Author Topic: cannanite defence  (Read 2090 times)

Offline wyatt_marcum

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cannanite defence
« on: November 21, 2012, 09:10:49 PM »
Working on a cannanite defence. Any help? I have the tower of thebez tin. No idea what else for it though.

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Re: cannanite defence
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2012, 09:32:55 PM »
I recommend getting the Judges/Canaanite tin also. Other commonly played Canaanites are Lot's Wife, Lot's Daughters, Sisera and King of Tyrus. They also mix pretty well with black Philistines but you lose the option of negating Heroes with Tower of Thebez if you do that.
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline wyatt_marcum

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Re: cannanite defence
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2012, 10:06:56 PM »
What in that tin?

Offline cookie monster

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Re: cannanite defence
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2012, 10:32:00 PM »
What in that tin?

Gibeonite curse
Gibeonite delegates
Gibeonite trickery

These cards are necessary in a pure Canaanite defenses.

God Bless!
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Offline wyatt_marcum

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Re: cannanite defence
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2012, 10:35:46 PM »
Thanks. Do you know what tin it is?

Offline cookie monster

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Re: cannanite defence
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2012, 10:40:10 PM »
Thanks. Do you know what tin it is?

ROA2 xxiii
Yo dog, sup in da hood! Cookie monsta is in da house.

Offline wyatt_marcum

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Re: cannanite defence
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2012, 10:42:07 PM »
Awessome. Thanks. Is there anything else that should be put in. Wanted to be able to havve it be a bigger or smqller defence, depending on the offence.

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Re: cannanite defence
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2012, 10:46:50 PM »
Awessome. Thanks. Is there anything else that should be put in. Wanted to be able to havve it be a bigger or smqller defence, depending on the offence.

I cannot think of anything at the moment. If I do I will post it.

God Bless!
Yo dog, sup in da hood! Cookie monsta is in da house.

Offline wyatt_marcum

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Re: cannanite defence
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2012, 10:48:42 PM »

Offline Redoubter

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Re: cannanite defence
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2012, 11:12:33 PM »
As someone who has been playing Canaanites, Judges work really well with Canaanites for some obvious reasons (Abimelech) and also because you can pull off some nice combos that are more fun to figure out on your own ;)


Gibeonite Delegates - Amazing numbers, CBP protection from discard (meaning no AoTL or Grapes on him until you can play), and soul gen.  They (note, genderless) are your best non-female character.

Lot's Wife - Stellar numbers, banding to any EC (the best play being to steal your opponents guy with Horses and play Stone or Gibeonite Trickery), makes the draw off of Woman even better, and can use your best enhancements easily.

The Woman of Thebez - Decent numbers, drawing (which is better with Lot's Wife, mind you), and CBN playing of a CBN regardless-of-protection discard.  More use in T2 due to there being more Stones and Towers, but definitely needed in every Canaanite defense.

Abimelech - Decent numbers, does nasty stuff with Judges, can nuke territory if you win, and can use weapons (including Foreign Sword, which makes him great for prepping your next attack when added to his discarding of evil cards).  Can also play some Plot with Jezebel, if you really want to go there (I don't).

Sisera - Not great numbers, but your absolute best weapon against just about any OT banding defense.  Throw JiP on him and watch the entire offense go splat.  Can also use weapons (Foreign Sword).

Shechem - Not great numbers, but has a CBP way to capture a female (eh) or get rid of those pesky characters who generated as a soul for your opponent to rescue (or throw those you capture to the other LoB, if you want to use the Black capture enhancements).

Tower of Thebez - Yeah, this is killer to many offenses out there (FBTN banding, Disciples...pretty much anything that won't throw Covenant with Death in their deck).  Be careful about keeping all of your Canaanites there against some decks that can blow it up.  I usually keep my least valuable in there until I am sure it won't explode (Jezebel is usually my garrison), but if they can't kill it, it can protect you as well as KotW can.

Canaan - Protect yourself from conversion, that's great and all, but the even better use is to set up CTB combos by giving up your Canaanite.  Oh, and capture their nastiest hero outside of combat.  Canaanite site (important, see below).

Hormah - Always useful, especially in T1.  So many uses, I couldn't list them all here.  Canaanite site (important, see below).

Gibeonite Trickery - Forget Stone, this is your best enhancement.  CBN 0/6 battle-ender works even if there are a couple of heroes in battle, and Lot's Wife can help you get the numbers you need.  Even better, use this on Delegates (who they can't strike down with doms) against almost any rescue with less than 10 offense and you just win that battle.

Stone of Thebez - Much hated (particularly in T2), this thing is usually used on Lot's Wife or Daughters due to numbers, but use Woman of Thebez when you can to draw first.

Joseph in Prison - You won't have much interrupt/negate in a Black deck, but this is the best one you can use since it removes the pesky heroes from the game at the same time.  Combine with Sisera for anger-inducing fun.

Hunger - Use this on Delegates to add nothing to your side and keep initiative to play Trickery, Stone, JiP, or just lose and generate a soul for yourself.  Their territory will still explode, which is always exciting.

Fortify Site - One of the few ways to recur an evil character in the game, and this is really important since there are so few evil Canaanites.  Note that this also works on Canaanite sites like Canaan and Hormah, so you can recur some combos.  The protection from opponents is amazing, and then you also blow up an artifact.  All-around, this is a must-have.

Offline Redoubter

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Re: cannanite defence
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2012, 11:13:02 PM »
Adds (depends on size of defense):

Lot's Daughters - Yes, she is small, yes, she is female, but she's your weakest female overall.  Plus she gets bigger, which is never good.  If you want more size out of your defense, add her in because you'll need the characters.

Jezebel - The worst of the Canaanites, just because she is too big, has no CB-, and has a meh ability.  Still, you'll need her if you have a balanced deck, she is a female, and she can tear up Prophets pretty quick.  When I use her, she usually sits in Tower to activate it.  If it blows up, no big loss (and it stops her from being used against your heroes).

Prince of Tyrus (either, Warriors preferred) - The Black version is weaker than the Orange, but either are Canaanites.  Not very useful, but not a terrible add, and can be used for some of the cards that require a Canaanite in their cost.  I don't recommend him, but he's there if you need it.

King of Tyrus (either version) - I really don't recommend this, but it is an option.  He can't go in Tower, but won't turn it off if he's in your territory.  You won't have any support for either version, most likely, so I wouldn't use him at all.  Still, it is an option, if you really want to go there.

Pride of Simon - Great way to reuse Stone (which is still CBN if you use Pride on a female), but note that you cannot recur Trickery with this (as that card requires all your enhancements be OT).  Like this as an add, but not a necessity.

Devourer - The Warriors version is better if you aren't playing with placed enhancements (WWW, Call, etc.) because it blows up all good enhancements, and the Kings version is better if you are (it only hits battle).  As I mentioned before, you have almost no interrupts or negates, so if you want to try and actually play defense, you'll need this.

Wrath of Satan - I'm not a big fan of this in T1, but if you play it right, this can be devastating.  A lot of people don't run Chariot anymore, and this can knock them out of the game if done properly.

Denying Blame - Okay, I hate this card because I hate redirect.  But if you really want another interrupt and to annoy the judge of your tournament, throw this in.

Gibeonite Curse - Okay, I first thought this was the best Canaanite card when I started this defense.  However, I can tell you it is not as good in practice as it looks on paper.  First, the dom cap has limited its usefulness.  They have to be running AoTL or Grapes and play those before they draw SoG for this to really be worth using.  Plus, you don't have the characters to spare usually.  I do not recommend including this, but it is an option.

Hope this helps!

Offline wyatt_marcum

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Re: cannanite defence
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2012, 11:19:36 PM »
Thanks. This helps me in dicciding what to do with the defence to.


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