Author Topic: Why I love this game.  (Read 6231 times)

Offline Red

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Why I love this game.
« on: October 10, 2012, 09:38:42 AM »
Recently I've been thinking about why I love this game so much so I've decided to make a list of reasons why.

1. The Community. This game simply has some of the nicest players around, I learned this firsthand at Nationals when I met many of the top players, contributers, and newer players. I have to say frankly that many of the players in this game are some of the nicest people I know. It's truly a blessing to me to know my brothers and sisters in Christ and Redemption.

2. The gameplay. I love this game as a game as well, afterall why would I not? The game mechanics are brilliantly designed and even in the worst of metas the game still requires skill.

3. The fact it is a game that is based upon the Word of God. This game is the only game that was able to Biblical based and survive and prosper. The players in this game are nicer because they are among the holy of God. This game and the fellowship it brings with it brought me closer to God at Nationals and I praise God for that.

I've considered quitting this game many a time, but ultimately something kept bringing me back. And what that would be until recently I didn't know but now I do. It's because this game has something the others do not. Fellowship.
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Re: Why I love this game.
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2012, 10:55:32 AM »
Thanks for sharing Red.  I have similar feelings :)

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Re: Why I love this game.
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2012, 12:00:09 PM »
Ditto  :)
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Re: Why I love this game.
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2012, 01:00:48 PM »
Agreed.  :)
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Re: Why I love this game.
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2012, 11:06:48 PM »
many reasons why i love this game.

1. the people i meet, i may have met alot of people online but when it comes to nationals and other tournaments, it's something special cause, even though im already aquainted with fellow players in the game online, it's a pleasure to finally meet them in person, just as i met some of you at nats and just like you i was also happy to finally be able to come to nationals and it was a blessing.

2. the fact this game is based on the word of God should be enough to keep people in the game and also using the cards as key subjects for bible studying.

3. game mechanics and concepts; this one is only the icing on the cake cause the game is alot of fun and during my early stages of playing and being a beginner and a rookie i had a strong wildfire in my heart that was eager and also an unquenchable hunger in my stomach to play the game (what happened to me then compared to now? i don't know) but i know one thing is for certain, many times iv'e thought about quitting but i always decide to take a break and that's seriously something just as red said, i stay in this game cause this game is fun, Godly in a biblical sense with its cards and characters, and im just gonna be blunt and come right on out and say it, ITS SO ADDICTING!!!!! i mean its so addicting in a good way i mean i would prefer to be an addict to redemption and God's word then to be an addict in anything else. people may see this as a children's card game and that maybe true but it goes far beyond anything, any of us can explain cause this game does have a hidden charm that just keeps us coming back for more. :)

4. all the crazy moments that happen online and in tournaments as well as having weekly fellowships just puts the cherry on top cause its those moments that make redemption worth spending time in i wouldn't trade it for anything else :)
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