New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
total in deck: 56 50 I think cardsLs's:3 lineranti-angeldeck discardfemale onlypunisherhand discardwanderer Sites/FortressesEgypt x2PithomPharoah's Throne RoomStorehouseLamb Doms:NJSoGGoYSAoTL Take one Dom outEvil Doms:DoNFABurialCMArtifacts/CursesMagic CharmsStone Pillar at BethalHidden TreasuresGiven Over to EgyptBlue Heroes:JoeJacobRachelBenAsherSimeonEveZebulunJudahSilver Heroes:CotHAngel of the HarvestSilver Enhancements:Fire, Smoke, and SulferBlue Enhancements:Reuben's Torn ClothingJoe b4 PharoahAnswer to PrayerJacob Buries the Gods7 Years of PlentyNumerous as the StarsForgiveness of JoeAbe's DescendentCreation of the WorldGold EC'sAmmy's SlaveEgyptian MagiciansThe Dreaming PharoahCupbearerBakerPotipher's wifeQueen TalpenesKing SoKing ShishakJannesJambresKoT WGold Enhancements:RuthlessEnslaved by EgyptThe gods of EgyptEgyptian SpearEgyptian HorsesWonders ForgottenFailed ObjectiveEvil SpiritMoses kill an EgyptionMulti:Spiritual WarfareWheel within a WheelAs a fairly newer player, I made this deck with only 56 cards due to the much given 56 card advice that some of you have suggested. Please let me know what I should take out, put in, etc. Thanks to all!
could add failed objective