Author Topic: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture  (Read 2664 times)


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Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:18:16 AM »
So after going through all the wonderful suggestions, and my own ideas for the deck, this is the preliminary list I came up with for my AoG/capture deck. The souls, sites, and artifacts I'm not entirely sold on and I had to take out an artifact (Chariot of Fire) and some good enhancements (Mercy of James and David's Triumph) to fit the dual alignment enhancements in, but they're all so good. Any feedback/suggestions would be most welcome!

Cards in Deck: 57
Lost Souls: 8
  N.T Only

Sites: 1
  Fortress of Antonia

Dominants: 8

Fortresses: 2
  Raiders' Camp
  Herod's Temple

Artifacts: 3
  Holy Grail
  Unholy Writ

Heroes: 9
  Saint of Virtue
  Soldier of God
  Christian Soldier M
  Christian Soldier F

Hero Enhancements: 7
  Belt of Truth
  Breastplate of Righteousness
  Helmet of Salvation
  Shield of Faith
  Shoes of Peace
  Elymas Struck Blind
  Snake into the Fire

DAEs: 3
  Gamaliel's Speech
  Paul's Belt
  Roman Spear
Evil Characters: 9
  Emperor Tiberius
  The Roman Jailer
  Emperor Claudius
  Porcius Festus
  Claudius Lysias
  Emperor Vitellius
  Centurion at Jerusalem
  The Sanhedrin
  Entrapping Pharisees

Evil Enhancements: 7
  Arrest in Philippi
  Arrest in Jerusalem
  Gold Shield
  Night Raid
  Namaan's Chariot and Horses
  Balaam's Disobedience
« Last Edit: September 13, 2015, 10:58:21 AM by Browa »

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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2015, 12:03:03 PM »
If you are going to use all 6 AoG, I'd try and get the deck to 50 cards.  You will want those armors out as soon as possible, as well as the heroes that tutor/recur them.  There are 20 enhancements in this deck (I know that many of them are TC) - but that's still a lot.

A possible idea to reduce the deck size:  Cut Chorazin, Alexandrian Ship, and 4 enhancements.  Cent's Proc and/or Walking on Water can go.  Honestly, Sword of the Spirit could go to; you won't really have anything worth playing preblock, since so many of your GEs will already be in battle.  A Gray EE should go too.  CP could go too, if you don't want to cut 4 enhancements. 

Your ECs are not going to be able to play battlewinners often, based on their */*.  And if you drop Alexandrian Ship, you might not want the EC that tutors it.  I don't have a good suggestion for what to do about your ECs at this moment though.  Maybe Vitellius to speed the deck up?

Keep DoN.  DD and CWD wreck your deck hard. 

Mayhem could let you drop a soul gen card like Paul's Belt, and can speed up your deck.  Mayhem is great in 50 card decks too - has the best chance of jumpstarting your offense.

Instead of Christ's Triumph, you might want to consider Miraculous Handkerchiefs, as they both basically tech against the same thing.  Right now, you only have 2 limited-use artifacts.  MH doesn't run out of uses, and isn't stopped by DD/CWD.
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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2015, 12:31:58 PM »
Also, I would suggest using Raider's Camp, as it works great with Paul's Belt, allowing you to capture your character right into it on your turn and buys you extra blocks on defense. Also, Namaan's Chariot and Horses would give you speed and initiative to play one of your capture battlewinners.
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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2015, 01:08:30 PM »
I agree 100% about Raider camp. Its also very nice with Martyr+ Claudius Lysais.  You need Gold Shield and Roman Spearmen too. Gold shield is perfect for this defense especially on Claudius because that's 2 blocks.  So he could get you four blocks per game if you're foxy. And then Roman Spear men is a great block when a Raiders camp is loaded and good with the spear.

Offensively you should think about Agabus to recur pauls belt and other capture cards


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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2015, 09:03:45 AM »
Sorry for the delay in reply, I totally forgot I made this post, haha.

Thanks for the suggestions! I cut the deck down to 50 and made some swaps. My main concern now is that none of my good enhancements are battle winners.

I also wasn't sure what to cut for Gold Shield or Namaan's Chariot and Horses. Maybe Chorazin but Holy Grail is super rampant now so I like the idea of at least having a counter in the deck.

Also, do I need Dragon Raid? Paladin has site access but that's it.

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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2015, 09:45:26 AM »
Most 50 card decks can't afford to run 6 support cards (Grail, Writ, Hankies, Fort, Chor and RC). I don't see anything special about this one that makes it an acceptation. It's also a little Enhancement heavy (16 of them with only 14 characters). The result is that you're character-lite.

All the support cards you've chosen are good and work well in your deck. You can either choose which one(s) you can afford to play without, or bump the deck to 56 (or 57) if you feel the need to keep them all.

There are tons of solid Evil Characters to choose from. You should make room for 1-2 more. Same goes for the Heroes. Like Peter, Claudia (PC) is an auto include in every deck that runs all clay Heroes. She has CBI banding, pulls Heroes out of your deck and let's you know what's coming so you can decide if you want to search/shuffle (with Christian Soldier) or use Belt to grab a card and clear the top of your deck.

I used to think A Soldier's Prayer is a no-brainer in an AoG offense, but I'm starting to question that. It seems that Christian Soldier and Saint of Virtue serve the same purpose. Redundancy is good, but with so little room for battle winners I believe that spot might be better used for something like Word of Christ, Mercy of James, Preaching in the Synagogue, Snake into the Fire, Bravery of David, David's Triumph, Centurion's Proclimation or Elymas Struck Blind. All of those offer you the ability to negate/interrupt when you rescue with one of your banding chains but also work well on lone Heroes.

Dragon Raid probably isn't necessary. You've also got access via Shoes, which ban be recurred.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2015, 09:47:38 AM by Gabe »
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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2015, 08:31:47 PM »
I've never done a 57-card deck before, I like the idea of trying. I've updated the list above to accommodate 57 cards, I've added Claudia and VP (unsure if I should do FA instead) and space for a Lost Soul (not sure which one to pick), I've swapped ASP to put Centurion's Proclamation back in, and I've added Mercy of James. That leaves a hero slot and 2 evil character slots. Someone suggested Roman Spearman to use with Roman Spear, should that take one of the spots?

Thanks for the thoughts Gabe! :)

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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2015, 10:35:16 AM »
Maybe add Luke and swap Proc with Elymas Struck Blind.

For the ECs, Julius and the Entrapping Pharisees would be great, or if you wanted all romans you could use the one from EC (Cauis I think) that's like siege army.

I might use Chariot over Handkerchiefs.

Maybe the 2 liner for the other LS.

What does Uproar do? I would try to fit in Naaman's chariot in at all costs.
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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2015, 11:42:15 PM »
I like that idea, having a second heal option would be nice.

I originally had Julius but since I'm not running Alexandrian Ship anymore for him to tutor all he does is negate characters. Is that really that useful? I wouldn't mind Entrapping Pharisees seeing as it fits with the capture theme, lol.

Any specific reasoning?


"Withdraw a Hero. If a warrior class Roman is in play, you may capture the Hero (instead)." (phase 1 version includes instead, phase 2 version doesn't)
-I ended up swapping out Night Raid for Namaan's Chariot since Raiders' Camp would override the soul generation of NR anyway.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 07:04:06 AM by Browa »

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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2015, 09:53:08 AM »
Negating characters is very strong, and Julius is CBN by a good card. He is also a great character Lysias can band to. If you put Gold Shield on him, and band to him with Lysias, it's pretty much a guaranteed capture.

I would just not see the reason to have another heal card, especially an artifact. Chariot seemed like a good choice, but with Peter and Luke I would say Captured Ark would be better, as it can be active in Chorazin and it can potentially clear a Cov w Death, HHI, or Decree.

Night Raid is still better than either of the Arrests, or Uproar. Since it has that potential to give it to your opponent, it's one of the best capture cards without Raider's Camp. I would put it back in for Arrest at Philippi, and replace Uproar with something like Gold Shield or Heavy Taxes.

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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2015, 11:10:11 AM »
Who would you swap Julius in for?

I changed Arrest to Night Raid. Not sure what to swap out for Gold Shield.


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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2015, 05:27:50 PM »
I like Herod's temple or lampstands in this kind of deck. Lampstand ensures they can't shipwreck your raiders camp or play FA if your in the lead and since you are playing NT on both sides you can't really go wrong with HT. I would drop Chorazin and Captured ark for these 2. On defense I would drop Caius Caligula he's really bad, and Roman Jailor for Sabbath breaker and The Sanhedrin. You need some low initiative guys to get off self capture stuff with raiders camp.

I would swap in GS for the arrest that withdraws, the black/gray one.


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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2015, 09:53:47 PM »
I like Herod's temple or lampstands in this kind of deck. Lampstand ensures they can't shipwreck your raiders camp or play FA if your in the lead and since you are playing NT on both sides you can't really go wrong with HT. I would drop Chorazin and Captured ark for these 2. On defense I would drop Caius Caligula he's really bad, and Roman Jailor for Sabbath breaker and The Sanhedrin. You need some low initiative guys to get off self capture stuff with raiders camp.

I would swap in GS for the arrest that withdraws, the black/gray one.
Roman Jailer lets me play a capture when he blocks regardless of initiative, why would I take him out?

The black/grey one is Uproar which I already took out. Arrest in Jerusalem is regardless of protection capture any hero, and Arrest in Philippi captures 2 humans.


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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2015, 10:56:44 PM »
I like Herod's temple or lampstands in this kind of deck. Lampstand ensures they can't shipwreck your raiders camp or play FA if your in the lead and since you are playing NT on both sides you can't really go wrong with HT. I would drop Chorazin and Captured ark for these 2. On defense I would drop Caius Caligula he's really bad, and Roman Jailor for Sabbath breaker and The Sanhedrin. You need some low initiative guys to get off self capture stuff with raiders camp.

I would swap in GS for the arrest that withdraws, the black/gray one.
Roman Jailer lets me play a capture when he blocks regardless of initiative, why would I take him out?

The black/grey one is Uproar which I already took out. Arrest in Jerusalem is regardless of protection capture any hero, and Arrest in Philippi captures 2 humans.
Because they will most likely negate it if they have initiative through SI or numbers and if you have initiative you could play a capture anyway. The only good thing about it is that you can drop a capture before angel if you have lower numbers. So, I feel like a character with lower numbers then 4/5  is going to be more useful in this deck.

Oh I would take out the one that captures two humans that's not as good as something that can Caves or any other prevalent protection.

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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2015, 11:15:11 PM »
The beauty of the jailer is that he can play first, whether or not he has initiative, allowing you to capture a Hero not in battle to RC, lose by the numbers and heal himself to do it again later. There are many situations where that's an auto block in a deck that plays Raider's Camp and multiple gray captures.
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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2015, 01:16:36 AM »
So the suggested adds so far are Julius, Sabbath Breaker, and The Sanhedrin and the suggested removals are Caius Caligula and Roman Jailer. Jailer fits with both the defensive and offensive themes so I'm still just not really sure why the suggestion is to take him out (for the reasons Gabe stated). Caligula I'm not opposed to removing I just don't know what I want to put in for him. I already have Vitellius for drawing so Breaker would just be for initiative and 1 extra draw. Sanhedrin is good for initiative or banding, though I only have 1 target it can band to.


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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2015, 10:41:02 PM »
I ended up deciding to swap Caius Caligula for The Sanhedrin. Initiative and the potential to band to my opponent's pharisee defense seemed like a good bet.

At this point I think the best way to edit the deck further is to play some games with it and see how it goes. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! :D


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Re: Clay/Red+Gray - AoG+Capture
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2015, 01:23:57 PM »
The beauty of the jailer is that he can play first, whether or not he has initiative, allowing you to capture a Hero not in battle to RC, lose by the numbers and heal himself to do it again later. There are many situations where that's an auto block in a deck that plays Raider's Camp and multiple gray captures.
Oooh you're right I missed the and/or and read it as and. So yeah that's really good.


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