Author Topic: The Doctor  (Read 2090 times)

Offline Red Dragon Thorn

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The Doctor
« on: July 01, 2009, 10:27:27 PM »
As you all know I love Combo decks in type 2, this time last year I posted a "One turn wonder" using primary objective which eventually lead to the idea that you can discard nothing to satisfy the condition of discarding your hand.
This year I went ahead and tried to resurrect the "Devastator" deck that Chris Bany and Ron Sias collaborated on.

Here is a deck that I planned to play at Natz, since Justin apparently beat me to it and then had it ruled against him, it is now useless, however I will still post it so that you can come along and perfect it inside the rules.

Pharisees, X 10
False Peace X 5
Momentum Change X 5
Confusion X 5
Sin in the Camp X 5
Just a Hireling
Strange Fire
Foreign Enemy X2
Love of Money
Fearfulness X 2
Words of Discouragement X 2

Obviously this isn't the whole defense but its enough to give you the general idea.

My idea was that you force a side battle off of Hidden Treasures, You pick a Pharisee and then Promptly band to a second one and give them False Prophet or Leviathan or some other huge character.

Then you proceed to play a Fearfulness - This gets rid of the one card that can stop you - Angel of the Lord.
Then as you may have already guessed you false peace chain. at the end of your false peace chain you play Just a Hireling or Strange Fire to discard the Pharisee they were played on. Here is where the combo fails - I thought momentum change would activate sending everything back to my hand, turns out it doesn't. But if we play into my reality for a bit the combo would continue here - Play another false peace chain - then play Foreign Enemy to band in a Pharisee, rinse and repeat. You can play the false peace chain 6 times this way, in so doing you have just enough pulls between the necessary Momentum change and Pharisee pull to keep the chain going. You get 3 cards each time, so by the third time they're hand is back in the draw pile via fearfulness, and Words of Discouragement. then Confusion out the Dom's and I am Grace's and Drop 3 Sin in the camps into territory. Additionally I would Great Image out their territory, and have an ET AoC in my hand. Finally you CM your hero so that they can't block with the KoT in their territory and undo everything.

Obviously broken, and well broken in that I was wrong on a ruling and it doesn't actually work. ah well.... I called it the Mini-Devastator or Doctor for short as Mini-devastator becomes MD.

Let me know what you think of the concept.

Thanks for reading my run on sentence for a useless combo


Offline Captain Kirk

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Re: The Doctor
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2009, 10:30:22 PM »
Let me get this straight, you missed the all-important 2004 ruling?

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Offline DaClock

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Re: The Doctor
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2009, 10:47:59 PM »
Kirk, he isn't using multiple side battles per turn.

Offline Captain Kirk

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Re: The Doctor
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2009, 10:49:06 PM »
No I realize that, I just thought they made that ruling in 2004 as well...

Friends don't let friends play T1 multi.

Offline Red Dragon Thorn

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Re: The Doctor
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2009, 10:49:17 PM »
Yeah, the one where Momentum change doesn't return until the end of battle.


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