Author Topic: Redemption Webzine (Issue 2)  (Read 2960 times)

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Redemption Webzine (Issue 2)
« on: June 01, 2010, 07:26:46 PM »
Interview with The Marti

Me:So what was your first deck?

Marti:Ha, my first deck? I dont even remember. I started playing after Creation Festival in 2005, where one of my friends had gotten some cards. We tried to learn ourselves and it was horrible. We kept putting more and more cards in...

My first REAL deck? I called it the bruiser. It was black and blue before they were any good.  Blue offense I think was speed based (Book of Jashar/book of Hozai, etc), black defense (Goliath, Hunger, Wrath, Simon the magician, all those goodies). Played it at Nats 06, ended up somewhere near the end of the pack.  

Me:How did you do at your first Tournament?
Marti:My first tournament was Maryland States in 2006. I did horribly in T1-2p, but I rocked sealed deck. I got 2nd place.  It was a lot of fun though, and I got the tournament bug. I love the fun and fellowship.

Me:Lastly any advice for New tournament players?

Marti:Enjoy them. Don't get so serious about the game that you forget the important part- the people.

I have been at tournaments where people who were either sore losers or way too serious have made days start or end on a sour note. Don't be that guy. This is a game based on fellowship and brother/sisterhood. Competition is fine if done in a healthy manner, but its for FUN. It's just a game. Enjoy the ride.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 07:37:43 PM by ReyZen »
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Re: Redemption Webzine (Issue 2)
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2010, 02:47:23 PM »
7/7 Blue Hero
"Enhancements played by Thomas are CBN."
Pros: He is Cannot be negated After all. Cons:He's Blue Blue is bad non Genesis. Also his numbers are too high.

7/8 Purple Hero
"Prevent all Special Abilties on Evil Characters except banding."
Pros: TGT Hero with a great SA.
Cons: Not many
7/7 Green Hero
"First Strike."
Pros: None
Cons: High numbers with First Stike.

James son of Zebedee
8/6 Purple Hero
"May Band to John."
Pros: A staple in a Apostles deck because of the banding to John
10/10 Red Hero
"If peter is captured Return him 3 turns later."
Pros: TGT Hero
Cons: High abilities.    

With all the apostles being Uber-Weak or worse the only way to play them would be a banding deck like this one: Apostles/Persans

Lost Souls:7
   Female only

   Centurion at Capernaum
   James son of Z.
   James son of A.
Good Domaniants:3
   Harvest time
   Son of God
   Angel of the lord
   Unknown Nation
   Covenant with Noah.
   Golden calf
   Temple Veil
   The Ends of the Earth.

Evil Doms:1
Good Ehancments:6
   Sign of the Rainbow
   Ehud's Dagger (Blue)
   Trapped in cleverness
   Unity in Christ
   Preaching the truth
   The Word Spreads
   Holy ground

Evil characters:8
   King Zedekiah
   Unclean Spirit
   The Bear
   Foul Spirit
   Persian presidents

   Dungeon of Malchiah
   Seeds of Rebellion
   Zeresh Advises Haman
   Lacking Sleep
   Lying unto God
   Paul's Girdle
   Korah's Rebellion
   Face of death
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 07:36:14 PM by ReyZen »
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Re: Redemption Webzine (Issue 2)
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2010, 09:44:36 PM »
                 How to Pitch Redemption.

        After coming back from Vacation Bible School tonight after showing the Moses's Rod card to three people I decided what to write about tonight so here it is: 1:have a card with someone depictated that is easeliy reconized such as Noah or Moses. 2:Always recomend the Cactus site or this Webzine. 3:Be friendly NEVER and I repeat NEVER be hostile or a jerk this will get you nowhere. 4:NEVER be cocky or prideful. 5:Don't use curse words. 6:Don't offend who you are teaching.

       In conculsion redemption is a easy game to teach to people unless you can't read well at all.(Yes I know this is short)
Ironman 2016 and 2018 Winner.
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Re: Redemption Webzine (Issue 2)
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2010, 04:32:22 PM »
  Interview with Tyler Stevens.

  Red:How did you come to Redemption Tyler?

 Tyler:I came to Redemption through my grandparent's Christian Book Store in Punta Gorda Florida.. I saw the booster packs and wanted to get some. My grandfather had me do some work around the store for packs and it got me hooked. That summer I went to CBS, which is a convention for Christian Book Stores. That is where I met Ken Shartle, who taught me the game and got me connected with people in Georgia. That was back in 1998 I believe.
 Red:What was your first deck?

Ah I remember my first deck as if it was yesterday... Silver/blue banding, negates, and high numbers for offense, with the same thing but Crimson/Black on defense. I used angels, but I didn't have a Captain, The Strong Angel, or a Michael.   I just used Tribal Elder, Jacob, Seraphim, banding enhancements, some negates, and some battle winners, but with no low numbered heroes, go figure. Defense was big guys, some negates, banding enhancements, and some battle winners. Also you gotta remember the time frame though, it was back during Kings, and everyone was using by the number heroes, by the number banding, or purple/white with Transfiguration/Authority of Christ promo recursion, so you had to stop big numbers. Anyway my first tournament was GA state years ago and I got beat pretty bad. I came back regionals with a slightly better piece of junk deck, but this time with only black for defense, and still got spanked. I then played in a local or a district next year and played with a hybrid fast attack deck and won. That was the last time I played type 1 at a tournament. I went to type 2 and created a Morg deck... yeah I know I am ashamed. I eventually tore it apart and starting making stronger decks and I came back to state and went undefeated in type 2. I think I also won Southeast Regionals that year or got second, and then went to Nationals and got third in type 2 2 player, and 2nd in Type 2 multiplayer. Needless to say I found my
Red:So any advice on a tansition from Type one to Type two?

Tyler:Going from type 1 to type 2 is not nearly as hard to do as type 1 players say it is. I hear many type 1 players saying type 2 is 5 copies of the best cards in brigades, yes there are many decks that do that in top tournament decks, but a player does not need 5 of the top cards in every brigade to play type 2. A type 1 player can easily put doubles of a card, or 3-4 if the player has it, into his deck and make it into a type 2 deck. I think the single best quality of type 2 is having each deck having the same number of defensive cards as good cards, which means each player knows the deck they are facing is going to be able to defend. As for some more advice, don't just add doubles or more to your type 1 to a type 2 deck and call it a day, maybe you have more cards in another brigade, or can split into a 2-3 color offense, or a 2 color defense. So my best advice is see what you have in your collection to make a type 2 and play with what is fun. As you acquire more cards you can play with more copies of certain cards, but as for transitioning into type 1 to type 2, okay with what you have.
Red:What is your Faverite card?

Tyler:It comes out in Disciples. But, as for now, Abomination of Desolation probably. My most used is definitely Reuben's Torn Clothes and Unholy Writ.

Red:James? Anyway what do you think of Disciples so far?

Tyler:Ehh, my prediction is there will be a small handful of stand out cards. The rest of the set will be played only in the first few months and then people will play with other stuff again. I think one deck will stand out by far. But that's all my disciple talk.
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Re: Redemption Webzine (Issue 2)
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2010, 01:53:50 PM »
I'm also working on my own ROOT article but this'll do.

         NoTW's new article:ROOT
BY: edsnotofthisworld

The June ROOT Championship concluded with a believable top four.  Master KChief, the number one online player, fell short to BrianGabe, the champion, and soul seeker in second place to come in third.  Prof Underwood followed closely behind, clinching 4th place only two points behind MKC.  My congratulations to all of them for very consistent play; BrianGabe especially, who never dropped out of the top three within all four weeks of competition!  All of these players are pros, so it isn't surprising how well they placed.

For those of you who don’t know, the hub thread for ROOT has been closed.  Players can find rules, registration, etc on separate threads in the “Redemption Online Official Tournament” section of the Forums. 

Sadly we’ll temporarily be saying good-bye to an excellent tournament director and organizer, BrianGabe himself, as leader of the ROOT tournament.  My personal thanks to him for running the tourney with such diligence; your responsibility has been greatly appreciated.  Prof Underwood and soul seeker will be organizing the tournament and managing stats until the end of the next competition.

The July ROOT will begin on the 5th, and all the players are raring to go.  The top four players from June are returning for the tournament in July, making the competition all the more difficult.  We’re all really amped about it; let’s hope for some good matches and a good tourney.  Good luck to the players!

Ironman 2016 and 2018 Winner.
3rd T1-2P 2018, 3rd T2-2P 2019
I survived the Flood twice.


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