Author Topic: Babylonians in TEAMS post-PoC  (Read 28419 times)

Offline Josh

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Babylonians in TEAMS post-PoC
« on: December 06, 2018, 12:16:59 PM »
This board gets no use or love, but I love Teams and the deck-building strategy of Teams.  Babylonians paired with Green/Zeke are going to be awesome in Teams after PoC arrives.  This won't be a detailed deck post, just some considerations.

1. As always, the "requirements" become easier to meet on the most powerful Bab cards:  Nerg is active more often, Head of Gold has a higher "X", and Drawn Sword/Forest Fire work more often.

2. Jonah and Bab Merchants will be very powerful.  You might even be able to get an "X=2" with Jonah if both decks run Nimrod and Mounted Forces (which they should).

3. Anthropophobia and Seized By Babylon are ridiculously good EEs. 

4. Both decks having Deceiver and Nebuchadnezzar means the decks can get off to fantastic defensive starts.  Nebby/Scattered is still a thing against an early band (especially Throne bands).

5. Wages of Sin x2.  Enough said.  You can park Treasures of War, Bel's Banquet, Anthropophobia, Great Image, etc. in Reserve as needed.

6. Speaking of Nerg, having 2 of him + 2 Swift Horses can make for some really painful rescues from your opponents' point of view.

7. Your defense can help your offense!  Large Head of Gold captures for the win.  I build my Teams defenses larger than other players, but I think Babylonians let you get away with it successfully.

8. Babylonians have been great in Teams before, but they've always struggled to field a full team of solid ECs.  With PoC, they add Bab Merchants, Bab Siege Army, Mounted Forces, and 2 Crimson/PG Bab magicians, making it easy to have a full defense of competitive Babylonians.

9.  Babs are fun to play!  For whatever reason, I've always had the most fun when playing Zeke/Bab decks.  I've paired Zeke with Judges in the past, but there might be a better prophets Teams build with PoC.  (Although Zeke/FF x2 + Sam/Sam's Edict x2 is really hard to compete with)

If anyone is interested in seeing what potential Teams decks might look like post-PoC, post below or PM me.  I've still got my Teams decklists saved as a Word doc from this year's OH State tourney.
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Offline Josh

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Re: Babylonians in TEAMS post-PoC
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2018, 01:42:04 PM »
FYI, I will be posting a "PoC phase 1" version of my Zeke/Babs Teams build sometime hopefully before the end of the year.

Spoiler alert, they are going to have Mourn and Weep in both decks or Reserves, since MaW targets each opponent when played in battle and can be potentially tutored from either location by Conjurers  ;)  And MaW is 3 Woes-proof because it banishes itself when played.

Maybe put it in deck so that Nebby can grab it on a first-turn block...  It would set your opponents back quite a bit if they can't attack on their 2nd and 3rd turns.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2018, 01:45:45 PM by Josh »
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