Author Topic: The power of prayer  (Read 30549 times)

Offline lightningninja

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The power of prayer
« on: August 04, 2009, 05:38:40 PM »
Guys, I'd like to share how awesome God is. Please read, this isn't just another "God is good" thread. It's a real impact.

So I started nationals with a 4-0 record. I was like... "holy crap... I could actually place at nationals!" I was against Gabe... but I typically split games about 50% with him and I had beaten this deck previously. However... I just knew I was gonna lose. After the game (I lost 5-2), I was like "yeah, I lost... no surprise." Then my mom said "why were you so sure you should lose?"

Then it occurred to me. "Ye of little faith," "you have received not because you have asked not." I spoke that I would lose and so I lost. "Ask and you shall recieve." All these Bible verses just plagued me. Even this... I really just couldn't get my faith out there. I ended with a 6-2 record, good enough for top 5 not good enough to place. I didn't take it hard... but of course I was a little dissapointed.

The next day... I prayed. I KNEW I was going to win... not in an arrogant way... I could really feel God directing my playing. He made people draw souls, he made me attack with and draw the perfect heroes, he made everything fall perfectly in place. I ended up a nationals champion... not because I deserved to win because I'm the best... but because he let me win because I prayed to him. I can honestly say that if my faith had not strengthened, I would NOT have had ANY chance of winning multi. As many said, my deck was pretty aweful, lol. It shouldn't have won.

I prayed between rounds, I prayed before every rescue attempt, I prayed whenever it wouldn't stall the game. It helped.

Basically what I'm saying is... prayer really does have power. Not in the "my mom's god" kind of way, not in a "yeah, if god wants to" kind of way, but in a real, my god loves me and wants me to do well kind of way. He is a powerful God... having a person win a redemption tournament is not out of his reach. At all.

Guys... God is moving in Redemption in great ways. I can honestly say that my walk with God was strengthened because of that tournament. Seeing all these Christian people playing a Christian game and being virtuous, it was great. I could, for the first time in my life, feel God's prescence. Guys... pray. That's it.
As a national champion, I support ReyZen deck pouches.

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2009, 05:44:12 PM »
Awesome  :)

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2009, 06:07:33 PM »
He made people draw souls, he made me attack with and draw the perfect heroes, he made everything fall perfectly in place.
3rd paragraph and end of the 4th
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 06:10:23 PM by Clarinetguy097 »

Offline lightningninja

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2009, 07:41:05 PM »
Exactly. I prayed that I play the best I can... and that he changes the things that I have not control over. He did. I NEVER ONCE couldn't rescue a soul.
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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2009, 11:59:07 PM »
very cool testimony LN
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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2009, 12:19:27 AM »
that was a very nice testimony
glad to hear that god was showing you the effects of prayer  ;D

keep praying

Jeffrey Lau

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2009, 09:20:01 AM »
If God cares about lilies and sparrows, then why not about card games.  Nothing is too big or too small for God to care about.  Thanks for sharing your testimony, and I completely believe that this is possible.  Way to give God glory for your win!

Offline lightningninja

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2009, 04:17:28 PM »
Well, it really wasn't mine.  :)
As a national champion, I support ReyZen deck pouches.

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2009, 05:13:24 PM »
God really does care about even the minor details of life. Sometimes God makes things (seemingly) go against us no matter how hard we pray, but it is always what is best for his people. Maybe if you lose, it is God humbling you. Maybe if you win, it is a test of whether you will glorify Him or yourself. I don't claim to know the mind of God, but it certainly seems likely to me that God granted your request because you asked with the right motives (see James 4:3). He knew that if he let you win, you would make a post for the whole internet to see regarding his love and care for his people. Not only that, he worked things together for your good in that your initial loss drove you right to him. So through this, it brought you closer to God, and allowed you to share with others. Just bear in mind, if you pray the same way at next year's nationals, and still lose, it is not necessarily that you did anything wrong, or because of lack of faith. Perhaps God wants to teach someone else the same lesson he just taught you.

Offline lightningninja

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2009, 07:15:44 PM »
Amen! that's exactly how I feel. :prayer:
As a national champion, I support ReyZen deck pouches.


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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2009, 08:58:08 PM »
Praise God!!!!!!!

He also granted me my desire at nationals.  As I always tell others who come down with me, don't expect to win.  Just go and have fun (that way they focus on the fellowship part and not the losing part).  At nationals, I lost the first five games (two due to time out) but I still had a blast.  Then, the next three games were the best three games ever (I used my strategy to it's fullest the first game, I went against Ken (who happened to have a deck that seemed it was built to go against me :P) and then the last game my two main fortresses got nuked and I had to work for my win).  Even in boosters where I only had four heroes in my deck (I pulled six but two of them had no enhancements to play with) I still had a blast.  God is gracious, even in the little things like this game.

It is always great to read praises to God.  It's a blessing to here others who faith strengthened.

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2009, 09:27:50 AM »
Awesome Testimony!


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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2009, 04:31:32 PM »
Sweetness!  God is so good!  It's a great feeling to have a person like you who prayed to do the best you could be champ.  This is really encouraging!

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2009, 11:46:38 PM »
i dont agree with this philosophy. one reason it doesnt work is because what if both players of equal faith pray for things to 'fall into place'? moreso, god is not a vending machine. he wont make you win a card game just because you ask for it.
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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2009, 12:32:45 AM »
i dont agree with this philosophy. one reason it doesnt work is because what if both players of equal faith pray for things to 'fall into place'? moreso, god is not a vending machine. he wont make you win a card game just because you ask for it.

Wrong.  You don't pray for things to fall into place.  You pray to do the best you can.  If two people pray to do the best they can (and have utmost faith about it), the game will depend on who can do the best.

God is not a vending machine, but the Bible says if you ask anything according to God's will in Jesus' name, it will be done for you.  How can you argue with Scripture?

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2009, 01:29:51 AM »
He made people draw souls, he made me attack with and draw the perfect heroes, he made everything fall perfectly in place.

'nuff said.

ask god for your opponent to draw lost souls, ask god to draw the perfect heroes...see how far that gets you.
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Offline lightningninja

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2009, 02:13:59 AM »
It won me nationals, that's how far it got me. Your point...?

And you necropost to insult my testimony? That's low.

"You have received not because you have asked not." "Ask and you shall receive." "If any two shall agree on any one thing upon this earth, it shall be granted to them." -- My mom was a part of this.

I'm really not sure where you're coming from.
As a national champion, I support ReyZen deck pouches.

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2009, 04:58:18 AM »
no, i responded to a necropost. get your facts straight.

'i prayed to god to make my opponent draw lost souls, and he did.'
'i prayed to god for me to draw the PERFECT heroes every game, and i did.'
'i prayed to god to win nationals, and i did.'

do you realize how selfish and ridiculous that sounds?

i didnt pray to god to win my nationals title...i wonder what that makes me?
"If it weren't for people with bad decision making skills, I'd have to get a real job." - Reynad


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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2009, 09:51:37 AM »
He made people draw souls, he made me attack with and draw the perfect heroes, he made everything fall perfectly in place.

'nuff said.

ask god for your opponent to draw lost souls, ask god to draw the perfect heroes...see how far that gets you.

But he didn't ask for this.  He asked to do his absolute best, and his absolute best, obviously, was enough to beat everyone else.  What about the Scripture I gave you?  What is your counter to that?

BTW, I agree with lightningninja that it is a bit rude to argue with another's testimony.  This probably should have been done in PM form.

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2009, 04:27:35 PM »
He made people draw souls, he made me attack with and draw the perfect heroes, he made everything fall perfectly in place.

'nuff said.

ask god for your opponent to draw lost souls, ask god to draw the perfect heroes...see how far that gets you.

But he didn't ask for this.  He asked to do his absolute best, and his absolute best, obviously, was enough to beat everyone else.

if he only asked god to 'do his best', why is it plausible for him to say that god 'made' his opponents draw lost souls, he 'made' him attack with the right heroes, 'made' him draw the perfect heroes, 'made' everything fall perfectly into place? those are variables factored outside of one 'doing their personal best'. if god was doing all the things ln claims and playing for him, maybe ln should  have been dq'd, since it wasnt him playing? its completely ridiculous. basically if we all pray to god with earnest faith and ask for trivial things, we will always get them?

there is nothing that needs to be taken to pm. i dont agree with the philosophy, i think using god as a vending machine is wrong, and i am as much entitled to my opinion here as the next man. man up and dont cry everytime someone doesnt agree with your perspective.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2009, 04:29:40 PM by Master KChief »
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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2009, 04:57:21 PM »
I respect the testimony. Thank you for sharing.

However, I'm going to rant at the ridiculous idea that if I ask God for something with faith I'm going to get it. That's ridiculous. Do I sometimes get things I ask for? Yes. But definately not all the time. I've asked from things in Christ's name all the time that I haven't gotten. And it's probably because the prosperity gospel Ed seems to be talking about is bull. It is no where near true. The verse your paraphrasing has much more to do with asking things Christ would want than asking things then tacking Christ's name on the end.


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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2009, 09:29:27 PM »
I respect the testimony. Thank you for sharing.

However, I'm going to rant at the ridiculous idea that if I ask God for something with faith I'm going to get it. That's ridiculous. Do I sometimes get things I ask for? Yes. But definately not all the time. I've asked from things in Christ's name all the time that I haven't gotten. And it's probably because the prosperity gospel Ed seems to be talking about is bull. It is no where near true. The verse your paraphrasing has much more to do with asking things Christ would want than asking things then tacking Christ's name on the end.

No, you are COMPLETELY misinformed.

It is NOT ridiculous.  Calling it ridiculous indicates a severe lack of knowledge of that verse.  Look it up in Mark 11:22-26.  It clearly proves that what I say is not "ridiculous" in any way, shape, or form.  Firstly, what on earth do you mean by "you didn't get it"?  You didn't not get it (apologies for the double-negative), you simply judged that it had been too long and God didn't want you to have it.  You have to have faith, and not think that just because it's been awhile you can't have it.  Examples:

My pastor's wife believed for a diamond ring for 15 YEARS.  And she got it.

I believed for a Wii for 1 or 2 years, and I know own a Wii.

One of the people at my church lost their ear-piece out in their backyard.  He asked God where it was, and he was led by the Holy Ghost directly to it.

And there is a contradiction to what you say.  How can you appreciate this testimony if you believe it was only luck that God allowed this to happen?

Apologies if this sounded rude, I tend to get a bit carried away in discussions like this one.

PS: Just in case, my username is actually meant to be read like eds notofthisworld, not ed snotofthisworld, though calling me Ed is perfectly reasonable.  Just wanted to clear that up in case there was any confusion.

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2009, 09:31:41 PM »
wow. guess i'll be asking for that ferrari and million-gajillion dollars now.
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Offline lightningninja

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2009, 09:42:40 PM »
Yeah, go for it. I pray to God for luxeries, and I will continue to until someone shows a flaw in the philosophy that you ask and you shall receive and show me a SCRIPTURE for how I am wrong. Until then, I'll pray any time I want for whatever I want. That's called a RELATIONSHIP with God. He's my father, and I ask my dad for stuff too. Just God can grant more than my biological dad can.  ;D

Also I'm not using God as a vending machine. I'm obeying the scriptures to ask for what I wanted. I wanted to win. So I prayed about it. Do I expect to win every time I pray? Absolutely not. Am I excited that God answered my prayers THIS time? Yeah.

Also, just to clear things up MKC, do you mean that you won nationals completely without God's help, and take full credit? I think we should always give glory to God for our wins.
As a national champion, I support ReyZen deck pouches.

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Re: The power of prayer
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2009, 09:51:14 PM »
Quote from: Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

operative phrase: ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE.

if you owning a wii is not according to his purpose, YOU WILL NOT GET A WII.
if you winning a nationals is not according to his purpose, YOU WILL NOT WIN NATIONALS.
if you asking for luxuries is not according to his purpose, YOU WILL NOT GET LUXURIES.

get real. stop twisting scripture to meet your own materialistic and selfish desires. its downright abhorrent.
"If it weren't for people with bad decision making skills, I'd have to get a real job." - Reynad


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