Author Topic: brown/purple upped a little  (Read 986 times)


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brown/purple upped a little
« on: December 30, 2012, 01:08:14 PM »
Is there anything i should do with this deck to make it better
I know i need some cards i dont have to strengthen it even mentioning those will put a lil wish list for me
# Cards 62

Lost Souls 8

10 Card
Generic x6

Dominants 3

Angel of the Lord
Christian Martyr
Son Of God

Lost Soul Sites 2

Samaria Green
Roman Prison Blue (nSA)

Artifacts 3

Altar of Incense (OT heroes protected from discard on EEs)
Hezekiah's Signet Ring (opponents cant search card piles)
Temple Veil (access to sites)

Heroes 7

Bartholomew (Negate cards with "false" "lying" Deceit" or "Deception" in title; protects Disciples from capture and conversion)
Elders of the City (make defeated EC into opponents LS)
John (prevent SAs on ECs except banding)
James Son of Zebedee (band to John)
King Hiram (draw a card)
King Jehoshaphat
King Joash

Enhancements 13

Authority of Christ (all ECs discarded) [Hold some in hand]
Cast Out Demons (discard demon)
Great Faith (Get a necessary enhancement for battle win)
Haman's Plot Exposed (get rid of opponents "capture" or "discard" enhancement from hand)
Listening to God (set aside John)
Peace Treaty (Ignore a brigade or band O.T.H.)
Reach of Desperation (Increase hand and have auto initiative)
Royal Parade (Ignore the EC in battle)
Struck with Blindness (Return WCECs to owners territory) [Need Elisha]
Trust (withdraw a hero from battle and get all enhancements back)
Unified Kingdom (Band in even opponents heros)
The Vineyard (set aside heroes to protect from my ignorance) [Neutralizes it if finished set aside ability]
The Word Spreads (Convert human EC to hero)

Evil Characters 10

Abner (First strike)
Angry Mob (Discard random hero)
Covenant Breakers (discard one of opponents covenants)
Dathan (band to Korah)
Foul Spirit (negate special abilities)
King Saul (band to abner or michal)
Korah (Evil Banding cannot be prevented or negated in battle)
Michal (Ignores David)
Mocking Soldier (Great mourning cannot be negated)
Unclean Spirit

Evil Enhancements 15

Abner's Spear (discard a male hero)
Bad Decision (capture a hero if open LS site)
Cage (hand)
Evil Fire (remove a hero from the game)
Fruitless Tree (remove a hero from the game)
Gibeonite Trickery (Use to stop battle if not enough strength to beat hero)
Great Mourning (stop opponent from making a rescue next turn)
Ignorance (Decrease all heroes by 4/4) [Use if my heros are set aside with vineyard]
Israelite Rebellion (remove a hero from game)
King Saul's Jealousy (return male hero to territory)
Korah's Rebellion (remove all from game)
Paul's Girdle (hand)
Saul's Javelin (Return a male hero to territory)
Sick Unto Death (decrease one hero by 5/5)
Zelophehad's Sin (Remove a hero in Battle from game)

Power Enhancements 1

Lying Unto God (Discard active artifact)
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 11:34:35 PM by Beefstew »

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brown/purple upped a little
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2012, 03:55:00 PM »
The first thing you should do is get a better character to enhancement ratio

You really shouldn't have more enhancements than characters
That many enhancements will lead to hand clog

1:1 ratio is decent but less enhancements is better

Top decks will rarely allow you to Even play enhancements
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