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The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
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Topic: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption (Read 55309 times)
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #50 on:
May 06, 2021, 05:48:28 PM »
I am humbled as I present with honor the very RR Oupost in Texas that responded to a cold call (Email) I made a few years ago about a game called Redemption. Here is the church and outpost from where a Godsend Commander by the name of Ken came from. He responded to God's call to learn, play, and spread Redemption to all Royal Rangers and beyond. The rest is amazing history. Meet Commander Ken at Nats2021!!!
Fast forward to 2021 as a young Commander mentored by Commander Ken bears fruits from Outpost68 as he learns Redemption at STXRR PowWow2021. Cmdr Peter shares Camelot Christian Center as the venue for the 2021 TX State Tournament. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!
Last Edit: June 09, 2021, 02:03:01 PM by ReyZen
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #51 on:
May 07, 2021, 10:09:54 AM »
For the 1st time in Royal Rangers history, Redemption has been implemented as one of STXRR's official EDGE classes! Basic to intermediate Redemption classes will be taught in two 2hr sessions. RAID-style Redemption will also be introduced for the first time at the event by Cmdr Royce! KNOWLEDGE! FELLOWSHIP! FUN!!!
30/31July 2021
God bless Cmdr Damon Barber for pioneering this effort!
Last Edit: May 09, 2021, 12:39:39 AM by ReyZen
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #52 on:
June 14, 2021, 07:27:44 PM »
The huge success of Redemption at OK PowWow2021 proves that the game indeed fits perfectly into the RR lifestyle. With three states (TX,AL,OK) all pioneering the game successfully at their RR events, we pray and declare all states to follow suit apart from international beginnings.
OK RR PowWow Redemption Photo Album:
Below are pic highlights from the OK PowWow2021. All original pic posting are in the Redemption Discord's RR channel.
Presenting the oldest Redemption player in history thus far - RR Alumni Cmdr Loy Barber A.K.A. Tater Bug. He is 86 years young!!! Loy is pictured w the pioneering OK demo team who are all from a single outpost led by Cmdrs Travis M & Toby C. To left of Loy is our own Travis M who taught Loy the game yesterday.
Redemption activity at OK PowWow2021 began the day before it was supposed to start, with new players from Chi Alpha (who helped set up camp) and a couple of outposts who came early.
As soon as after lunch of Day 1, the Redemption gaming hall was always filled with new learner's and new players wanting to practice more.
Friday night worship service probably catapulted Redemption as a major in-demand activity at OK PowWow2021 when District Commander Sid McCoy blessed me with the opportunity to speak briefly about the game then him following it up up w his own testimonial about Redemption.
The Redemption gaming hall getting filled with a couple of outposts on Friday night after Service which alone boasted a total of more than 30 players in the room led by Outpost 139's Cmdr Chris S plus Saturday non-stop game teaching from 8am to a room full of new players every hour until close to midnight - I am convinced of God's overwhelming presence at the event with His big smile knowing that his RR children have learned His game and will spread it to the ends of the earth!
The whole Redemption family would wish to thank OK RR Commanders Pastor Joe Blackwood & Ronnie Ewert for embracing the game at LEAD. Many thanks for Cmdr Joe making sure that Redemption is pushed as a PowWow2021 event. Super thanks to District Commander Sid McCoy for expressing his love and support for the game not just by sharing his testimonial throughout the whole camp but also for making sure that Redemption becomes a regular OK RR activity for ages to come!
We pray and declare an amazing destiny for the OK RR! We declare an amazing Redemption destiny for TX,AL, and OK as the three states spread Redemption wildfire across the country, the world, Mars, and beyond!!!
Last Edit: June 14, 2021, 11:50:57 PM by ReyZen
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #53 on:
June 17, 2021, 10:08:37 AM »
Such an inspiration for Redemption to be pioneered at South TX EDGE! Let all other States adopt this new tradition!!!
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #54 on:
August 03, 2021, 03:10:02 AM »
Laredo TX is on the Royal Rangers Redemption Map!!!
Enjoy Friday night and all of Saturday filled with Learn-N-Play mini expo events that also includes tournaments. Many thanks to Cmdr. Paul T. for his amazing enthusiasm after he learned the game at the 2021 STXRR EDGE Conference that pioneered Redemption as a training class - many thanks to Cmdr. Damon B.).
Tournaments at the mini expo:
Here is the flyer Cmdr. Paul has for the event:
Laredo TX (03-04Sep2021). Redemption seeds planted amongst a little more than 20 total new players including harvesting a couple of new teachers of the game. Keep planting seeds dearest players! Thanks for hosting RR Cmdr Paul! Thank you Pastor Patrick for supporting the event!
Last Edit: October 10, 2021, 12:42:15 AM by ReyZen
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #55 on:
October 10, 2021, 12:36:45 AM »
And God's graces continue abounding for RR Redemption!
Cmdr Frank F (Houston area) has today organized some Redemption at an RR sectional first aid skills event. He had 11 yr old Rogan (South TX RR Redemption demo team member) and Cmdr Frank's son, Jayce (7), teach some Redemption and ran an unofficial tournament. The section's trophy for the 1st aid event name even befits the game!
Cmdr Frank was not able to take pictures when Rogan (proudly wearing his RR Redemption demo team badge) and Jayce were teaching some others the game. They were sitting down to play a game & another game was started that they had to join. Pics below show Rogan and Jayce playing against each other.
Kudos to Cmdr Frank for making Redemption part of his section's RR activities! God bless!
Last Edit: April 14, 2022, 04:45:42 AM by MrMiYoda
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #56 on:
March 01, 2022, 06:34:03 AM »
Prayers up as Redemption is featured at the following Royal Rangers regional conferences!
c/o Your Turn Games
(Game Master Derek Tirado)
South East 04/05Mar2022 - Orlando FL
(See next post for pics and highlights)
c/o Redemptive Knights Gaming (Cmdr Chris Staggers)
South Central 11/12Mar2022 - Tulsa OK
Cmdr Chris S retails and demos at the South Central RR Regional Leadership Conference.
RR Redemption players help Cmdr Chris demo the game to new commanders who have embraced Redemption for the first time. Seen with junior RRs Trevor and Tanner M is Cmdr Joe B (who is responsible for making Redemption a major PowWow activity amongst OK RRs). Alex S (Cmdr Chris' son) is another junior RR who helped teach the game at the conference.
Last Edit: April 14, 2022, 04:44:00 AM by MrMiYoda
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #57 on:
March 08, 2022, 10:09:31 PM »
Derek T and Your Turn Games was a highlight at the 2022 Royal Rangers South East Regional Leadership Conference.
A testimony that Redemption seeds were planted amongst RR leadership to gather harvest back at their districts and outposts.
Derek got to play with no other than Royal Rangers International Programs Director Cmdr. Jeremiah H who has relearned the game as he already has the starter decks but hasn’t played in a while.
Derek as Cmdr. Jeremiah beat him in their second starter deck game!
Your Turn Games wrapped up the conference with teaching these high energy brothers. They really had fun and plan to keep playing!
Many thanks to Derek and YTG for taking on an RR mission!
Last Edit: April 14, 2022, 04:26:08 AM by MrMiYoda
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #58 on:
April 13, 2022, 10:14:36 PM »
A few hours before it all began....
As in the past years there will always be an advanced party of RR Redemption enthusiasts wanting to hang out and start learning and practicing while we finish setting up store and demo areas....
A couple of hours til PowWow officially launches....
Cmdr Royce (lower left of main tent) posing w Brandon (The Arena Games) as they prep dek registration for Redemption R.A.I.D.!
More R.A.I.D.! Tourney prep. Volunteers get points for this type of service credited to their Outpost total points accrual to determine best PowWow outpost. RR kids w Redemption badges are demo team members. Shown below is RR Samson E -- it's his 4th Redemption demo team year. He was 8 when he began with the team.
R.A.I.D.! tourney ongoing after dinner and before Friday night service.
New demo team member and self-proclaimed PowWow 2022 Redemption spokesman....
The annual Friday night after-service Redemption hangout at STX PowWow. Forced curfew at midnight else these gamers will not sleep!
And....more late Friday night RAID! matches unfold...
Last Edit: April 13, 2022, 10:40:04 PM by MrMiYoda
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #59 on:
April 13, 2022, 10:14:49 PM »
The Redemption tent has never been empty...all day...
Annual Saturday late night Redemption...
The legend himself, Cmdr Ken Porter (left) in convo w The Arena's Brandon Coderre. Ken is the reason why Redemption harvests players from Royal Rangers in the South Central region and beyond.
More late night Redemption....
Shoutout to our regular Redemption fan club, the 'Eaten by Worms Gang'.
Last Edit: April 13, 2022, 10:55:36 PM by MrMiYoda
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #60 on:
July 16, 2022, 03:19:35 PM »
To all Royal Ranger Redemption players at at Camporama2022:
I have proudly worn your Camporama shirt and patch for 2 years since the event was postponed in 2020. Wear yours proudly as you teach the game to all at camp! I will miss y'all!
Following is a highlights log witnessing how God's game is spread through our beloved Royal Rangers. This time it's at their national camping even held every 4 years. This year 2022 is a make up for the postponed event in 2000 due to the pandemic.
Commander Ken Porter --- your pioneering seeds are reaping HARVEST, sir!!!
Camporama 2022 promo vid:
Courtesy of Cmdr Royce A - TX (posted on Discord):
Courtesy of Cmdr Adam A - NY (posted on Discord):
Right (in blue) is Rogan, our very own STX junior RR Redemption demo team member battling in R.A.I.D.
God bless our RR Redemption leaders @CmdrRoyce(RedRanger) (TX) and @CmdrChris (OK) who have paved the way for THE BIRTH of Redemption at Camporama. @CmdrJoe (OK) helped @CmdrRoyce(RedRanger) secure a spot there in the Oklahoma area, with a tent kindly provided by Cmdr Travis M's outpost. Cmdr. Travis's outpost pioneered the OK RR Redemption demo team at OK PowWow2021.
Thanks to all who volunteered to plant Redemption seeds to new RR players. We pray and declare unprecedented multiplication of players thru the Royal Rangers as they keep embracing God's game!!!
I have great faith that the next Camporama would reach more thousands! And by God's grace around that time it would be around 6000 from US Camporama, and 20,000 from Germany Bundescamp whose RR souls would be touched by the game.
I could not contain my feelings of being truly blessed as TX and OK join forces to plant Redemption seeds!!
I also KNOW for sure that the AL RRs led by @CmdrJohnR are planting Redemption seeds in their region. I hope they visited the SCentral regional camping area as well.
And ofc @CmdrAdam --- let us never forget that NY RRs are on the Redemption map because of him! I still pray and declare much fruits from Redemption for the north east region when this amazing RR commander reunites with @Dario Dante to gather much harvest from seeds they have and will continue to plant in NY and beyond!
Also to all other Redemption players reading this channel and do not have any idea what R.A.I.D. (Ranger Actions In Discipleship) is --
Kudos to our RR Redemption jedi for sowing much seeds!!!
Last Edit: August 09, 2022, 10:20:38 PM by MrMiYoda
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #61 on:
August 16, 2022, 08:43:18 PM »
EDGE conference is designed to give RRs training, fellowship and refreshment while giving them GREAT value. If you mentor future men or want to learn more about how to do so effectively, EDGE has something for you.
The night before South TX District EDGE2022. This is my 5th year spreading the seeds at this leadership conference where pioneering RR Redemption commander gamers were born a few years ago, led by legendary Ken Porter.
Featuring...R.A.I.D.! format invented by Cmdr Royce A:
Yours truly w 3 of our Royal Ranger Redemption players - far right (Cmdr Royce R.A.I.D.! inventor), far left (Cmdr Eder), 2nd from right (GMA junior Noah son of Cmdr Royce).
Guest speaker Royal Rangers International missionary Cmdr Jeremiah Hembree (right) in prayer with great friends gave an amazing inspirational talk and prayer at the dinner and awards ceremony. Jeremiah Hembree -- pastor, missionary, Royal Ranger, Redemption player.
Cmdr Jeremiah and me
Cmdr Jeremiah and Cmdr Eder
Saturday morning devotion led by Cmdr Chad Hutson (Camp Williams and PowWow coordinator). Chad and his sons are Redemption gamers. I did a quick talk about the game to conference participants. Pray for more amazing harvest from new commanders embracing the game in their outposts for the first time.
2023 STX PowWow has been unveiled!!! Redemption celebrates year 5 at STX PowWow2023!!!
Before EDGE ended, Zack (junior RR under Cmdr Jeff S @ Outpost 173), finally gets possession of his 1st starter that he had been waiting to get since Thursday. He is honored to be taught the game by none other than Cmdr Ken Porter (Redemption precursor to South Central Region Royal Rangers).
Another RR Commander and Redemption player (Dr. Sam Mathis) guiding new player Zack. Zack winning 3-1 thus far.
Last Edit: August 16, 2022, 09:34:57 PM by MrMiYoda
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #62 on:
August 16, 2022, 08:44:44 PM »
Cmdr Paul T (Laredo TX) hosts the 2nd Annual LEARN-N-PLAY at his church, co-hosted by The Arena Games.
Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 06:35:56 PM by MrMiYoda
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #63 on:
October 22, 2022, 06:39:58 PM »
San Antonio TX Sectional Derby
Life Church SA
4424 SW Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78227, USA
And as always, Redemption has been a side event ....
150 or more pinewood cars participated.
Eli (left), STX PowWow Redemption R.A.I.D. No. 2, teaching the game to a new padawan.
Liam (left, yellow/blue shirt), one of my 9 yr old RR Redemption demo team members, teaching a starter deck to a new player.
RRs y'all know who this event special guest is....
Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 06:56:56 PM by MrMiYoda
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #64 on:
March 25, 2023, 05:28:45 PM »
The pin (not the Miyoda seal nor album -- lol) will be given to all RR demo team members who has taught the game at PowWow 3 times since 2019. Kudos!
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #65 on:
April 24, 2023, 10:31:40 PM »
***SOUTH TEXAS POWWOW2023 (21-23 April, Camp Williams, Hallettsville TX)***
It was yet another amazing weekend as South TX celebrated the 5th year Redemption was made as an official camp activity for the event. Awards and tokens were given to all who have taught the game at the camp since 2019. Inspite of the storms before and after the event, God made it possible for many to attend and be blessed by the camp's activities.
While I was still setting up the Redemption campsite at South Texas PowWow2023, as usual, the RRs present early on Friday already wanted some action. These are mostly demo team members getting some practice games. Travis M (below) enjoying his PowWow comeback helping an RR practice a game.
Eli A (above, left) teaches another new player, his outpost mate Matt. Eli has taught lots of other RRs from his outpost.
Quiet before the storm at The Redemption campsite (below).
Ezekiel A (above, right), Eli's brother, teaches a new player the game as he works his way to 5 new players to teach before gaining his demo team badge.
Royal Rangers Redemption Demo Team Badges
Jayce F (gray shirt) & Ezekiel A (orange shirt) and , both demo team members, show off their ultra-rare card pulls after buying just one pack!
Ezekiel A (orange shirt) and Isaiah H (blue shirt) teaching the game as padawans. They both succeeded teaching 5 new players each and have gained their demo team badges.
Commander Royce A, inventor of Redemption RAID half deck design, giving a refresher starter deck to Commander Josh.
Our very own Travis M after late nite RR PowWow2023 prayer service posing in front of my new simple setup design using my tailgate. Travis has taught more than a thousand Royal Rangers from a couple of RR Districts since 2018.
I didn't show any videos nor background music this year. It did not affect the overwhelming attendance from the RRs.
Late night Friday gaming at the Redemption campsite. 5 minutes til curfew and we needed to impose shutdown and gaming area lights out else these RRs would have had an all-nighter!
Gosh!!! These kids started waking us up at 6am!!! They even volunteered to help open the Redemption tent so that they could start practicing and teaching the game.
Doug P, in his 2nd year as official Redemption campsite announcer, recruits a padawan and lets him wear a headset.
Eli A (back faced against camera) teaches Redemption to his dad.
Last Edit: April 26, 2023, 04:48:06 PM by MrMiYoda
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South Central Region
Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #66 on:
April 24, 2023, 11:52:15 PM »
Type 1 2-Player event winners with Travis M who ran the tourney on Saturday morning. 1st was Christen H (Houston), 2nd was Ethan C (San Antonio).
Travis M teaching these RR commanders. Two of them already attended the booster draft event on Saturday night, won by one of the commanders Nasson A (black cap). Travis participated and won 2nd. Commander Josh (pony tail) attended the event last year hosted by Redemption gamer and The Arena Games owner Brandon Coderre who was himself a former RR commander. Josh got an UR+ from last year's event!
Each year we have kids who fall so much in live with the game but are not old enough to play. This one started collecting his stock and hung out at the Redemption campsite almost all day. We will see him next year as a new game learner and even as a demo team padawan.
There were around 30 present of the more than 50 RRs who were honored at the 2023 South TX Royal Rangers PowWow for being part of the Redemption demo team tasked to teach the game to new players at this event where Redemption celebrated its 5th year as an official camp activity.
We called on a group of young men who since Redemption began at South Texas PowWow have been marching and chanting around camp for their favorite Redemption card, the infamous but beloved 'Eaten by Worms' gang from Outpost 44. A plaque was awarded to the group.
We called on our volunteer Royal Ranger kids and teens who since 2019 have helped teach the game at least once at PowWow. Pins were awarded to each team member.
We gave special recognition to Royal Rangers who have taught Redemption for at least 3 PowWow event years: Rogan Robinson (Outpost 227), Mordecai Cochran (Outpost 345), Samson Edge (Outpost 345), and Noah Anagnostou (Outpost 50).
We gave thanks to all Commanders who have helped pioneer the spread of Redemption to Royal Rangers since 2018. Special mention was given to Commanders Jeff and Lori Stokes (Outpost 173) and Commander TJ Arnold (Outpost 173).
We called onstage Redemption gamer Commander Royce Anagnostou (Outpost 50). Award given for introducing to RRs a Redemption half deck format called RAID.
We called onstage Redemption gamer and PowWow camp boss Commander Chad Hutson (Outpost 223). Award given for pioneering Redemption as an official PowWow activity.
We called onstage Redemption gamer and South Texas District Commander Jason Bone (Outpost 194). Award given for being the first District Commander in Royal Rangers history to embrace Redemption for his District.
We called onstage Redemption gamer and South Central Region coordinator Commander Ken Porter (Outpost 68). Award given for pioneering Redemption among Royal Rangers in the South Central Region and beyond.
We called onstage our very own Travis Matthews who has taught more than a thousand Royal Rangers from a couple of Districts since 2018.
At the end of the ceremony we challenged all Commanders to equip their outposts with Redemption cards ready to teach and play, and be remembered in history as pioneers in bringing Redemption into the hearts of Royal Rangers and other Christians and non-believers alike.
Last pic below is the annual group pic of RRs who have attended PowWow2023. All of the attendees have Redemption cards that they took home from the event.
Last Edit: April 28, 2023, 08:49:37 AM by MrMiYoda
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #67 on:
August 13, 2023, 01:49:54 PM »
My unique experience at the STXRR EDGE weekend...
I was set up for Redemption demos in one of the rooms that was situated in the middle of their classroom sessions.
Below, Cmdr Royce A teaches Cmdr Chris M (commander of our RR Eaten by Worms Gang) the new Israel's Deliverance (KL) starters
A couple of Hispanic Royal Rangers Districts are on fire with the game for the first time. One day this District will attempt to translate at least KL SA's into Spanish by sticking labels onto the starter set, just so there's some semblance of a Spanish version to teach the game and play the translated cards unofficially.
I'm booked for some kind of RR Hispanic National Camp on the 1st weekend in November...similar to PowWow. Their No. 1 guy just bought 2 KLs today and will finalize me being at their camp event. Free lodging, free food, all blessings for the demo team.
Did my annual 'Redemption' speech at the annual South TX EDGE Leadership Conference!!! God is good.
Here's the script:
"Blessings Commanders and guests!
We just celebrated this year the 5th Anniversary of the Redemption card game at the South Texas Royal Rangers PowWow2023. This year we also celebrate the latest starter decks called Israel's Deliverance which are available at our Redemption HQ at Room 206.
For those who are new to the game, Redemption is a Bible-based trading card game where Heroes go into battle to rescue Lost Souls. It's a game of epic earthly and spiritual warfare.
One of our beloved Royal Ranger commanders from Houston, Royce Anagnostou, has invented a unique format for the game that would spend only 10-15 minutes of play and could easily be inserted into weekly Royal Ranger outpost meetings as an ultimate ice-breaker. Expect Commander Royce to create the latest deck versions that will be used at next year's PowWow and beyond.
Please do not leave this EDGE event without acquiring some starter decks for your outpost, and get some as well for your upcoming Christmas stocking stuffers. I and my team are also ready to visit your outposts to teach this exciting game.
On behalf of all commanders and outposts who have since 2018 embraced Redemption as an RR activity, on behalf of Commander Chad Hutson who so lovingly has been featuring Redemption as an official PowWow activity, and on behalf of our beloved Commander Ken Porter who God has ordained as precursor to the birth of Royal Rangers Redemption in South Central and beyond --- I prayerfully urge all Royal Rangers to seriously consider making the game part of their regular activities and ministry, perhaps also as an amazing tool for Royal Rangers to be in symbiosis with their church youth groups."
Thank you Cmdrs Jeff and Lori Stokes for inspiring me to keep on teaching the game to Royal Rangers. Finally, thank you so much to our beloved District Director Commander Jason Bone for his undying support for Redemption and for embracing the game himself.
And get that unique official family gaming patch on your Royal Rangers shirt by playing Redemption!
See y'all at Room 206!
Thank you all, and Godbless!"
Last Edit: September 18, 2023, 02:22:16 PM by MrMiYoda
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #68 on:
October 04, 2023, 11:07:24 PM »
Redemption will be at this event!!!
Join us at annual San Antonio Sectional Derby Race as we feature Redemption annually. Fun and exciting day for the ENTIRE family. All ages are welcome to race from pre-school to leaders and parents. Registration starts at 8:30am, devotion at 9:45, races start at 10:15am. Early registration open until Oct 18, 2023 (midnight). Pre-Registration email to
must include: racers name, grade, male/female, church/outpost and the name of the car.
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #69 on:
October 22, 2023, 09:13:20 PM »
Yet another fruitful harvest of new players at the 2023 San Antonio TX RR Sectional Derby!
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Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #70 on:
February 07, 2024, 11:06:28 PM »
Redemption celebrates it's 6th annual South Texas PowWow!!!
***I'll be posting captions soon as I get some time for them. Meanwhile, I'll be populating this post with pics from. Yet another unforgettable PowWow Redemption experience.
The demo team was not ready to teach KL starters this year. Seems like IJ might be simpler to teach than KL due to less card types but we will launch KL demos starting PowWow2025.
This group pic was just from overnight campers who joined the pic shot. There were lots more campers from day attendees and other guests. All were offered/given AP foil packs.
This year's STX PowWow inspirational and devotional speaker was none other than Cmdr Ken Porter who is the reason for the birth of RR Redemption in South TX and the whole South Central region.
Last Edit: May 06, 2024, 11:31:36 PM by MrMiYoda
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #71 on:
August 10, 2024, 11:25:41 PM »
This is the 6th year that Redemption has been featured at the South Texas Royal Rangers EDGE Leadership Conference. This year it was in San Antonio TX. Once about every 2 yrs Redemption is taught as one of the conference's credited class courses. Redemption had two 1hr classes each day on Friday and Saturday (09/10 Aug 2024). Pray for even more seeds as the game has been taught to more than 1500 commanders and young RRs around the country since 2018.
Preparing Redemption demos and classroom on the eve of the South Texas Royal Rangers EDGE.
The slideshow I used for my two 1hr Redemption classes at EDGE.
18 yr old Riley M is the youngest in the STXRR leadership. He is actually the founder of a Redemption fan club made of some RRs who 5 yeats ago started marching and chanting around STXRR PowWow camp as the (in)famous 'Eaten By Worms Gang'.
Riley attended my two Redemption classes as an adult commander, helped me teach the game, and has been lovingly teaching the game at his outpost and church. God bless you Cmdr Riley for embracing Redemption in your heart!
Riley (above, left) receives a special service award from Cmdr Jeff Stokes who has been the reason why Redemption has been kept as a class and subject matter at the EDGE leadership training. Jeff is and his wife Lori have been amazing supporters and promoters of Redemption.
Last Edit: August 10, 2024, 11:51:16 PM by MrMiYoda
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #72 on:
August 10, 2024, 11:52:12 PM »
I got to speak at the South Texas EDGE Working Lunch Session on 10Aug2024.
Here is the script:
"Blessings Commanders and guests! For those who don't know me yet I'm Roy, a happy and blessed adopted brother of The Royal Rangers.
For those who are new to the game, Redemption is a Bible-based trading card game where Heroes go into battle to rescue Lost Souls. It's a game of epic earthly and spiritual warfare. Redemption celebrates its 30th anniversary as a game in 2025.
We celebrated this year the 6th Anniversary of Redemption at South Texas PowWow2024.
Please do not leave this EDGE event without AT LEAST getting some information about the game as well as a free Patriarchs booster pack. We have infolink QR codes posted around this venue including one behind the dining section wall from right beside a huge Redemption banner. We urge commanders to acquire some starter decks for your outpost. If you do we could use them to get you started in knowing how to play the game here at the conference, at your outpost, or anywhere else sometime soon.
On behalf of all commanders and outposts who have since 2018 embraced Redemption as an activity, on behalf of Commander Chad Hutson who has embraced Redemption as an official PowWow activity at Camp Williams, and on behalf of our beloved Commander Ken Porter who is the reason why Redemption was born and continues to flourish among Royal Rangers in South Texas, South Central and beyond --- I prayerfully urge all Royal Rangers to seriously consider making the game part of your regular activities and ministry, perhaps also as an amazing tool for Royal Rangers to be in symbiosis with your church youth and adult groups.
Thank you Cmdrs Jeff and Lori Stokes for inspiring me to keep on teaching the game to Royal Rangers. Finally, thank you so much to our beloved District Director Commander Jason Bone for his undying support for Redemption and for embracing the game himself.
Get that unique official Royal Rangers family gaming patch on your Royal Rangers shirt by playing Redemption!
See y'all at Room B23 which is open all day til 5pm for everyone be you attending my class this afternoon or just simply curious about the game!
Thank you all, and Godbless!"
Last Edit: August 11, 2024, 02:08:26 PM by MrMiYoda
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #73 on:
August 11, 2024, 02:03:16 PM »
I will keep honoring this amazing brother and Redemption gamer who is the reason why since 2018 more 1500 South Texas, South Central RRs, and beyond have embraced Redemption as one of their organization's activities as well as credited training classes. God bless you RR Commander Ken Porter!!!
Last Edit: August 11, 2024, 02:06:01 PM by MrMiYoda
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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South Central Region
Re: The Birth of Royal Rangers Redemption
Reply #74 on:
October 18, 2024, 04:14:43 PM »
Night before my 7th Redemption demo year at the San Antonio TX Sectional Pinewood Derby ay the very church where it all began w South Central RR Redemption (19Oct2024)
New RR Redemption jedi Josh hungry for his 1st game. Learned it in 2 mins. Bow being trained by one of my demo team members Jedi Nate.
San Antonio demo team enjoying a KL practice game at the RR Derby. Two on left were/are RR commanders.
One of my PowWow badged demo team members, Ethan, introducing the game to younger ones at the Derby. He is now 11. He was 8 when he started helping teach the game at the RR camp.
The kid in blue on left -- both parents play the game competitively.
Last Edit: October 19, 2024, 08:21:57 PM by MrMiYoda
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi
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