Author Topic: [Insert Creative Deck Title Here]  (Read 3809 times)

Offline Alex_Olijar

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[Insert Creative Deck Title Here]
« on: January 20, 2009, 12:09:02 AM »
I'm usually hesitant to post some of my main decks on here, but here is my main deck for the S.O.T. I haven't ketp perfect track of it's record, but I believe it is 5-1 with a +8 soul differential, or somewhere around there. The loss was a 5-0 destruction by Prof Underwood that was purely on drawing. It took 5 mins. I tihnk if he remembers the game, he'd agree I had no chance. So here it is with commetns in the middle.

Cards in deck: 56
Lost Souls: 7
   Lost Soul (anti-burial)
   Lost Soul (Color Guard)
   Lost Soul (female only)
   Lost Soul (N.T. only)
   Lost Soul (revealer)
   Lost Soul (shuffler)
   Lost Souls (2-line)

Nothing to special here. Other souls considered have been the protector and the site doubler, both being in place of the shuffler.

Lamb Dominants: 3
   Angel of the Lord
   New Jerusalem
   Son of God

Grim Reaper Dominants: 4
   Christian Martyr
   Destruction of Nehushtan
   Falling Away

Standard stuff. Any opinions on Guardian's inclusion?

Multi-Color Sites: 2
   Dragon Raid
   Promised Land

Blue Sites: 1

Purple Sites: 1

2x site access for safety. I don't want to be slowed down by something like a site delay deck. Hormah is mainly to annoy, and Pergamum to protct from AoC in combo with the colorguard.

Artifacts: 4
   Chariot of Fire
   Gifts of the Magi
   Priestly Crown
   The Silver Trumpets

Curses: 2
   Captured Ark
   Unknown Nation

Fairly normal artifacts. Gifts with Hur, Captured Ark is always useful, Unknown Nation to help bring out the right defenders. Only weird card here is Silver Trumpets. In combo with some of the preists and other heroes (Jake, Widow), it can provide a unique band to ignore in battle characters among other things.

Teal Heroes: 3
   Joshua the High Priest
   Phinehas, son of Eleazar
   Priests of Christ

Silver Heroes: 2
   Captain of the Host
   Strong Angel, The

Green Heroes: 2

Blue Heroes: 1

Purple Heroes: 2
   Ethiopian Treasurer

TSA and Benaiah for FTBN crunch. ET and Widow for AoCp, and ignorance in Widow's case. I dont know what else to say. Seems self explanatory here for the msot part.

Multi-Color Hero Enhancements: 4
   Jehoiada's Strength (Teal)
   Jordan Interrupted (Teal)
   Trumpet Blast (Teal)
   Zeal for the Lord (Teal)

Green Hero Enhancements: 1
   Plague of Frogs

Blue Hero Enhancements: 1
   Reuben's Torn Clothes

Purple Hero Enhancements: 3
   Authority of Christ
   Reach of Desperation
   The Word Spreads

Again, fairly standard with the characters in the deck. Plague of Frogs is in danger of droppage though. Thoughts? I haven't seen it be very useful.

Multi-Colored Evil Characters: 3
   The Amalekite's Slave
   The Winged Leopord
   Antiochus Ephiphanes IV

Orange Evil Characters: 1
   King of Tyrus

Crimson Evil Characters: 1
   Red Dragon

Gray Evil Characters: 1
   Sabbath Breaker

Brown Evil Characters: 4
   King Zedekiah
   Unclean Spirit

Brown Evil Enhancements: 3
   Dungeon of Malchiah
   Gibeonite Trickery
   Haman's Plot

The defense started out as standalone, but has progressed into a powerhouse. I'm not sure why, but this defense has been much. much better than I expected. It won at least one game for me, probably two. I have thought about adding in another enhancement in either the black or gray brigade. Any thought or ideas?

Thanks for the help guys. Any comments appreciated.

[edit} King of Tyrus added. RTS didn't include him in my deck summary.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 11:36:48 AM by Janissary »

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: The multi-brigade deck of doom
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2009, 12:51:41 AM »
I would normally think this defense was too weak.  But having just played it, and getting shut down by it for a long time, I don't know what to say.  And having just gotten defeated by this deck it is hard to suggest changes.

I do think I would take out Benaniah and Plague of Frogs for GoYS and the Hopper LS.

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: The multi-brigade deck of doom
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2009, 07:29:05 AM »
+1, although...I would definitely suggest Provisions. :-\

BTW, you do know that Perg stops your own DR as well, right?
Use the Mad Bomber to rescue his Province.

Offline Gabe

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Re: The multi-brigade deck of doom
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2009, 11:00:19 AM »
I'm pretty sure I beat this deck 5-4 (or a version that was only a few cards different) on January 5th in a game that was as close as the score indicates.  The deck is very strong.  It could use more card drawing but that's kind of a personal preference of mine.  Here's a list of some tweaks I'd suggest and the reasons why:

Lost Soul (anti-burial) out for Lost Soul (site doubler) - You've got Hormah and 6 human ECs.  Doubling up the souls in Hormah and putting them on the bottom can really delay your opponents chances to rescue.

Lost Soul (Color Guard) out for Lost Soul (wanderer) - The ability to swap souls is more imporant than it's ever been.  You already have a slim chance of gaining access to the female LS.  Exchange to avoid half a 2-liner.  Exchange to avoid being punished by the "punisher".  Exchange to avoid CBP goodness of the "CBP".  Exchange to use ignore vs "anti-ignore".  Need I go on?

Pergamum out for Hopper LS - Protection from AoCp with color guard is nice but not easy to pull off and it's easy to thwart.  You only have a hand full of defenders that live past 1 turn anyway.  Although you can play around it, Perg stops your Dragon Raid.  You've got a high powered offense that should be able to grab a soul often.  Who wants to sit around and wait for your opponent to draw 1?  One of my favorite opening draws is Hopper LS and Priests of Christ. :)

Priestly Crown out for GoYS - I'm a firm believer in playing nine Dominants in any deck who's defense can't hold out the entire game.  I don't like to lose points or miss an opportunity to win a LS.  If you don't plan to outlast your opponent (and this defense doesn't) then you're racing them to 5.  With 3 Site access cards Priestly Crown seems like the first to go.  Note that you already have access to 5 out of 8 possible site colors (six if you add FSp).

?? Ethiopian Treasurer out for Faithful Servant promo - I'm not 100% sold on this change.  Right now you only have 1 ET trick and that's playing AoCp first.  That isn't going to do much against any good player because they're prepared for it.  FSp > ET if you're not playing first.  He makes Plague of Frogs more useful.  He stops shuffle, Burial and Hormah.  He is superman!  I like to have more to do with him than your deck currently uses but I still think he's better than ET for the list you posted.

The Word Spreads out for Harvest Time - Why lose a rescue attempt to lost soul removal (burial, shuffle, hormah outside of battle resolution)?  You've got 6 battle winners plus Silver Trumpets, FBTN goodness, AotL and SoG/NJ.  I don't think you're going to be hurting for ways to win a LS.  The Word Spreads is the weakest link in your offense.  If you're thinking about using it for ET tricks, Holy Grail would be better.

Honorable mention for Unified Kingdom - If you decide to keep ET, one of my favorite purple cards to play with him is Unified Kingdom.  Besides all the amazing tricks available with your own offense (Hur, Widow, Teal guys, Captain band, etc) you get to borrow your opponent's Heroes too.

Unclean Spirit/Gibeonite Trickery out for King of Tyrus - No stand along defense is complete without KoT.  You've already got 4 other brown guys to play your enhancements on.  Unclean Spirit or Gibeonite Trickery seem like best options to cut.
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: The multi-brigade deck of doom
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2009, 11:26:04 AM »
I'm pretty sure I beat this deck 5-4 (or a version that was only a few cards different) on January 5th in a game that was as close as the score indicates.  The deck is very strong.  It could use more card drawing but that's kind of a personal preference of mine. 

Yeah, I remember that. That was a good game, the first game this deck played. I was pleased with it. I added Hormah into the deck then on your suggestion.

Lost Soul (anti-burial) out for Lost Soul (site doubler) - You've got Hormah and 6 human ECs.  Doubling up the souls in Hormah and putting them on the bottom can really delay your opponents chances to rescue.

I agree with the doubler, but out for the anti-bury? What's the logic? The anti-bury soul has been useful for me already, keeping souls on the table.

Lost Soul (Color Guard) out for Lost Soul (wanderer) - The ability to swap souls is more imporant than it's ever been.  You already have a slim chance of gaining access to the female LS.  Exchange to avoid half a 2-liner.  Exchange to avoid being punished by the "punisher".  Exchange to avoid CBP goodness of the "CBP".  Exchange to use ignore vs "anti-ignore".  Need I go on?

If I decide to take pergamum out, I completely agree with the above assessment.

Pergamum out for Hopper LS - Protection from AoCp with color guard is nice but not easy to pull off and it's easy to thwart.  You only have a hand full of defenders that live past 1 turn anyway.  Although you can play around it, Perg stops your Dragon Raid.  You've got a high powered offense that should be able to grab a soul often.  Who wants to sit around and wait for your opponent to draw 1?  One of my favorite opening draws is Hopper LS and Priests of Christ. :)

Again, should Pergamum come out, I agree with this. I'm just not sold on dropping pergamum yet.

Priestly Crown out for GoYS - I'm a firm believer in playing nine Dominants in any deck who's defense can't hold out the entire game.  I don't like to lose points or miss an opportunity to win a LS.  If you don't plan to outlast your opponent (and this defense doesn't) then you're racing them to 5.  With 3 Site access cards Priestly Crown seems like the first to go.  Note that you already have access to 5 out of 8 possible site colors (six if you add FSp).

I'd actually be more inclined to drop Promised Land or Dragon Raid. They don't provide Uzzah support. I agree with the sentiment though.

?? Ethiopian Treasurer out for Faithful Servant promo - I'm not 100% sold on this change.  Right now you only have 1 ET trick and that's playing AoCp first.  That isn't going to do much against any good player because they're prepared for it.  FSp > ET if you're not playing first.  He makes Plague of Frogs more useful.  He stops shuffle, Burial and Hormah.  He is superman!  I like to have more to do with him than your deck currently uses but I still think he's better than ET for the list you posted.

I'll do this if I win the FSP from you in the tourney ;). Otherwise, I was building this out of cards I have. In the best world, yeah, I would have included it, but since I dont own it, I didn't want to get use to playing with it.

The Word Spreads out for Harvest Time - Why lose a rescue attempt to lost soul removal (burial, shuffle, hormah outside of battle resolution)?  You've got 6 battle winners plus Silver Trumpets, FBTN goodness, AotL and SoG/NJ.  I don't think you're going to be hurting for ways to win a LS.  The Word Spreads is the weakest link in your offense.  If you're thinking about using it for ET tricks, Holy Grail would be better.

Honorable mention for Unified Kingdom - If you decide to keep ET, one of my favorite purple cards to play with him is Unified Kingdom.  Besides all the amazing tricks available with your own offense (Hur, Widow, Teal guys, Captain band, etc) you get to borrow your opponent's Heroes too.

I agree. Word Spreads was there as a battle winner that can be used by both characters. Harvest Time or Unified Kingdom definately sounds better.

Unclean Spirit/Gibeonite Trickery out for King of Tyrus - No stand along defense is complete without KoT.  You've already got 4 other brown guys to play your enhancements on.  Unclean Spirit or Gibeonite Trickery seem like best options to cut.

Don't worry, he's in there, just RTS didn't summarize him, and I didn't realize it.

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: [Insert Creative Deck Title Here]
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2009, 11:46:06 AM »
Sorry for double post, but I wanted to let this one be seperate from all those comments. I was playing around with the offense and did the following switches, assuming I win a FSP from Gabe.

Captain of the Host
Reuben's Torn Clothes
The Word Spreads

Guardian of your Souls
Harvest Time
Joseph before Pharoah

How do you like those ideas?

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Re: The multi-brigade deck of doom
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2009, 12:00:02 PM »
I agree with the doubler, but out for the anti-bury? What's the logic? The anti-bury soul has been useful for me already, keeping souls on the table.

Anti-bury used to be a staple in all my decks.  That was before Priests & RoA gave us so many better choices.  There are a couple problems with the anti-bury LS besides the obvious "they play burial before they rescue the soul" scenerio.  The first, and biggest problem is that your opponent has to rescue it.  The object is not to let your opponent rescue.  This is the same reason that Stan's Seat isn't used in most Site decks.  It directly contradicts your goal.  Sure, if they rescue it's a nice one to give them if you have it.  I don't build most of my decks with the intention of giving up souls.  The second problem is that you'll need to SoG/NJ your own Soul sometimes and it can shut down your Burial.

I'd actually be more inclined to drop Promised Land or Dragon Raid. They don't provide Uzzah support. I agree with the sentiment though.

Sites with unlimited access are better than Artifact access because they don't tie up your Artifact pile.  If played properly you have "unstoppable" rescues you can make vs a Site deck so they don't have a chance to steal/discard/remove your Site.  You don't have anything to stop DoN.  An Artifact for Uzzah or a Site for Trumpet Blast.  That arguement seems like a wash to me.

Just saw your proposed changes.  I like Transfiguration and Moses better than Joseph before Pharoah but that would require you to cut 1 more card.

Would you need 3 purple Heroes with only 1 purple battle winner?
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: [Insert Creative Deck Title Here]
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2009, 12:33:17 PM »
Joseph before Pharoah creates an additional soul, otherwise I'd probably have used Moses. As for the purple, Widow is practically a standlaone character in this deck anyone, FSP is multi-color and thereby does not rely on purple at all, and ET provides a play first. ET would definately be the first to go, but I don't know if it warrants him being gone.

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Re: [Insert Creative Deck Title Here]
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2009, 03:20:23 PM »
ET would definately be the first to go, but I don't know if it warrants him being gone.
You might wan to think about replacing ET with I Am Salvation. Without it, your deck might get hit pretty hard by The Punisher.

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: [Insert Creative Deck Title Here]
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2009, 04:57:25 PM »
I haven't seen more than one person play punisher yet. Anyone else have advice on that?

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Re: [Insert Creative Deck Title Here]
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2009, 07:28:43 PM »
I haven't seen more than one person play punisher yet. Anyone else have advice on that?

It's a pain when you do see it but I'm not sure how widely used it will be.

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Re: [Insert Creative Deck Title Here]
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2009, 08:32:34 PM »
Personally, I use it quite a bit, but I really haven't seen to many others with it.
Use the Mad Bomber to rescue his Province.

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Re: [Insert Creative Deck Title Here]
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2009, 01:37:07 PM »
The Punisher is going to get played quite a bit in multiplayer. Given the predominance of speed in T1-MP, the Punisher may even become a staple similar to the NT-Only.

I would say there's a better than even chance anyone playing with the Speed Bump will swap it out for the Punisher in T1-2P.


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