Hey All!!
Had a testimony....I recently (2 weeks ago) went on a mission trip to Belize (small central American country right below Mexico). It was my 1st time out of the USA and my 1st mission trip. It was amazing! Our team prayed for the villagers (Mayan Indians) and and we had restored marriages and physical healings!

All Glory to God!!

The village I preached in even had a snake show up right behind me and the Indians stomped on it!
So of course I smuggled in some redemption cards....Some blue packs and starter decks. The kids didn't know how to play and we had so many, so I gave them out as "Bible cards." However, at the hosting Missionary's house his 2 sons were interested and I taught them the basics and gave them starter decks (E/F, I/J) and some blue packs.
I am going to mail them some old cell phones in a few months and I was also wondering if anyone in the Redemption community had any extra cards they wanted to offload that I could ship the the Missionary kiddos. If so, Just PM me and I will give you my address and I will ship them in the box when I send it with the cell phones.
Oh, If you haven't ever been on a mission trip...just GO!!! It doesn't matter if you don't have this degree, that experience, blah blah blah....all you really have to have is Jesus' love in your heart and a love for others.