Author Topic: The issue with Silver  (Read 22276 times)


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The issue with Silver
« on: August 03, 2010, 06:31:17 PM »
So, I've been looking at silver brigade lately, and I've realized something. Over the past few sets, silver has gotten almost nothing compared to every other brigade. It has no solid strategy to play with, most of its battle winners are far too specific to be of use in most cases, and it only has a handful of heroes worth using.

I mean, lets look through the past 3 sets and see what silver got:

Attending Angel - An ok hero, nice for dealing with placed evil enhancements.
Angel of Warning - Fort searching and playing is nice... but silver only has one fort worth using.
Consuming Fire - This only stops annoying characters and weapons for one turn, but not their battle winners.
Angel of the Harvest - Deck Discarder, kind of a random hero to put in silver if you ask me. Fun hero though.
Striking Herod - One of silvers better enhancements. Still limited against women or demons.
Seraph - CBN band to another brigade... why does silver never band to itself?
Wickedness Removed - This card is fun, but it can be hit or miss.
Angel of God - Some decent protection, but again its designed to work with another brigade.
Fire Smoke and Sulfur - A nice battle winner.
The Destroyer - mainly useful in combos. Other then that, its only an OK card.
Burning Censer - Still doesn't kill evil characters, and requires two brigades to use the other half.
Gabriel Meets Zecharias - An ok card that might see more use when NT themes are strengthened.

That is all that silver has gotten in the past 3 sets. None of them have formed any sort of a strategy, most are only "OK" in usefulness, and quite a few are not designed for pure silver offenses.

My question to the PTB is this, when can we expect silver to be useful by itself again? The only heroes it has that are worth using (WITHOUT another brigade) are... Mike, CotH, TSA, Gabe, Angel of the Harvest, maybe Paladin and Arriana... thats about it. Next time angels get some cards, can we get some that support a solid silver offense? Orange used to be a "support" brigade purely due to how few cards it had, but now it can stand up on its own. I'm sure some people can still make it work, but silver really does not have any solid strategy to use.

My final question: Why are demons stronger then angels now? I thought the good themes were always supposed to be stronger then the evil themes, but the opposite proves true in this case.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2010, 06:53:08 PM by Lamborghini_diablo »

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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2010, 07:02:14 PM »
For the present time the general consensus of the play test team is that silver cards are going to encourage angels to be used in combination with some other brigade.  Many of the cards you listed fall into that category.  Expect more of the same this year.

This also similar to what we've seen with the recent releases for teal priests.

I personally would like to see silver receive cards that encourage a single brigade offense.  It's just a matter of convincing the other elders. :)
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2010, 07:03:41 PM »
...and yet demons have been made to be a powerful standalone defense.....
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2010, 07:04:49 PM »
You had me convinced during play-testing for what its worth. Bryon shot down the epic card I suggested :)


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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2010, 07:09:06 PM »
I wouldn't mind silver being a support brigade... if it actually had a unique strategy of its own. At the moment, its just sort of a melting pot of all the other offensive strategies, but not as good.

I wouldn't mind a strong protection theme (to protect the other brigades it's mixed with), along with some strong anti-demon stuff (due to how strong demons are now, this could be a reason to use silver).

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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2010, 07:12:26 PM »
An angel that could use a choice of brigade enhancements (a la User of Curious Arts & Deceiving Spirit) would help the support role.
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2010, 08:00:31 PM »
I've always thought to myself that Silver has not been getting good cards because of the power of the Warrior's angels (Mike, Gabe, CotH, TSA).  Those heroes are basically OP and have been ever since they were released.  There's almost no reason NOT to use them in a deck that has Silver.  I can see the same thing happening to Teal, which was clearly powerful after one release.  Cards like Josh the HP, Phinehas, Zeal, Trumpet Blast, the set asides, etc. are basically OP as well, and Teal will probably not get very good boosts until their relative power is decreased.  Both Silver and Teal were created to be powerful and useful in their first release...  Perhaps the cards were overdone?   :)

Just my two cents.
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2010, 08:14:24 PM »
I actually have an Angel/Demon deck right now that's pretty solid. It has won about 75% of its games so far (two of the three or four losses being because of Prince of the Air), so I can't complain too much about Angels' lack of power. However, I can't help but notice that most of the sets have had a little bit of standalone stuff and a little bit of human support stuff for Angels, with a continuing lack of either theme or power. Although I'd like to see some more stuff for angels to be their own thing, I'm fine with angels being a support brigade. But right now all the human support stuff is pretty much just basic banding characters, and all the standalone stuff is super bland and often not very powerful. I think we need to go one way or the other here.

That's my two cents.
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2010, 10:01:48 PM »
I would give you my two cents but I can't find the other penny right now. :p

Bibically, though, aren't angels mainly support (eg giving a message, protecting, aiding) for the person who God is either using or is trying to reach. Basically, do angels bibically share the gospel of Christ and help lead some one to salvation or do they mainly aid the person who God is using (hope that makes sence)?

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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2010, 10:05:07 PM »
Ooooo...... that's deep.  ;D

Can we have our namesake Nationals card include, "May band to an angel?" I need the support.  ;)

Actually, come to think of it. God already sent me an angel. Hot wife, ftw!
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2010, 10:06:56 PM »
Actually, come to think of it. God already sent me an angel. Hot wife, ftw!

oooooooooooooooh, cheesy line ftw.
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2010, 10:09:17 PM »
Actually, come to think of it. God already sent me an angel. Hot wife, ftw!

oooooooooooooooh, cheesy line ftw.

They come in handy after 17 years of marriage.  ;)
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2010, 10:11:42 PM »
Actually, come to think of it. God already sent me an angel. Hot wife, ftw!

oooooooooooooooh, cheesy line ftw.

They come in handy after 17 years of marriage.  ;)

I guess that the three year mark for cheesy comments = rolling of eyes :P

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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2010, 10:13:01 PM »
i usually just get laughed at. i probably need to work on my execution.
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2010, 10:13:58 PM »
Silver users are bums. One could say they need to get a Job >:c.

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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2010, 10:30:39 PM »
... do angels bibically share the gospel of Christ and help lead some one to salvation or do they mainly aid the person who God is using (hope that makes sence)?
True enough, but what exactly do demons do in the way of physically preventing people from being saved? I mean sure, Satan is behind all sin, but when do we actually even see the direct effects of demons outside of possession? Do they belong as a standalone brigade any more than angels?

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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2010, 11:00:12 PM »
Actually, come to think of it. God already sent me an angel. Hot wife, ftw!

I hope some kid in a movie doesn't try to use that line.... oh..... wait, I guess I'm too late.

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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2010, 11:03:19 PM »
Actually, come to think of it. God already sent me an angel. Hot wife, ftw!

I hope some kid in a movie doesn't try to use that line.... oh..... wait, I guess I'm too late.

It worked for him, too.  ;)

Of course, in both cases, the end result did not turn out too well for the girl....  :maul:
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2010, 11:06:01 PM »
Actually, come to think of it. God already sent me an angel. Hot wife, ftw!

I hope some kid in a movie doesn't try to use that line.... oh..... wait, I guess I'm too late.

For once, Darth Marble is on topic!

It worked for him, too.  ;)

Of course, in both cases, the end result did not turn out too well for the girl....  :maul:


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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2010, 11:34:13 PM »
Well, it's quite interesting how God used 2 angels to destroy 2 whole cities (Sodom and Gomorrah), and how the Bible mentions that angels do a lot of singing/praising/worshiping God.  However, I personally think that angels should be a little more anti-demon.  I mean, come on, PotA basically ignores non-warrior class angels!! The Thief is great for random discard, but angels...  I don't even really see them as a GOOD support for humans anyway.  For a 2 color offense, you'd want 2 solid halves, not 1 epic brigade paired with a somewhat ok 2nd brigade.  (Although Michael (Warriors) works quite nice with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo :) .

Just my twopence.

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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2010, 12:15:27 AM »
Angels are fairly epic in T2, they can, with enough effort, get through almost any defense, Micheal + Angel's Sword + Striking Herod/Fire Smoke and Sulfur/The Seventh Trumpet will win most battles against humans.  Demons have little to stop The Strong Angel, and next time I see Prince of the Air in T2 I will snipe him with the Destroyer.  The Destroyer can hit characters like Namaan, The Rabshekah and the Babylonian guy.

Gabriel gets rid of my opponents enhancements, Angel of the Harvest gets rid of Evil/Neutral cards, generates souls and/or draws me cards.  Attending Angel can speed up my deck by pulling out enhancements or get rid of annoying placed cards.  And its very hard to beat a Band of all my warrior class angels in a By the Numbers battle.

I don't know how good they are in T1, but in T2 they are awesome, not to mention most of the good ones are NT so they get around Asherah Pole and Golden Calf and they aren't human so they get around Unholy Writ and many powerful enhancements.
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2010, 06:14:20 AM »
(Although Michael (Warriors) works quite nice with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo :) .

The Kings version of Michael and Gabriel also have a Daniel reference.
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2010, 08:40:18 AM »
(Although Michael (Warriors) works quite nice with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo :) .

The Kings version of Michael and Gabriel also have a Daniel reference.
In fact, those are the only versions with a Daniel reference, so that's probably what he meant.
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2010, 03:34:29 PM »
(Although Michael (Warriors) works quite nice with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo :) .

The Kings version of Michael and Gabriel also have a Daniel reference.
In fact, those are the only versions with a Daniel reference, so that's probably what he meant.

Yeah, what he said.  (I don't have the Daniel Reference one.)
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Re: The issue with Silver
« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2010, 04:52:26 PM »
when i started playing, about when WA went out of print I think, my first deck that was any good was blue silver and black and know i'm considering building a deck like that again. I'd obviously have to use better FooF, RoA, and TexP in it because i'm pretty sure that was before Angel Wars. It was a really good deck and the first deck that i didn't really ask my brothers to make it for!



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