New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Another good combo with babel is to band in someone like King Zimri.
You can. Band 5 archers of Kedar to a roman emp with chariot's and then play heavy taxes. Works very well... and adds hand discard and drawing for you.
I'd switch the rabs for King jeroboam the 1st? (7/7) and King Nadabs so you can recur those.
Esaux2 Archers of Kedarx5 Egyptian Archersx5 Huge Egyptianx2 Egyptian Horsesx5 Egyptian Spearx5 Wonders Forgottenx5 Gib Trickx5Kill 10 in territory, Discard 6 cards from the deck.
The problem with this plan is that "Wonders Forgotten" doesn't ITB like 2kh. Therefore, this devestation would only happen once, whereas the PG version could happen over and over
I'd use King Shishak X 2 as well.
King Shishak is indeed superior to Huge Egyptian. I got carried away with the FoOF/RoA theme.