I won't try to tell you how to run all the details but here is the main selections and brief reasons why.
Moses (CoW) this is the crux Hero of the offense. With so many ways to search him out you should be able to first turn Moses with a 60% (+) in tournament play.
Moses' Parents (CoW) this card will force your opponent to need 2 enhancements to play against Moses since he will be protected from the first one.
Coliseum (CoW) stopping CBN enhancements means your opponent needs CBP to try to go after Moses.
You Will Remain (CoW) add to battle after losing to a special ability is super clutch. Also it shuts down the CBP lost soul.
I am Holy - continue to pound Defense out of your opponents hand. Also shuts down the CBP LS.
AUTO - Go get Moses
Samuel (ROA) /David the Psalmist/Wheel within a Wheel - speed it Up and targets for wheel
CBP Or playable on Moses interrupts/battle winners
Faith of Samuel, speed and band/ no fear of scattered with coliseum
Faith of Moses Parents, ignore you
Faith of Moses, artifact targeting/negate whatever you need it to be
Word of their testimony, underdeck a human and/remove a demon
Faith of Daniel, semi conditional but DC 2 EC's . . . I'll take it.
This is just the basics of what I would consider meta. There are some other fun things to do but I'm not giving all of it to you!