sounds like we have a similar deck with Egyptians & NT Heroes. I use: Mary @ Bethany, Martha, Good Samaritan, Seeker of the Lost, Solider of God, Generous Widow, Woman At the Well, Lazarus and Zaccheus. I also use the revealer lost soul and the deck discarder to cycle through their deck for lost souls since they're bad for Given Over to Egypt & Pagan Sacrifices. Wedding Party also fetches a LS and a warrior's Battle Prayer can fetch Pagan Sacrifices. I use all the covert that forces your opponent to draw cards (with Gifts) along with deck discarding & thinning basically to thin out my opponent's deck really fast. Its a fun deck, but its weak against big offenses & defenses. The decks name is Achor, its Hebrew that means, "causer of sorrow".