Author Topic: Teams deck  (Read 31313 times)

Offline yirgogo

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Teams deck
« on: February 26, 2014, 10:26:19 PM »
This is a deck that can perpetually block with two different strategies.

Son of God
New Jerusalem
Glory of the Lord
Angel of the Lord
Destruction of Nehushtan
Falling Away

Chamber of Angels
Solomon’s Temple
Gates of Hell
Fishing Boat
Satan’s Seat

Chariot of Fire
Holy of Holies
Crown of Thorns
Golden Cherubim
Book of the Covenant
Covenant of Eden
Covenant of Palestine
Burial Shroud
Unholy Writ

Caesarea Philippi
Roman Prison
Herod’s Dungeon

Ethiopian Treasurer

Good Enhancements
You are the Christ
Authority of Peter
The Fifth Seal
Sing and praise

Evil Characters
Wandering Spirit
Trembling Demon
False Teachers

Evil Enhancements
Ashtoreth Worship

Lost Souls
NT only
Female only
Same Book
Same testament
Speed Bump
Hero Resurrect

I have already completed this deck, and the strategies are: Offence does very little but is completely recurable, the artifacts are because I don't have a ton of other cards that would help the deck as much
It has the demon circle, Sol temp, Crown of thorns, holy o holy, trembling demon, and wandering spirit. The demons block, wandering spirit and than band to treble, and have holy of holies active in solomons temple along with crown of thorns, and your trembling demon is discarded instantly because of that, but is underdecked instead, and your wandering spirit is 1/3, so it can be underdecked also, and you can  use GoH to keep this going.
The other defence combination is somewhat complicated.

1. You block with False teachers, and discard saul/paul from your hand to protect lost souls from rescue, and False teachers gets discarded.

2.You use Gabriel and 5th seal or Chariot of fire to recur saul/paul.

3. Next time your opponent tries a rescue attempt you use marketplace, and exchange philosophy with False teachers and repeat step 1.

4. Next turn you use Ethiopian treasurer to recur philosophy, and even use one of the powerful good enhancements.

5. Keep repeating, and you have a battle winner that is recurable and can be used consistently every turn.

This thread is not about this deck, I am wondering what all defence deck would go best with this in teams, as it cannot stand by itself, but could do very well in teams. The other deck would have little to no offence, other than cartain enancements that the other player could use, but the defence would be huge and I am just wondering what defense to use in that other deck, weather a combination or a very large single one. Please post below!
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Re: Teams deck
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2014, 11:40:38 PM »
A couple things:
Wandering Spirit is 3/4 so Crown of Thorns would leave him at 3/1, allowing a chance that your opponent can play an enhancement so I guess that's not totally reliable. You could try to figure something out with Tartaros though so that you don't have to use Wandering Spirit and could just kill your own Trembling Demon and get him back from Tartaros somehow (Seven Wicked Spirits is one idea).
I'm not 100% sure but I'm fairly certain that you're not able to get back Saul/Paul with Chariot of Fire or The Fifth Seal because since he enters play as an Evil Character, he's technically an Evil Character. This is why you can use four of him in Type 2 and he counts as an evil card. If you were able to recur him though I'd suggest using Raising of Lazarus (I) instead since you can play it in territory. Also, you can't discard Saul/Paul anyway with False Teachers as False Teachers specifies O.T. evil enhancement with Saul/Paul most definitely is not. However I like the Philosophy idea as the evil part is O.T. and it's recurrable by E.T. so that's kinda cool. I guess you just have to figure out a way to make sure he's not negated. I suppose HoH will help with that but not always.

Anyhoo, cool deck and I like the ideas. As far as Teams goes I think that it has potential as it'd be easier to get one of you set up quicker. If you do play it in Teams I'd suggest splitting up some of the fortresses as they're shared and will lead to hand-clog if you and your teammate draw them. I'd suggest replacing them with stuff to get yourself set up faster (Reach of Desperation, Pentecost, maybe Dream [another False Teachers target just in case], etc.). You'll also want to split the doms because for example, you both shouldn't need Glory of the Lord. I'd also suggest using Pergamum rather than Herod's Dungeon or Roman Prison as those aren't doing anything for you and if you do happen to run into Dragon Raid you'll be ready.

Hope this helps!

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Re: Teams deck
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2014, 12:34:12 AM »
I like the Crown of Thorns idea, but there's one problem. Crown of Thorns decreases Evil Characters in play, not just in battle, so your Trembling Demon would be discarded before he could even block. Even if you block with him from hand the first time, he gets underdecked by Wandering, and then you use Gates to bring him back, he'll be discarded when he is sitting in territory. (Hmm, I think I just figured out a way to stall the game infinitely... ::))

Also, KoalaKing is correct, you would not be able to target Saul/Paul as a Hero when he is in the discard pile. He is an Evil Character by default. The philosophy trick definitely works though.
Fortress Alstad
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Re: Teams deck
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2014, 04:50:00 PM »
I like the Crown of Thorns idea, but there's one problem. Crown of Thorns decreases Evil Characters in play, not just in battle, so your Trembling Demon would be discarded before he could even block. Even if you block with him from hand the first time, he gets underdecked by Wandering, and then you use Gates to bring him back, he'll be discarded when he is sitting in territory. (Hmm, I think I just figured out a way to stall the game infinitely... ::))

I've always seen it ruled that the discard for toughness */0 or less does not trigger until after all abilities have finished (that is, until after the band).  I know that this 'infinite block' has been around for quite awhile, where you Gates your WS, look at bottom to bring out Trembling, and then band to him before he gets taken out by Crown.  I know what you mean, and I'm not sure how the rule works honestly at this point, but that is how I have seen it ruled previously.

For comparable rulings, see protected Pharisees/Sadducees in territory activating before they explode in battle.

Offline yirgogo

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Re: Teams deck
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2014, 05:04:39 PM »
Thanks! I will change it and see what works!
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Teams deck
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2014, 05:06:22 PM »
Ah I see what you mean and yes that would work as long as you didn't use Gates to bring back TD, just WS.

WS blocks, band to TD from hand. TD goes beneath deck, WS goes beneath deck. Next turn WS gets Gates-ed, blocks, reveals TD and bands him in. TD activates, goes beneath deck, etc, etc. Only issue would be your deck getting shuffled.
Fortress Alstad
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Offline yirgogo

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Re: Teams deck
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2014, 05:09:31 PM »
Yeah, I know, but this is an endgame deck, and slow so that I can have cards that work in this circle, the purpose of the deck I am looking to play with it is to get the game to endgame as soon as possible, and I think I have another idea of getting this recurable.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien

Offline Josh

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Re: Teams deck
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2014, 12:22:03 PM »
IMBO (in my biased opinion) a better strategy is to have one person play a speedy 50-card deck with Zaccheus and Gates of Hell, and the other person plays a 154-card deck with 3 GoH and a massive demon defense   :)
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