Author Topic: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?  (Read 60954 times)

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REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« on: December 08, 2009, 05:48:10 PM »
The next set will include cards of every brigade, but will NOT include cards for every theme or culture.  So, we cannot guarantee that what you put here will even be considered, since your culture or theme might not even get a single new card next year.  However, in case your favorite culture or brigade IS getting some cards, is there a particular weakness that you wish would be improved?

Now is the time to make your requests.  We are not looking for full card ideas, just holes you'd like to see filled.

Finish the sentence:

I wish (this culture theme) had a way to _____________ .

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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2009, 05:50:48 PM »
judges need a gold jepath,barak,new deborah,and a good samson.
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2009, 06:15:20 PM »
Hm....well, I'm an Egyptian freak, so I'd like to see some artifacts and fortresses based for Egyptians.  They have plenty of members, but are perhaps a little stretched for support.
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2009, 06:19:17 PM »
I wish Philistines had an updated Goliath.  It's past time.

I wish Priests would get a new battlewinner.  They got totally passed over in TxP (the teal TxP ehn was wimpy, please don't do it again).  Teal has become even enough to power it up again.

I wish *instert any evil brigade* had a TC ehn to recur an evil enhancement from d/c pile.

I wish red could become good.  Give it something super good (like TGT but not broken like TGT)  Something that would make someone play it competitively.

I wish Greeks had a new character with a new SA and/or lower numbers than 7 defense.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 06:39:34 PM by Cameron the Conqueror »

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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2009, 06:28:58 PM »
musians!!! i have played them in tournemts and people can stop them realy easaly :'(   (c marter on heman, any cards that stop forts on musaisn chamber, and any card that stpos bandine( that leaves coat of many colers to be able to use enhasments other than white, there chenaniah alwos you to band two any colred musian bot it still doesent give you alot of options.))
they need afew cards that will make them a viable option.
just my $1.53
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2009, 06:30:46 PM »
I wish the Luke/John theme had a way to deal with demons and immunity.

I wish the royalty theme had access to more OT battle winners.

I wish the Apostles theme had a way to get initiative to play enhancements on the mostly useless Apostles.

I wish the Deacons theme had a more going for it than drawing a couple cards in a losing situation.

I wish the Judges theme had a way to force evil Characters into play where they can pick on them.

I wish the Exodus theme had the missing plagues at a power level strong enough to make people consider playing a green/gold Exodus offense.

I wish a Hero theme (maybe Apostles) had a way to perform mass conversion the way Head of Gold accomplishes mass capture.

I wish the Daniel theme had a few more cards to build an offense with.

I wish the teal tabernacle/solomon's temple themes had a way to tie them together better so that all teal offenses weren't Z's temple based.

I wish musicians had a way to search the deck for a musical enhancement.

I wish red warriors had a way to "play first" (ET, Hidden Treasures, Jacob, even Angel's Sword).

I wish Greeks, Persians, Magicians, Pharisees and Herods had more characters available.  Preferably ones with a special ability that makes me want to use them.
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2009, 06:39:00 PM »
I wish that Red/David's soldiers, had a way to make the older (usless) enhancements more viable in a deck.

I am not sure about this part (not real familiar with the newer cards).I wish that Red had some answers to evil Fortresses.

I wish that we had a new theme of Canaanite clans. Maybe not any one particular brigade, but several split color enhancements.

I wish that cross brigade Banding had an answer to all the cards that penalize you for doing so.

Modified to fit the requested format.  ;)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 07:22:16 PM by Shofarblower »
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2009, 06:40:59 PM »
I wish Luke/John had a (better) way to deal with demons
I wish Prophets had a way to deal with fortresses and artifacts
I wish Assyrians had another way to handle fortresses
I wish everything had a way to deal with GoH
I wish generic philistines had more characters
I wish unique demons had more characters
I wish angels had a way to get more initiative
I wish red warriors had a way to play enhancements, ever.

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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2009, 06:54:49 PM »
There are plenty of unique demons out there... (Kot, PotW, The Theif, all four multi-colored ones...)
I think demons need a unique way of site lock.  For example, maybe cards that give them perks when a certain number of souls are in sites (like corrupted).
I'd like to see Persians get support in general (characters).
I wish Sadducees and Pharasees had more help and more of a way to mesh together.
Gates of Hell is by far the best card in the game.  No questions asked.

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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2009, 06:57:06 PM »
I wish red warriors had the best BTN and banding characters in the game.  IMO, their enhancements as a whole aren't good enough to rely on (although the recent ones are becoming more useful), so I'd like some epic characters.

I wish demons had a reasonable way to stay viable after AoC promo is dropped.  I'd like there to be more A Child is Born action.

I wish demons had "possessing" characters (ie, PG Panic Demon).

I wish Babylonians had more mass capture based on X.

I wish gray's Syrians and Pharisees had characters useful in decks other than speed and heroless.
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2009, 07:02:05 PM »
I'd really like to see a dynamic wherein a special ability causes opponents to swap hands.

Or EVEN better, A New Beginning reprint where the players swap decks prior to drawing eight and starting a new turn.

I think the "fun factor" would increase exponentially with those type of special abilities.
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Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2009, 07:17:47 PM »
Hm....well, I'm an Egyptian freak, so I'd like to see some artifacts and fortresses based for Egyptians.  They have plenty of members, but are perhaps a little stretched for support.
I'd like to see some way to stop all the pure anti gold counters. Maybe a territory class enhancement that negates abilities that target a specific single brigade.

As for TEAL, though not my fave brigade by a long shot I'd love to see more cards based on the OT traditions. A passover reprint would be AWESOME.

I'd like judges to have more cost-effect cards. Like Samson's sac. Very powerful, but at a price.

Red needs some way of protection not only for them but for their weapons. Shamgar killed 600 philistines with an ox goad without it breaking and becoming useless.

For diseases I would like to see more than just than random decrease stuff. I loved weakness etc. Maybe some more varying effects!

(I will edit in the other brigades/themes)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 07:21:12 PM by TheKarazyvicePresidentRR »
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2009, 07:51:53 PM »
I wish Romans had a protect fortress.
Redemption Curmudgeon
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2009, 07:52:24 PM »
1) I wish to see Sites that help certain cultures that also match the color of a Site that already helps the same culture.  Example: Print a red Site that helps Philistines to go along with Ashdod.

2) I wish that you would continue to reprint evil royalty of Judah into the brown brigade.  I love where evil Judah has the possibility of going within brown.

3) I wish red had a straight up, no holds barred, full on, true to form, fight by the numbers Hero.

4) I wish deacons weren't lame.

5) I wish white females had another ignore card that had the phrase, "If an Evil Character is in battle..."

6) I wish Greeks had a card that forced drawing.

7) I wish NT gold had another way to negate protection on Evil Characters in battle.  Currently, only Blessing of Joshua can do this.  The main idea here is to be able to get around protection so that an EC can be converted.

8) I wish angels had more ways to get access to Sites.

9) I wish white NT females had more Covenant support.

10) I wish purple royalty had more territory class enhancements.  Kings tend to do stuff without going into battle by making decrees and laws and issuing orders.
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2009, 08:20:29 PM »
First of all, I would really like for Deacons and Apostles to become serious one-brigade themes: probably Deacons in blue and Apostles in purple.

I'd like all three of the priests' temple/tabernacle themes to become equally and significantly viable by giving benefits when their respective fortresses are out, making ways to bring those fortresses out and back from the d/c quickly, and making useful temple/tabernacle artifacts specialized for them.

I really want Musicians to get a battle-winner of any sort. They should also get at least one more character - maybe a David reprint.

I also wish Daniel heroes had a battle-winner and more characters, including a Daniel reprint. They should be given a really unique strategy besides crimson protection, perhaps combined with the ability to collaborate with Angels.

I don't want to make Red like every other brigade, so I think what it really needs is a way to work without necessarily having to get initiative, like a protection of some kind. A card that would give Red brigade heroes protection from CBN/CBI abilities would be awesome for it's negating theme.

Luke/John heroes need a way to combat demons.

Judges need better publicity. :P Some reprints of the judges would be much appreciated, but I think they have everything else they need.

Greeks definitely need something - anything - to make them a unified theme. Of all the themes in the game, this one is definitely the worst right now.

Syrians really need either good non-capture battle-winners or ways to get rid of capture protection.

I want to see Brown's Persian and Israelite themes pick up, and the willy-nilliness of the characters to decline.

Demons need more developments on their bottom-of-the-deck theme, hopefully in the form of cards that can affect Angels.

Magicians and Herods simply need to continue their trends set by TxP.

And put all that in the "I wish..." form. ::)
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2009, 09:15:41 PM »
I'd really like to see a dynamic wherein a special ability causes opponents to swap hands.

Or EVEN better, A New Beginning reprint where the players swap decks prior to drawing eight and starting a new turn.

I think the "fun factor" would increase exponentially with those type of special abilities.

 That is an very interesting idea.  It would definitely force someone to get use to playing other decks and styles.  I like!!!


Do we have a name for the new ones yet?

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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2009, 09:21:21 PM »
I'd really like to see a dynamic wherein a special ability causes opponents to swap hands.

Or EVEN better, A New Beginning reprint where the players swap decks prior to drawing eight and starting a new turn.

I think the "fun factor" would increase exponentially with those type of special abilities.

 That is an very interesting idea.  It would definitely force someone to get use to playing other decks and styles.  I like!!!

Yeah, play green and gray.  Search for that card and fill the rest of your deck with junk.  Brilliant!  Better yet, play your SoG/NJ as fast as possible, then play this card.  Brilliant!
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2009, 09:22:57 PM »
Do we have a name for the new ones yet?
If they're still working on the themes to use, they probably haven't made the cards yet. Even if they have, they surely won't release information until summer.
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2009, 09:28:12 PM »
Do we have a name for the new ones yet?
If they're still working on the themes to use, they probably haven't made the cards yet. Even if they have, they surely won't release information until summer.

I think its pretty obvious they don't have the cards made yet.  I was just curious if they were bouncing around names or if they had decided on them, I understand that they release the cards at the same time they release the rest of the info (Name, themes....yada yada yada.)

Do you have a projected date Bryon? Or still thinking? 

Just curious

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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2009, 09:32:09 PM »
I wish purple got just ONE more battle winner.

I wish philistines had a female, with a decent ability.

I wish Luke/John had an interrupt and play next enhancement. PLEASE!!! I know you have already been vouching for this Bryon so keep it up.  ;)

I wish Greeks had a low numbers character. Lower than 6/6.

I wish Prophets had an ANB that didn't remove itself. But in all seriousness, prophets need something that discards shuffled evil characters.
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2009, 09:33:56 PM »
I really don't think prophets need anything; they're probably the best good brigade out there.
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2009, 09:34:31 PM »
Forgetting red huh?  ;)
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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2009, 10:45:59 PM »
I wish red actually was tournament worthy. I've NEVER found it viable. maybe a CBN character?

I wish gold had an easy why to stop all the haters like Miriam and Journey to Egypt.

I wish Garden Tomb had some more power.  ;)

Musicians should once again reign. they aren't bad, to be sure, but they certainly aren't amazing like they should be.

Herod's would be pretty legit.

King Cyrus to be printed. I've been wanting him since before Priests.

Babylonians should have site killers with their babylons. and more crimson that plays off of them, like "Discard hero with */X or less. X is equal to the number of babylonian sites in play. Cannot be Negated." things like that, but better.

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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2009, 10:49:19 PM »
I'd really like to see a dynamic wherein a special ability causes opponents to swap hands.

Or EVEN better, A New Beginning reprint where the players swap decks prior to drawing eight and starting a new turn.

I think the "fun factor" would increase exponentially with those type of special abilities.

 That is an very interesting idea.  It would definitely force someone to get use to playing other decks and styles.  I like!!!

Yeah, play green and gray.  Search for that card and fill the rest of your deck with junk.  Brilliant!  Better yet, play your SoG/NJ as fast as possible, then play this card.  Brilliant!

I can't tell if you were being sarcastic with this or not... I think its a really good idea, Because if you do build a 'Junk' deck, you could simply lose before you get a chance to play it, since you wont have anything decent in it.


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Re: REQUEST: What does your favorite theme/culture need?
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2009, 10:51:39 PM »
Strengthen the bottom-drawing tactic with orange, I wouldn't mind if there were a couple more dual-brigade orange cards either :).

An Orange demon named Chaos is necessary.


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