Author Topic: New TEAMS meta?  (Read 54395 times)

Offline Master Q

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Re: New TEAMS meta?
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2019, 12:01:59 PM »
@Hobbit- Ditto on Teams. I haven't played it in longer than I've played T1-MP and I haven't missed it. From what I've seen, it's just a war zone spearheaded by 2-3 dedicated teams steamrolling everyone else with Sam/Throne/Banding decks.  :2cents:  If I was going to Nats and had to play on the 3rd day I'd be inclined join you on your mask quest lol.

@Guardian- How about instead of saying "Dominants are unstrategic", we say, "Dominants are unhealthy and teeter between broken/OP and strategic"?

There have been several times where I've won/lost games based on Doms (the only game I lost at IA states this year was most likely a result of me not dom blocking my opponent's first rescue; the game I won against Jay in top cut 2017 was arguably due to me getting 4-5 of my doms in my opening hand). No one's going to argue that Doms don't swing games, or that perhaps certain cards/card combinations would be OP without Dominants in the pool. But the fact remains that they are at least somewhat unhealthy.

Just think: your deck is super weak to a certain card. Do you:

A. Perhaps rethink your strategy and rebuild your deck? Or,

B. Just slot the dom that takes care of the problem (3W, DoN, Shipwreck, R&D) into deck and hope you draw it?

I've seen both, but I think of the two options B is the one that is the easiest while sacrificing the least. And that's probably not a great thing. 3W is the worst offender of this 'band aid' mentality. As much as I love it, I am of the firm belief that any deck that doesn't run it is running with an arm tied behind its back just on how incomparably versatile it is.

Long story short, just avoid Teams and T1 MP and ignore how busted Doms are in those categories. :angel:
« Last Edit: June 28, 2019, 12:05:21 PM by Master Q »
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