Author Topic: First deck advice - Limited to self owned cards  (Read 1953 times)

Offline Reth

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First deck advice - Limited to self owned cards
« on: June 08, 2014, 06:00:58 PM »
Hi there,

after discovering Redemption I ordered the 10th Anniversary Gift set containing starters G + H and 3 Unlimited as well as 3 Prophets Boosters and New Jerusalem. In order to also be able to play with some friends I additionally ordered Starters I + J and one Disciples Expansion pack (more will follow).

Now I am trying to set up my own deck on Lackey but I only want to use cards I own myself. Included are already all dominants, artifacts I consider "useful" regarding their abilities, Lost Souls with special abilities, 2 sites without special abilities and some generally functionaly multicolor enhancements.

For this I wonder what will be the best way to assemble heroes/characters and their enhancements? Shall I go for those where I've got the greatest choices of (the brigarde where I've got the most cards from)? Or would another attempt be more effective, for example do some of the brigades harmonize with each other more then other brigades?

In addition I would like to know how many different brigades are reasonable for each side (good resp. evil)?

Furthermore would like to know whether it is also reasonable to keep artifacts in deck which may also harm my setup (like Golden Calf for example)?

Building according to one/two concepts doesn't seem to work out since I do not have enough cards with abilities regarding the same concepts.

Hopefully these are not all already answered questions or too stupid ones! If these already have been addressed please just redirect me to the appropriate threads!

Many thanks in advance!


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Re: First deck advice - Limited to self owned cards
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2014, 06:44:50 PM »
Hi Reth, welcome to Redemption!  :) I am still fairly new myself, so hopefully other people will expand upon my post, but here are a few tips & suggestions regarding your questions:

- There are many themes and concepts that you can choose from to make your offense and defense, and mostly the same theme will be in the same brigade (blue - Egyptians, purple - Kings or disciples, orange - demons, silver - angels, etc). That being said, it's fun and useful to "splash" together a few different brigades of cards that work well together...I just would advise not having more than 3 different brigades for your offense or defense - you'll want to look at your enhancements and see what's reasonable. The danger of having too many brigades is not drawing characters to match enhancements that you have drawn, or vice-versa, leaving you unable to play offense or defense for possibly multiple turns in a row while you wait to get your needed matching card. 

Some artifacts are worth using, even if they hurt your offense or defense, because you figure it into your strategy that it will (hopefully) hurt your opponent more than you. Covenant of Death, for example, negates all characters including your own, but it might be your strategy that you will have a lot of characters with abilities that cannot be negated. It all really just depends on your strategy.

Finally, I really encourage you to have fun with the decks you build! I like to make decks based off of my favorite characters or events from the Bible- it's really fun!

Blessings!  :)
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Offline Reth

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Re: First deck advice - Limited to self owned cards
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2014, 07:40:02 AM »

Another more specific question came to my mind while working on my deck: When there are too many cards which support a concept what are the criteria which ones to choose then? Of course there are: usefulness in terms of numbers, additional abilities, CBN or other CBs, multicolor. But is there maybe more which I might overlook?
For example I currently would be able to fill up my good side using only heroes and enhancements from one single color or I would be able to put into deck 23 good cards supporting the concept (gold and purple). This is way too much - since I've only 30 - 34 slots left!

Other questions are:
Whats a reasonable rate of heroes/ECs per deck in general on the one hand and with regards to their enhancements on the other hand?
And is it wise only have one concept in deck for each side (good or evil) or should it at least be 2 in order to be flexible against as many decks as possible?
Should there be at least 2 different brigades at each side (good and evil) or might only one also be sufficient?

(I know questions upon questions!)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 07:58:43 AM by Reth »

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Re: First deck advice - Limited to self owned cards
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2014, 09:31:05 AM »
Other questions are:
Whats a reasonable rate of heroes/ECs per deck in general on the one hand and with regards to their enhancements on the other hand?
There used to be a deck building rule of thumb called the "Rule of Sevens." To get to 56, you would include seven of each of the following
  • Dominants
  • Artifacts/Fortresses/Sites
  • Heroes
  • Good Enhancements
  • Evil Characters
  • Evil Enhancements
  • Floaters
  • Lost Souls
Or something like this.  The idea is you start with a rule of seven deck and then when you make substitutions make sure you have a reason why each substitution you make will actually improve the deck. If you can can cut six cards to get to 50 that is even better.

Should there be at least 2 different brigades at each side (good and evil) or might only one also be sufficient?
This depends entirely on what you are trying to do. Having only one brigade makes sure all enhancements work with your characters. On the other hand, fight by the numbers (FBN) and "The Deck" deck frequently run five or more brigades on offense.

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Re: First deck advice - Limited to self owned cards
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2014, 02:27:37 PM »
Now I am trying to set up my own deck on Lackey but I only want to use cards I own myself.

I would actually encourage to utilize Lackey as a way to test cards that you do not own to see if it is worth your time/resources to acquire those cards.

Perhaps have one deck that is only cards you own and then make the same deck except with swapping in a card or two that you do not own to see how well they fit into your deck. Playing with cards you do not own also helps becoming familiar with the most commonly used cards are so you can make the optimal decisions based on what it appears your opponent is using.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline Reth

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Re: First deck advice - Limited to self owned cards
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2014, 02:39:53 PM »
Also thank you.

Just finished my first deck but as excpected too many cards in it. Had to shorten to 56. Also I was not sure which colors to combine best for defense or leave it completely black (well my black cards are too weak standalone).
Also decided to go for single color offense but also fear that it might be too weak and I will not draw them early/often enough.

Direction is completely opponent-destructive without any speed/draw possibilities on my side - so I will have to live with what will come during regular drawing!

I am really really curious how it might work out finally!


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