Author Topic: Deck help!  (Read 1615 times)

Offline lightningninja

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Deck help!
« on: April 10, 2009, 11:54:53 PM »
Anyone think that this could do well? Right now it's 2-0, winning 5-0 and 5-4. It's not based on conversion, and can win other ways... but that is a lot of what it does.

Cards in deck: 56

Lost Souls: 8
NT Only
Female Only

Dominants: 9
New Jerusalem
angel of the Lord
christian Martyr
Falling Away
Harvest Time
Son of God
Guardian of your Souls
Destruction of Nehushtan

Covenant w/ Moses

Dragon Raid

Artifacts: 2
Chariot of Fire
Unholy Writ

Heroes: 9
The Thankful Leper
Captain of the Host
The Generous Widow
Seeker of the Lost

Good Enhancements: 9
Ehud's Dagger
Mary's Prophetic Act
Battle Prayer
Fishers of Men
The Stars
Repentance and Restitution
Sword against Sword
Furnace of God's Wrath
Taking Egypt's Wealth(Yep... you read it right  ;))

Multi-Colored Evil Characters: 1
The Terrifying Beast

Orange Brigade Evil Characters: 3
King of Tyrus
Prince of this World
Fallen Angel

Gray Brigade Evil Characters: 4
Emperor Galba
Emperor Vitellius
Emperor Nero

Multi-Colored Evil Enhancements:
Expelling the Jews

Orange Brigade Evil Enhancements: 4
Sinning Hand
Deafening Spirit
Two Possessed by Demons
Evil Armor

Gray Brigade Evil Enhancements: 4
Namaan's Chariot and Horses
Balaam's Disobedience
Deluge of Rain
Heavy Taxes

So the offense wears them out with cards like taking egypt's wealth, mary's prophetic act and Generous Widow. The defense can hold his own with lots of negates and stand alones.

Taking Egypt's Wealth works amazingly well with convert... no matter what good enhancement I take, I can just convert one of my guys to that brigade(preferably with namaan's chariot and horses) and play it(hopefully before battle). So far this deck is working great, but any advice is wanted.  :)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 05:23:30 PM by lightningninja »
As a national champion, I support ReyZen deck pouches.

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Deck help!
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2009, 08:01:43 AM »
It looks really good! Just a few cards I would use if I were playing this deck: The Stars (fo sho with Cappy and Gabe), Balaam's Disobedience (obvious reasons), Worshipping Demons (You would be really surprised at how well this card goes with KoT - I would take out Two Possessed by Demons and Evil Armor for it), and King Menahem (perhaps wrong name - the gray guy that lets you d/c a random card from opponent's hand).

And where are your forts? Do you have any?
Use the Mad Bomber to rescue his Province.

Offline lightningninja

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Re: Deck help!
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2009, 05:22:15 PM »
I have found that forts just take away from characters and enhancements. The problem with worshipping demons is that I don't have any idols... And don't really have room either.

I will put in balaam's disobedience for false peace(I don't really need it, it wasn't in the original decklist).

I can't believe I missed the stars! I am totally putting that in. Thanks for the advice! Anyone else have suggestions?

EDIT: deck updated.
As a national champion, I support ReyZen deck pouches.

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Deck help!
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2009, 05:53:20 PM »
Worshipping Demons is good even without Idols. It's just like Forgotten History or Wonders Forgotten that way. It's nice because it's CBN. I would extract Two Possessed by Demons for it. I would also take out Evil Armor (I think you'll find you don't need it too badly) to make room for King Menahem (I think that's his name at least).
Use the Mad Bomber to rescue his Province.

Offline lightningninja

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Re: Deck help!
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2009, 12:39:41 AM »
Actually... I always use evil armor. It lets me play deluge or rain, sinning hand and heavy taxes when I band. I've found that it's a really nice card. But I did put in all the other cards... I'll try using worshipping demons.
As a national champion, I support ReyZen deck pouches.


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