FBTN ls would help the offence i think. How did Mayhem work for you (good or bad, in the way?) piggies ls and teal set asides contradict each other, did they get in the way? was it hard for opponent to get ls's because of the 63 card deck? and one magician for charms, how did that work for you? cov. with levi looks good here. No nazareths got in your way? I would prob trade burning incence for j strength instead because of golgotha
Pigs lost soul helped more than it hurt. I ran into a bit of a problem first game, when I drew it first round and lots of defense.
I considered FBTN lost soul, probably a good add, considering NT is difficult and female is impossible. Although, I'm sure we'll see a decline of those souls, but still...
No problem with Nazareth. My playgroup doesn't have too many disciples yet, and probably don't realize how good Nazareth is. The only time Nebby's ability was stopped was when my first round played Fortelling Angel.
Golgotha would be a problem. Gonna change that...
63 Cards didn't seem to make a difference, actually...strangely...
Why not? Charms is beastly. I can grab Astrologers with Nebby if need be.
I throw Mayhem in every deck. First round is awesome.