Author Topic: Unstoppable 1st Turn Combo with TexP cards that will make you win every game  (Read 16509 times)

Offline DaClock

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Yeah, it would be 3 of each. Basically Bryon was talking about adding a 3-Max to each card currently restricted to 1 per 50. For practical purposes he said they don't want to encourage HUGE decks.

Offline JDS

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Some North East players came up with the combo: Gates + Wandering Spirit + Trembling Demon + Crown of Thorns.

Offline BubbleBoy

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Have you seen this thread? ::)
Use the Mad Bomber to rescue his Province.

The Schaef

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Just a thought...
If this combo were to ever become viable, I would guess Rob chooses to simply put a maximum deck size (or single card limit like T2) on T1 instead of banning a card.

Exactly.  I would anticipate either a cap on deck size, or a cap on the number of copies allowed in a deck (as already exists with non-SA cards), which would effectively limit the size of your deck by default.

Offline crustpope

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Just a note here.  I have made this deck on RTS and it does NOT work as advertized.  The biggest problem is that you need to draw multiple LS sites and if you do not draw multiple sites, and the gates of Hell ono the first turn, you are not going to get it done.  I even have 19 copied of Zaccheus in there to help with the GoH draw, and 140 sites, but this is not a guarranteed draw every turn at all.
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Offline BubbleBoy

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I have made this deck on RTS
Lol, that must have taken hours! :D
Use the Mad Bomber to rescue his Province.

Offline crustpope

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I have made this deck on RTS
Lol, that must have taken hours! :D

About 2-3 to build it and self test it.  I played a game against prof underwood and found out that it is REALLY good at stalling a game.  with 19 3 liner LS's and 19 Shufflers.  It is going to be 20 turns before they even get a LS  ;)
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Offline Prof Underwood

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I played a game against prof underwood and found out that it is REALLY good at stalling a game.  with 19 3 liner LS's and 19 Shufflers.  It is going to be 20 turns before they even get a LS  ;)
Matt is right, that this deck doesn't work as it should.  I practically drew out a 70 card deck before the combo started working.

He is also correct that it is REALLY good at stalling.  In our game we figured out that it would be 20 turns (of half 3-liners) for every 1 shuffler taken.  Since I needed 3 LSs to win, that would've been 60 turns.  And that was on top of another 20 turns of stalling that already happened due to me needing to get a hero out of my discard pile.  And on top of another 20 turns to draw out my 70 card deck.  I decided that it wasn't worth playing out 100 turns :)

Offline Gohanick

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Im assuming you didnt use the lost soul that removes lost souls from sites? The whole idea is to discard most of your deck and get both the lost soul that discards the top and get the lost soul that removes souls from sites, then you just remove most of your deck and you effectively only need 1 site.

btw is there anyway you can send me the deck file? I would love to test it out

Offline TimMierz

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Im assuming you didnt use the lost soul that removes lost souls from sites? The whole idea is to discard most of your deck and get both the lost soul that discards the top and get the lost soul that removes souls from sites, then you just remove most of your deck and you effectively only need 1 site.

That's only true when you receive them in alternating order (discard, evict, discard, evict,...). You lose effectiveness every time two of the same appear next to each other with only one site.

Additionally, Mark noted that in his game he nearly drew his entire deck by the time the combo started, meaning that discarding 50 cards from his deck wouldn't do anything.
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The Schaef

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Additionally, Mark noted that in his game he nearly drew his entire deck by the time the combo started, meaning that discarding 50 cards from his deck wouldn't do anything.


Offline D-man

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Yes...this combo is  not very tournament viable due to time constraints.  In fact, any combo deck that is at least 800 cards will probably time out most games. :)

Offline TimMierz

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I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic because I'm stating the obvious or just agreeing.

Anyways, for those curious, I've worked out the odds of drawing Gates on turn 1. Assuming a 2500 card deck with 357 Lost Soul cards and 50 Gates, the odds should be:

1 - [(2093/2143) * ... * (2086/2136)] = 0.172361698

So there's about a 17% chance of you drawing at least one copy in your initial 8, not counting cards that will let you easily search for it. Each card you draw carries roughly a 2% chance (1 per 50 cards).
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Offline Prof Underwood

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In fact, any combo deck that is at least 800 cards will probably time out most games. :)
It might take the whole time limit just to shuffle the deck :)

Offline Smokey

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In fact, any combo deck that is at least 800 cards will probably time out most games. :)
It might take the whole time limit just to shuffle the deck :)

Mayhem = instant timeout

Offline D-man

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Exactly.  If this combo is ever viable, then all you have to do is include Mayhem and ANB and your guaranteed at least a timeout loss. :D

Offline Gohanick

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I was thinking of buying an automatic card shuffler for this deck.

at natz, the deck will just be in a huge metal box with the shuffler

Offline crustpope

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Im assuming you didnt use the lost soul that removes lost souls from sites? The whole idea is to discard most of your deck and get both the lost soul that discards the top and get the lost soul that removes souls from sites, then you just remove most of your deck and you effectively only need 1 site.

btw is there anyway you can send me the deck file? I would love to test it out

I posted it in deck strategies but its kind of moot now that Rob put a size limit on type 1 and 2.

The problem is that you have to get a Gates of hell and at least one site ( prefferably multiple sites) early in the game.  My deck had like 140 sites and 19 copies of Gates of hell anfd 19 copies of Zaccheus but I didnt get gates until it was 3/4 through the game.  He already had all the pieces he needed and I played to stall until I could figure out how to kill his Heros for good.

needless to say it is not an unstoppable combo, the size of the deck itself is a pretty sizable force to overcome.  but it did have a lot of good wualities

aside from the sheer impossibility of trying to build it.
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Offline Gohanick

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I was looking at your post crust and I noticed some things wrong with how I would have went building the deck.

I would have dedicated nearly every card to looking for sites and forts and drawing and searching within those colors. I'd focus more on characters rather than enhancements that way I wouldnt have to match much stuff up. for example I am creator, Angel at shur and Covenant Keepers could help you get out zaccheus faster.

Also those 6/8 banding demons are generic so gates would let you have 30 or so sitting in your territory

Offline Gohanick

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another cool combo with gates is if you have False Priests out, you can discard your false peace and play them

Offline Alex_Olijar

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Let's just spoil every Gates combo, why don't we?

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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so your combo also requires Lost Souls.

And for you to get Gates immediately in a 2,500 card deck.

And 50 Sites.

And at least one Hero.

And for your opponent not to wipe out your combo.

And for none of your other essential cards to be discarded when you use High Places.
Anyway this combo is a joke. Dominants, drawing your deck. If you can make a smaller version of this deck that discards a consistent twenty cards every game and have your offense/defense discard cards then you have a fun competetive deck. But this "thing" is neither.


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