New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Be prepared to lose as soon as your opponent plays a Pale Green card. I know your Prot of J can chain an entire Assyrian defense, but all it takes is AA+ASA from hand to end your offensive viability, and straight Assyrian is much less common than Magicians with a chunk of Assyrians, so Prot of J isn't much of a silver bullet.
I built this this morning, and, as always, my big trouble is cutting it down to size. This needs to be either 56 or 51 cards. Any suggestions? I'm trying to get Uzzah, and get back/another KoT and PotW.Cards in Deck:60Lost Souls:7NT onlySpeed BumpRevealerShufflerWandererWithdrawDiscarderGood Doms:AotLSoGNJGoYSEvil Doms:MayhemFACMBurialDoNArts:Unholy WritBurial ShroudTables of the LawHoly of HoliesCovenants:Cov. w/ NoahCurses:RBDForts:Chamber of AngelsDust and AshesHaman's GallowsBlue Heroes:JobJacobBlue Enhancements:Job OvercomesBaptismJubileeSilver Heroes:Seraphim (band to Blue)Hosts of HeavenMichaelSilver Enhancements:Protection of JerusalemProtection of AngelsInnumerableSwift BeingsCaptain's SwordAngel's SwordMulticolored ECs:The BearPrince of PersiaThe Ram with Two HornsMulticolored EEs:Demonic BlockadeOrange ECs:The ThiefSeizing Spirit Trembling DemonStrong DemonDemon behind the IdolEvil SpawnWandering SpiritKoTPoTWOrange EEs:Corrupted Suicidal Swine StampedeSinning HandDeafening SpiritPride in the PastPride before CalamityEvil ArmorBrown ECs:UzzahKing ZedikaiahHamanZereshPersian PresidentsUnfaithful Priests Brown EEs:Saul's Disobedient SacrificeWickedness of the Tenants Dungeon of Malcaiah Zeresh Advises HamanHaman's PlotZelophehad's Sin
Why are you two talking about Assyrians? 2 Assyrians does not an Assyrian defense make.