Author Topic: Broken Gates (The Royal Pain)  (Read 1287 times)

Offline Master Q

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Broken Gates (The Royal Pain)
« on: September 10, 2015, 02:33:28 PM »
Another deck I've been wanting to make was a new Gates of Samaria/Broken Cisterns deck. After I saw how effective Cisterns could be at the T2 only, I wanted to make a T1 deck that used that strategy. This is how it looks now.

56 cards

7 LS
Site Doubler
Deck Discard
Hand Discard

7 Doms

4 Arts/Curses
Shrine to Artemis
Plagued w/ Diseases

6 Forts/Sites
Gates o' Samaria
Samaria x5

8 Heroes
King Hiram
King Amazing
King Jotham
King David
King Solomon
King Lemuel
King's Daughter

7 GEs
Counsel o' Abigail
Valley o' Salt
Authority o' Peter

1 DE

9 ECs
King Ahaziah
King Jeroboam II
King Omri
King Jehoash
King Ahab

7 EEs
King's Pomp
Broken Cisterns
Achan's Sin
Korah's Rebellion
Wickedness o' the Tenants
Gibeonite Trickery

One of the main goals of this deck is to take advantage of the card Broken Cisterns. Naturally, this means using certain other cards and strategies (Plagued; Stalks/Grail to give more brigades, especially Stalks a Hero with Love to decrease by nine), thus freeing Gates to decrease evil characters or the more resilient heroes rather than just all Heroes, making up for the smaller offense. What other cards would make this a more consistent deck at this size?   
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 11:35:12 AM by Master Q »
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Re: Broken Gates (The Royal Pain)
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2015, 06:30:35 PM »
I would consider taking out King Jotham, as I think he is by far your weakest Hero (aside from King's Daughter, but she is needed for Lemuel). The only time someone will block Jotham with a WC EC is when they have no other choice, and there are relatively few evil interrupts used (and even fewer that are CBI, so Counsel, Reach or Valley can still win). Otherwise, King Ahaziah is probably your weakest EC. I might actually look into replacing him with Complainers, which is another nice way to use Stalks/Grail, or Uzzah (even though you don't have a lot of Arts, he'll still be able to get a block in a lot of games, and even when you don't have to/want to use him, having him in territory does make your opponent play differently). Putting in another non-royal will help you be able to block an opponent's King David (or even worse, someone banding to yours).

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Offline Master Q

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Re: Broken Gates (The Royal Pain)
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2015, 12:36:26 AM »
Jotham is pretty much only in there for another X for Abigail or Valley, and that's really good. But CBN is a neat bonus, great against Babs, Herods, Phillys and especially Romans, all of which use tons of WC. I would be hesitant to remove him.

I thought King Ahaziah was the weakest as well. But, putting Shrine in for him makes him suddenly much more valuable in the deck, so it's kind of an odd switch.

Complainers would be nice, because yeah, only Gomer and TAS to block King David isn't too great (unless Pomp). I thought about taking Nadab and Jeroboam I out for Complainers and Shrine, because recycling Samarias would be better than EEs, in my case.

EDIT: So I took out High Places, Threatened Lives, King Nadab and King Jero I, and added Shrine, Achan's Sin, Complainers and Uzzah. What else could I swap?
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 11:37:04 AM by Master Q »
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Re: Broken Gates (The Royal Pain)
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2015, 02:33:39 PM »
Since you have Ahab, you might think about (I think it is) Jezebel. you get the band and play, no matter how much he gets increased. but that is just me, really.


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