Author Topic: A Redemption® Hall of Fame  (Read 51325 times)

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: A Redemption Hall of Fame
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2013, 05:04:10 PM »
These are some things people had to say about Roy:

"His reputation precedes him, just about a week ago I heard a host refer to Roy as the "Jonny Appleseed" of redemption."

"Everyone knows Roy is going in, great guy, great leader"

"He has meant so much to Redemption and to the Northeast in particular. He has made it possible for many players to have a chance to start and participate in the game and in tournaments. And Roy proves that at least once in my life I ran a decent demo."

"Few people have done more work to grow the game then Roy has. And if they do exist, they are probably already in the Hall. He maintains the forum with the kindest, gentlest, iron fist possible, and he truly believes in the game as a method of outreach and evangelism, and uses that to shape his involvement."

"He is another contributor who connects with young players, and is an ambassador to the game. I've heard him being coined the "godfather of redemption" before."

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: A Redemption Hall of Fame
« Reply #26 on: July 01, 2013, 05:04:46 PM »
Joshua Hey
Does anyone have a good picture of Joshua that I can put here?
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 01:39:21 PM by Prof Underwood »

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Re: A Redemption Hall of Fame
« Reply #27 on: July 01, 2013, 05:08:32 PM »
These are some things people had to say about Joshua:

"I only met him once (2004 Nats) but when it comes to T2 prowess, he put the Hey in Heyday. I know he had significant influence in Justin [Alstad]'s development as a T2 player, who in turn had significant influence in my development. He will probably never know that he made it to the hall, but just as a future NBA star should know the names Bird, Russell, Chamberlain and Jordan, T2 players should know the name Hey."

"[I'm] not familiar with him but his credentials standout"

"While Quadrate introduced the win before you lose side of speed, and Justin popularized the draw like a mad fool side of speed, Joshua Hey was the first to combine the two into the sort of speed deck that is so popular today."

"I played Joshua Hey in T1-2P at Nationals in 2002.  It was the second to last round, he was in 4th place and I was in 5th place going into the game.  The game was moving along when a ruling question came up.  We called over a judge who ruled incorrectly (I had read the exact rule in the REG a week earlier so I was quite sure what the ruling should be) so I appealed to Rob.  Rob wasn't sure on the ruling so we were told to continue as ruled and Rob went to look and see if he could find the rule in the REG.  Ten minutes later we were informed that they found the ruling in the REG and the ruling that was made had indeed been incorrect.  The game ended up a 5-4 win for him, with the incorrect ruling appearing to be the deciding factor.  Joshua Hey admitted to Rob that he would not have won the game if the ruling had been made correctly and very graciously accepted a reversal in the games final score which effectively ended his chances of winning nationals"

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: A Redemption Hall of Fame
« Reply #28 on: July 01, 2013, 05:10:29 PM »
Eric Kimmons
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 01:38:43 PM by Prof Underwood »

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Re: A Redemption Hall of Fame
« Reply #29 on: July 01, 2013, 05:14:47 PM »
These are some things people had to say about Eric:

"Four Nats in a row is just a huge achievement that deserves recognition."

"Gil was the first player to really push the limits of Redemption.  He used Tower on Silly Women to get himself initiative with a 0/0 evil character prompting the rule change that made */* an identifier that can't be negated.  He used Kingdoms of this World and Goshen to circumvent the duplicates in play rules forcing a change to the duplicates in play rules.  He was the first to abuse Gathering of Angels with The Strong Angel which lead to the eventual change making The Strong Angel unique.  In 2001, he built a deck designed to discard his opponent's draw pile by forcing Evil Spawn to fight against Evil Spawn in side battle after side battle after side battle (Gil's deck didn't end up working very well, but the strategy proved to be effective three years later when Ron built the devastator with the same goal in mind).  He played a role in the creation of the most well known errata in existence (Holy Grail).  He contributed to the development of the deck that changed the way we understand “Breaking the game.”  And I imagine there are more major rules that he had a hand in establishing that I have forgotten to mention or am not aware of.  Gil knew the rules of the game better than anyone else that played the game, and used that knowledge to his advantage."

"Gil hosted a local tournament in 1998 that had more than twice at many participants (26) as the national tournament in 1998 had (10).  This is the only tournament, that I am aware of, that outdrew that year's national tournament."

"Gil compiled a rules Q and A in the late 90's that was used by Mike Berkenpas as a starting point for the first REG (which was actually called the FAQ at the time)."

"During the 2001 North Central Regional Tournament a ruling question came up that no one was quite sure about.  Gil went over to the stuff he'd brought, pulled out a stack of at least a hundred pages or rules questions and answers, and within a few minutes found a ruling made by Doug Gray (one of the three official voices at the time) on the exact issue in question."

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: A Redemption Hall of Fame
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2013, 05:15:22 PM »
John Michaliszyn
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 01:07:04 PM by Prof Underwood »

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Re: A Redemption Hall of Fame
« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2013, 05:18:50 PM »
These are some things people had to say about John:

"He is the man responsible getting me interested in the competitive circuit of this game and more so, literally giving me several "high end" cards to get me started. I saw him for the first time in about a year since he got me started. He promptly recognized me, called me by name and congratulated me on my accomplishments. I wholly anticipated him to have no idea who I was. From there I taught my brother to play. Due to John, he and I have become relatively successful players.  Thanks for everything John, So glad you got me going in this great game."

"Michaliszyn is also a great guy. He makes creation twice as fun and does a great job getting new players into the game. He specifically helped out my younger cousin a ton last creation and his son is awesome as well.  Not always, but many times you can tell a lot about a person by their kids and His son is an great young man."

"Hosted the second Nats I attended. Has also been a driving force in bot the National and NE Regional Redemption scene. (And I think I owe him for the T2 Regional debacle of 2010)"

"If it wasn't for his booth at Creation I would of never got started in Redemption. His commitment to reaching out to future players is by far recognizable."

"everything he does with Creation, and I almost have to vote for him"

"Seriously.  How is he not in the HoF already?"

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Re: A Redemption® Hall of Fame
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2018, 03:11:45 PM »
2014-2017 Class congratulations gentlemen!

Daniel Husinga (Player)
Sealed Deck, Booster Draft 1 T1-2P Placing

   When it comes to Redemption success, Daniel’s resume betrays his strongest skill sets. Looking at Nationals wins alone, Daniel is a Closed Deck master. With a victory in both Closed deck events, which few people have, Daniel is in the upper echelons of Limited players. However, this is absolutely not Daniel’s greatest strength that he brings to the game.
   Daniel’s strongest attribute as a Redemption player is that he is one of the best Johnny players of all time. Daniel consistently does incredibly well in T1-2P and typically he does it with a deck that looks different than anyone else’s. Daniel is an innovator. One of Daniel’s premier decks from his history is a deck known as Stonewall. Stonewall was a deck that was designed to grind the opponent out of resources.

Josiah Beers  (Player)
2x T2-2P, 2x Teams, 1x T1-2P, 2nd T1-2P, 3rd T1-2P.
   As a Redemption Player, Josiah’s greatest strength is his ability to make excellent metagame calls. Josiah has done incredibly well in constructed Redemption, almost to the point of having the best 5-year streak in Redemption history. Josiah has a knack for choosing the deck that will preform the best against the predicted field. Josiah has also proven that he can consistently do this, almost to the point of being able to do it every year.

Jordan Alstad (Player)
T2-MP, T2-2P, 3x T2-2P placings, 1 T1-2P placing.
Jordan’s strength as a player comes in his ability to find combinations of cards that absolutely takes the metagame by storm. This is the same general quality that his brother uses to fuel his success. Typically the most successful Redemption players are those who play the metagame the best. Jordan is among those players, and this is what sets him apart.

John Earley (Player)
T2-MP, T1-2P, 2x Teams 4x T1-2P placings.
John’s greatest strength as a player is that he does not have to use a quirky deck that plays from weird angles to see success. He did win using that strategy, but he placed the four prior years with what people would have termed “the deck to beat.” This is to me is indicative of John’s play skill. John is possibly one of the best Redemption players to have ever played due to his consistency, and he could very easily resume his dominance if he so desired.

Ken  Locklin (Contributor)

Better known as Ken4Christ4ever on the message board, was an ever-helpful presence in the Redemption community for many years. From owning Three Lions Gaming and helping establish a baseline for the Redemption trading/selling marketplace to being the main host of tournaments in the SE Wisconsin area, many experienced his enthusiasm and passion firsthand. Nowadays he focuses primarily on his family, his wife Cheryl and their 4 children, as well as his teaching. But his impact on the Redemption community and his fierce love for Christ will never be forgotten.

Travis Brown (Contributor)

   Has long been involved with youth ministry and gaming. Redemption blends both of those loves. Travis is the current owner of TLG and has sought to slash prices in order to make the game more financially accessible to all players. Travis is a solid player in his own right  and long fueled the Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky play areas with cards, and tournaments. In the last couple years Travis has launched additional game play variations (cube draft) and an additional tournament circuit. Travis hosted a National tournament in Ohio and is co-hosting Nationals 2018 in Texas.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 01:23:53 PM by ReyZen »
JMM is a modern day prophet


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