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First of all, you don't have enough lost souls, so you are actually at 63 cards
No Search??
Quote from: stefferweffer on January 18, 2010, 10:54:26 AMFirst of all, you don't have enough lost souls, so you are actually at 63 cards I think I do?-Hopper(dosent count)1-Reavealer2-Female3-Demon D4-NT Only5-2-line6-regular7-regular, I think You Missunderstood when I said" regular lost soul x2
I was under the impression he is trying to cut to 56.
That makes sense. OK, take all the dominants out. There you go - 56 cards!
Right now62 cards.What should I take out?-Heros-Phineas Son of EleazarSeriah the high PriestCherubimHaggaiAmosIssaihArtifacts-Cov. With DavidFortresses-The Name of the LordTartorasEvil Charactars-Prince of the AirZereshHamanTrembling demonThe BearAntioch IV EpiphineasThe winged LeapordEvil Enhancments-Imaje of Jealosy(TeXPAbom