Author Topic: what i really use: red/philly  (Read 1264 times)

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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what i really use: red/philly
« on: July 11, 2011, 05:38:53 PM »
enough of that speed deck nonsense, here is what i really use:

56 cards
NT only
fem only
speed bump


rams horn
unholy writ
rain becomes dust

phil. outpost

centurion at capernaum
centurian at calvery

hero enh=9
mustering for war
a soldiers prayer
warriors spear
centurions proclimation
davids trimuph
the battle is the Lords
davids mighty men
trumpet and sword

evil characters=7
phil. garrison
12 fingerd giant
phil. armor bearer
fallen warrior
lots wife
simon the magician
uzzah or Goliath (once i get one)

evil enhancements=8
bringing feaf
foolish advice
joseph in prison
phil charriots and horses
goliaths armor
wrath of satan
overwhelmed by phil.
pride of simon

sorry for spelling mistakes, i dont have the cards in front of me.  i am debating on taking out captured ark for either blue tassels, 3 nails, or rams horn, but idk, any suggestions over anytihng in the deck?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 05:33:08 PM by sepjazzwarrior »

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Re: what i really use: red/philly
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2011, 09:18:41 PM »
I've had fun with something similar to this, a red offense and philly defense. Mine is only 50 cards. It's a lot of fun to play but only a second tier deck at best. You're going to need a little card drawing if you expect to be able to even remotely keep up with the fast decks that populate the top tier of T1. I use Mustering for War and Peter + Four-Drachma Coin. Goliath is an absolute must have for your Philly defense.
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: what i really use: red/philly
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2011, 09:48:31 PM »
edited, added mustering for war for captured ark.  i have the speed bump in there plus goliaths armor to help counter disciples speed, but i havent found room for rain becomes dust yet

ps: do you know a good place to get a Goliath?
« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 09:59:04 PM by sepjazzwarrior »

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Re: what i really use: red/philly
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2011, 09:58:40 PM »
There are three big reasons why Red is one of the weaker brigades: 1) Lack of effective drawing 2) Lack of CBN battle winners 3) Lack of capture protection. This is why the most effective way to use Red is to have a Teal splash. If you don't want to do that though, then you should definitely add Mustering for War and/or Peter and 4DC (Peter helps vs. TGT decks as well, though he does hurt your Simon). Ram's Horn is also critical, and makes Red's amazing battle winners even better (Freedom! and Trumpet and Sword are arguably among the top negatable good enhancements in the game). The Sabbath is also a good add, as A Soldier's Prayer + The Sabbath allows you to have two shots at perfectly CBN battle winners. Blue Tassels would be a good idea as well, since your defense doesn't depend on capture at all.

As for what to take out, I've never seen Peter's Curse do too much, as it's far too easy to get rid of. You won't need HoH if you add a couple of ways to make your enhancements CBN, as it makes your Centurions less useful. Heldai and Adino typically don't help too much in a pure Red deck, and you can replace Adino's Spear with Warrior's Spear (which can be really annoying to your opponent for a turn or two if you don't have a good offensive setup but you have Spy and WS). David could probably come out as well, as he won't be too useful until August.

Your defense looks pretty solid, except that I've never liked Philly Chariot and Horses in a deck like this. You only have three enhancements that aren't weapons or interrupts anyway, and its pretty easy to get rid of for opponents if they feel threatened by it.

As for where to get Goliath, the only place to get them (aside from Regional tournaments) is probably the Market forum where I've seen them go for $20-$30 usually.
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Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: what i really use: red/philly
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2011, 10:07:28 PM »
edit: rams horn for HoH

peters curse is in there to get around thad and TGT, is there another way to counter them?  i had in kingdoms to counter TGT, but that is a bigger problem now-a-days.  because there isnt much drawing i want the defense to last for a bit. phil charriots and horses gives me some drawing in a deck that really needs it to i am reluctant to take it out.  david is the most useful hero in this deck, with his big number, inishitive (sp?), and name-on-name stuff.  The way i get around capture is to just throw out big banding chains and let them capture a few.  i have 9 heros so im not worried about losing a few, especially since many of them are interchangeable.  a riaders camp could be a problem, but i havent seen too many around, but then agin i dont get out much

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: what i really use: red/philly
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2011, 05:33:36 PM »
edit: warriros spear for adinos spear and rain becomes dust for perets curse


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