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(1) If the few cards not available in the booster aren't very good, fewer starters will be sold. While a gameco wants to keep its players happy, it also wants to make a profit, so having enough new cards to get us (the existing player base) to buy starters as well as new players is a must.
(2) I find it frustrating to open booster packs and find lots of cards I already got in the starter set.
This drives the collectibility factor up for the other cards in the set...
but at the risk of putting off some of your player base.
Site decks are WAY too weak because unless you're using red or benedictus, you can't negate CP and so you're opponent can get access all day with The Ends of the Earth and Dragon Raid.
Brown needs more ITB/Negate/CBN. Seems like everything is negatable and/or ineffective.
this time it has to be I/Jit's time for new starter decks to come out.
This thread was productive.
Quote from: Smokey on October 06, 2010, 10:06:57 PMThis thread was productive. Your face* is productive.*Would mom be inappropriate?
I think there needs to be more counters to set-aside white enhancements and more counters to searching discard and grab a....