Fiery Serpents was a little underwhelming, so maybe that could get cut in the process as well or instead.


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