Author Topic: Transaction with Isildur Fell Through  (Read 4984 times)

Chronic Apathy

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Transaction with Isildur Fell Through
« on: November 04, 2011, 11:47:18 AM »
Isildur and I agreed on a deal where I would sell my Faithful Servant Promo to him for $20.00. Following a situation where I lost my car keys for about a week, I was unable to send the FSP (and was admittedly negligent about keeping him informed). Upon resolving that issue, I mailed the card, and he informed me that he received it, and had sent a check, shortly thereafter. I never received a check, and after telling him this, he said he would mail another check, which he later admitted he never sent. He then told him he would paypal me the money, which never happened.

Just thought anyone at looking at trading him with him should know.


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