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I think you need to give hi123 and myself a neutral or negative. I traded with him at the end of February and I haven't received my cards yet. I messaged him a few times and he claims that he sent them and also hasn't received the upcs that i sent out(i traded upcs for cards) I've never had any problem with any cards i've sent out before or with receiving any from anyone so i'm not really sure what to do about this I figured i would post something here. I also am going to pm hi123 to let him know i posted this.
+ 1 Cpt. JaegerTook a while to open, but the blowtorch and heavy machinery really helped.
+ 1 to Cpt. Jaeger. This was the easiest one to open,just a box cutter. You're slipping,man.
big -1 to MKC and I'll explain7 weeks ago (roughly) I traded him some cards for a ds lite game I sent the cards but I kept waiting and waiting for the game, after two weeks I pm'ed him and he said he had forgotten and would send it off so I waited another week 1/2 and pm'ed him again he had forgotten but promised to send that day, well that was about a week 1/2 / 2 weeks ago and I still have yet to recieve the game.When I recieve the game I will remove the unrecieved status but I must keep the -1 it has to be one of the worst trades I've had