Well this is a fun little deck I made up where the point is to keep your lost souls hidden from your opponent and hope that the nice Teal offense can smash through their defense before you run out of cards to shuffle lost souls

So far this deck is 4 and 1 with only giving up 4 souls which I think is pretty good

So far the weaknesses ive found are problems with TGT decks and Heroless but other wise it works like a charm. Watcha all think?
Lost Soul Shuffle
Cards in deck: 56
Lost Souls: 7
Lost Soul (1st round)
Lost Soul (can't be prevented)
Lost Soul (demon discard)
Lost Soul (female only)
Lost Soul (N.T. only)
Lost Soul (shuffler)
Lost Soul (Wanderer)
Lamb Dominants: 4
Angel of the Lord
Guardian Of Your Souls
New Jerusalem
Son of God
Grim Reaper Dominants: 4
Christian Martyr
Destruction of Nehushtan
Falling Away
Fortresses: 1
Zerubbabel's Temple
Multi-Color Sites: 1
Dragon Raid
Blue Sites: 1
Artifacts: 5
Asherah Pole
Burial Shroud
Chariot of Fire
Holy of Holies
Priestly Crown
White Covenant Cards: 1
Covenant with Levi (Teal)
Multi-Color Heroes: 7
Abiathar (Teal)
Ahimaaz (Teal)
Amariah the High Priest (Teal)
Joiada, Son of Eliashib (Teal)
Joshua the High Priest (Teal)
Phinehas, son of Eleazar (Teal)
Seraiah the High Priest (Teal)
Multi-Color Hero Enhancements: 7
Burning Incense (Teal)
Filling Zerubbabel's Temple (Teal)
Holy unto the Lord (Teal)
Jehoiada's Strength (Teal)
Passover & Unleavened Bread
Trumpet Blast (Teal)
Zeal for the Lord (Teal)
Multi Color Evil Characters: 1
Pale Green Evil Characters: 4
King Jehoiakin
Messenger of Satan
Panic Demon (5)
Prince of this World
Gray Evil Characters: 4
Emperor Nero
King Pekahiah
Panic Demon (3)
Brown Evil Characters: 1
Pale Green Evil Enhancements: 4
Angry Travelers
Death of Unrighteous
Forgotten History
Gray Evil Enhancements: 4
Balaam's Disobedience
Bearing Bad News
Evil Advice
Momentum Change