Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
SoG/NJ = 2Provisions = 1 (at least)AotL = 1PoJ/ I kill my territory = Opponent loses 9-10 Evil cards... namely Characters.Mainly, I kill my own guys to kill the blocker.This deck my see a Cov w/ Death soon...
I think RDT meant to have "negate" in there. The instead refers to instead of negating the battle winner, you can just negate PoJ.
Quote from: megamanlan on October 03, 2012, 10:01:07 PMSoG/NJ = 2Provisions = 1 (at least)AotL = 1PoJ/ I kill my territory = Opponent loses 9-10 Evil cards... namely Characters.Mainly, I kill my own guys to kill the blocker.This deck my see a Cov w/ Death soon...If SoG/NJ/AotL/Provisions are going to get you 4-5 of your souls, why not just cut your deck down to 50 cards and speed to get these cards out? You have 50 non-LS cards in this deck, of which you calculate 4 will win you 80%-100% of your rescues. I'm not sure why you can't cut 7 cards (and one LS) from the other 46 cards.