Author Topic: Disciples/Pharisees  (Read 2720 times)

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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« on: July 09, 2013, 06:57:03 AM »
Tryng disciples after the new set, so far works real well, just trying to work out some kinks, like:

Miraculous catch or something else like high priests palace or captured ark?

resurrection LS or draw 1 LS or something else?

You are the Christ or authority of peter?

can i fit in kidrom vally and some priests somehow? is it worth it?

can i fit in herods temple and lampstand somehow? is it worth it?

does mayhem, guardian, and/or harvest time have a place in here somewhere, and for what?

I have my own ideas about some of these, but looking for opinions of others, thanks for the help!

56 Cards

LS: 8
NT only
Fem only
site sharer

Doms: 7
SoG (I/J)
Vain Phil

Forts: 2
fishing boat
garden tomb

sites: 2

arts/cov/curses: 5
holy grail
crown of thorns
cov. with Palestine
unholy writ

All 11 Disciple heroes

GE: 8
passover hymn
authority of peter
miraculous catch
fishers of men

EC: 8
proud pharisee
entrapping pharisee
sabbath breaker
foreign wives
am. slave

EE: 5
balaams disobedience
just a hireling
tenants kill the son
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 07:00:35 AM by sepjazzwarrior »

Offline CJSports

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Re: Disciples/Pharisees
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2013, 09:39:18 AM »
Just a few things about the deck. You are gonna want to cut it as low as possible so you can get Thad and friends out fast. You probably have too many enhancements on offense and and too many EC's on defense. I would also cut either Nazareth or am. slave. Honestly Naz probably isn't necessary in this deck because your deck is so fast you don't really need to slow down other decks. I would Run The New Covenant over Cov. w/ Palestine. Just Personal Preference. You can probably add CoF. That is if you make enough of the other cuts.

As for your questions.

W/ CoF I would go First Round Protect because I love that LS in Speed decks.

Fisher's of Men, More Soul Gen

No, not worth it

Herod's Temple might be worth it. It really depends on how you are planning to run the deck. I was assuming Thad Rad but if not then Herod's Temple is very useful for both offense and defense. Lampstand is okay but probably not worth.

Right now I've been replacing DoN with Mayhem just because Mayhem is so powerful and I love Vain Philosophy.
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Offline jbeers285

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Re: Disciples/Pharisees
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2013, 11:06:18 AM »
Just a few things about the deck. You are gonna want to cut it as low as possible so you can get Thad and friends out fast. You probably have too many enhancements on offense and and too many EC's on defense. I would also cut either Nazareth or am. slave. Honestly Naz probably isn't necessary in this deck because your deck is so fast you don't really need to slow down other decks. I would Run The New Covenant over Cov. w/ Palestine. Just Personal Preference. You can probably add CoF. That is if you make enough of the other cuts.

As for your questions.

W/ CoF I would go First Round Protect because I love that LS in Speed decks.

Fisher's of Men, More Soul Gen

No, not worth it

Herod's Temple might be worth it. It really depends on how you are planning to run the deck. I was assuming Thad Rad but if not then Herod's Temple is very useful for both offense and defense. Lampstand is okay but probably not worth.

Right now I've been replacing DoN with Mayhem just because Mayhem is so powerful and I love Vain Philosophy.

I always feel like herod's temple only slows down the deck. The truth about disciples is that the aren't always fast enough. If they are fast enough Herod temple becomes a total waste card unless ur using it to hold Lampstand.

8 EC's seems right in this deck. Slave, Sabbath Breakers and Uzzah blow themselves up. Then just a hireling blows up another so 8 doesn't seem bad to me at all.

My cuts would hit ur art pile and probably uzzah. Cov. w/Palestine isn't a huge deal and could probably go. So could Unholy writ. If those go then Uzzah goes. That gets you to 53. Personally I don't MLaMG in this deck bc it mostly gets used the same as Passover hymn.

Since ur not playing burial I would play the rejoice soul over the liner. I know hormah and just a hireling want to shuffle it buts its risky. Rejoice will make you one card faster it a deck that can struggle with speed at times.

I think a card that deserves consideration is wash basin. With fishers of men and the revealer u may be able to hit 4-6 evil cards for sure. It can also be soul generation if u put souls in top of ur opponents deck. In desperate times u can put 2 good cards on top to slow them down from gettin to SoG and/or NJ
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Offline CJSports

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Re: Disciples/Pharisees
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2013, 11:38:02 AM »
MLaMG is one of the best enhancements Disciples has...It's SUPER powerful. You can discard ANY evil card in play or set-aside not even considering it's negated.

Whenever I play disciples I find it plenty fast enough. Everytime...

Wash Basin would be a waste because your offense is so powerful that you don't need to get rid of evil cards. It also takes up a very important art slot for either CoT, Holy Grail or anything else.

I can agree on the EC's though.
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Re: Disciples/Pharisees
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2013, 02:06:35 PM »
Herod's Temple is a staple in any DI pharisee deck as it works for your offense and defense. You will want to cut this deck down to 50

I would cut

Garden Tomb
4Dracma coin
Authority of Peter

Then switch out Just a Hireling (since the sites are going) for Night Raid. Also you will want Mayhem in your deck if you plan on playing Foreign Wives.


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Re: Disciples/Pharisees
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2013, 02:25:55 PM »
I would cut Unholy Writ, Hormah, Authority of Peter, Pharisee, James (son of Zebedee), and Miraculous Catch to put you down to 50. I disagree with TheHobbit because TGT is a big deal in this meta, especially because of Foreign Wives. I'm looking for ways to put TGT into other decks, so if it fits naturally (like it does here) I would keep it. FDC is an obvious +4, and it will be very rare that you never get to use it at all. Search would be strong this year if not for Nazareth, and one thing you'll find is that most decks use it, and decks that don't are likely going to be faster than Disciples. If you use it, you help shut down any search anyone else might be using, and you'll be able to use it for site access (or stall) in a pinch.

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Re: Disciples/Pharisees
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2013, 02:37:06 PM »
I agree with Chronic. Nazareth is a staple for any deck that doesn't utilize searches. Especially one whose speed is drawing and needs a way to shut down Golden Cherubim.
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Re: Disciples/Pharisees
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2013, 02:44:51 PM »
IMO, Nazereth is one of those ghost cards where you can in a sense use the card without even decking it because the fear of Nazereth is so great. In other words people have already built around it. The only reason I would deck it, sepjazz, is if you are continually running into Judges offenses.

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Re: Disciples/Pharisees
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2013, 02:55:39 PM »
IMO, Nazereth is one of those ghost cards where you can in a sense use the card without even decking it because the fear of Nazereth is so great. In other words people have already built around it. The only reason I would deck it, sepjazz, is if you are continually running into Judges offenses.

The most common search cards are cards that people will use anyway (depending on their deck strategies) but are still more powerful as search cards. I certainly wouldn't exclude AutO, Wheel, Isaiah's Call, Consider the Lilies, or even Temple Dedication in the appropriate deck just because I fear Nazareth (in fact I'd probably still use Nazareth even I was using a few of those).

Let's also not forget Nazareth's secondary ability. Since you will be drawing a lot, a well-timed Mayhem could be rather destructive for you. I'd say since your only search card is The Amalekite's Slave (and I'd even consider cutting that, as the only enhancement he can use can be used by anyone else, and you can expect his ability to be stopped by Nazareth or negated 8/10 times anyway) it's definitely worth the slot.
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Re: Disciples/Pharisees
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2013, 02:58:29 PM »
Golden Cherubim is another good point. Many decks still stock it despite the threat of Nazareth, simply because it's so good.

Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: Disciples/Pharisees
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2013, 03:39:01 PM »
I would cut Unholy Writ, Hormah, Authority of Peter, Pharisee, James (son of Zebedee), and Miraculous Catch to put you down to 50.

Would you consider leaving Miraculous Catch in at 51?
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Re: Disciples/Pharisees
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2013, 03:47:38 PM »
Golden Cherubim is another good point. Many decks still stock it despite the threat of Nazareth, simply because it's so good.

Right, I was just trying to go for cards that had still had uses despite Nazareth being out. Golden Cherubim really doesn't.

I would cut Unholy Writ, Hormah, Authority of Peter, Pharisee, James (son of Zebedee), and Miraculous Catch to put you down to 50.

Would you consider leaving Miraculous Catch in at 51?

Probably wouldn't be a bad idea; if you can use it on Peter, it's a +2 in terms of speed (though only a +1 in terms of cards gained in-game due to the discard). But even if you can't use it on Peter, you at worst break even on speed (except vs. Decree or CwD).
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