Author Topic: Redemption Webzine (Issue 1)  (Read 4948 times)

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Redemption Webzine (Issue 1)
« on: May 04, 2010, 05:28:24 PM »
Culture Corner
Here in my first edition of Culture Corner I will review Judges ---

I.   Characters:
Best:  Moses
Why:  He's Negate all effects (special abilities) which makes him Judges' Best Character.
a.  Ehud
Why: He is Choose-the-Blocker, good */*s. Warrior class.
Con:  First strike which limits his */*.
b.  Elon
Why: great */*s.  Awesome SA and Judges’ best inish getter.
c.   Eli:
Why: fetches a tabernacle artifact mainly Altar of Incense. Good for Judges Seat.
Con: bands to Samuel, no ‘power’ save his JSeat-ness.
d.   Deborah and Barak
Why: Barak plays first;  if Deborah is in play a plus in my opinion. Also Deborah is good in the Seat.
Low:   Tola
Why: Bad SA midway */*s and bad everything.

II.   Enhancements:
a.  Samson's Sacrifice: low
Why: it defeats your Judges so efficiently.
b.  Ehud's dagger: good
Why: defeat a king or negate an enhancement; + Cannot be Negated
c.  Capturing Canaan: good
Why: capture 2 evil characters? Great!
d.  Sword Against Sword:  Great

I know I missed some but enjoy!

Note:  Tola is better than Eli in my opinion.   I just thought most people would like Eli better.

Note:  SA=Special Ability
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 07:35:31 PM by ReyZen »
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Re: Redemption Webzine issue 1.
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2010, 07:08:21 PM »
RED: ok first question:What prompted you to make heroless?

RR: Well two things. The first was a challenge Orangebus and I had at
the time of 2004 nationals, which was to bring a one hero deck to
nationals and use it. The night before I stayed up all night building
the one hero deck and after getting soundly thrashed at nationals I
made it into a heroless deck. Though it took the better part of a
year to make it work well. The second factor was that everyone said
it couldn't be done. I take that as a challenge.

RED:What was the first deck or deck type you played when you started?

RR: I think like many people my first deck was rouge (One color
offense, One color defense). Mine was Purple/Crimson. At least once I
got a grip on the game. My first "deck" was 200+ cards with every
card in my collection shoved in it.

RED:How did you do at your first Tournament? Also any advice for new
Tournament players?

RR: I lost every game. I don't think I ever came close to winning, I
also had some comical misconceptions. Including thinking Potter's
field was an acsess site. As for advice, I would suggest a number of
things. Firstly, Never quit no matter how bad you may be losing.
Secondly, Learn from your losses. Thirdly, have FUN. No matter how
much you're winning by or how much you're losing by, make sure to
have fun. That is my game philosiphy.

RED:Lastly how do you think the meta has shifted from those days:Good
or Bad?

RR: For the better. Though many people complain TGT runs rampant, we
must look at where we came from. I came into this game when FBTN was
the ONLY thing you could play and hope to win with. From those days
we have so much more variety nowadays it is really great. Don't take
this as I like TGT. Pre-Block ignore is a fun-sucking vampire bent on
world wide domination but there is ALOT more variety now.
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Re: Redemption Webzine issue 1.
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2010, 07:29:44 PM »
My good friend will know that the number one reason I don't like Garden Tomb is that I have a pretty good deck but it is uses 5 evil colors!  It would do pretty well against every deck EXCEPT Garden Tomb.  I say that in advance because it got me thinking that there might be more of you out there who are as frustated with it as I am.  This is my case for not liking it, and feeling that I myself have to use it to be competitive.

1. Too many heroes/colors can use it -  If it was just Salome and Mary, that would be one thing.  But if you have John, Joanna, or Peter in your deck, you might as well throw in Garden Tomb for fun.  It can easily give you a first round Lost Soul if the cards come out right.
2. Practically forces single color defense, making game less interesting - Seems like everyone will feel forced to pull out their Egytptians, Assyrians, Babylonians and Syrian/Emperor, Demon defenses again.  Isn't more variety a good thing?
3. Too hard to get rid of, being a NT fortress -  Seriously, how do you remove Garden Tomb (other than play with at least 8 EC of the same color)?  "Set Fire" can't touch it, nor can other enhancements that target OLD TESTAMENT fortresses.  Even the "anti-ignore" artifacts and other cards do not target the ability if it comes from a fortress.  Only thing I have found is a Gold evil "place" enhancement, whose name escapes me, that negates and eventually discards a fortress, and of course I could "Confusion" it out of your deck I guess.  Pretty sad if I feel I have to take Garden Tomb out instead of Son of God
4. Eliminates surprise defense, since all EC will go on table - Don't we miss the suspense of being able to play a surprise EC from our hand?  Now we need them on the table BEFORE the attack because of Garden Tomb.
5. Too powerful an ability – rather than “Immune” or “Protect”, they ignore and thus can’t be blocked at all.  Ignore, in my opinion, would seem to be the most powerful ability in the game. 
6. Made too powerful by color independent cards – Ark, I am Patience, Holy Grail, Angel of Lord, Jepthah, Women as Snares.  All of these cards can be placed in ANY Garden Tomb deck to be instant, practically unstoppable special abilities.  I don't have to be playing Red to use Jepthah to help the "tomb", nor do I have to use Pale Green to take advantage of Women as Snares to help out.
7. Will create decks with more defense than offense - Is this what we want?  Won't this run the risk of longer games while people wait for their offense to get going?
8. Characters are more liekly to get lost souls - Two of the most popular lost souls in every deck until now have been "Female Only" and "NT only".  Those don't slow down Garden Tomb at all. (But frankly this doesn't bother me as much as the other points.)
9. Makes one feel they have to play Garden Tomb to have any chance of winning - Anyone care to guess how many Garden Tomb decks will be at Nationals this year?  I know how to make a good Garden Tomb deck, but thus far I've resisted the temptation to make one for the reasons above.

Other cards penalize multi-color decks, but not as much as Garden Tomb.  The only plus I see so far is that site-lockout gets a little boost.  But then "Ends of the Earth" would be a given in my Garden Tomb deck.

Scenario.  I draw one lost soul.  You draw 2 and go first, or draw one and win the toss.  My opening hand has 2 or even 3 EC (not bad right?)
Turn one.  You play Salome and Garden Tomb.  I can’t block.  You have 1 Lost Soul.

Later turn when I have drawn another Lost Soul:  After I have played all 3 of my EC (for fear of Garden Tomb), you play Holy Grail on one, Angel of Lord on another.  I can’t block with my one EC.  You have 2 lost souls.

Next turn, you Holy Grail or Jepthah my last EC in play.  You may have another lost soul now.

Now you have basically won, unless I draw a lot of EC in one turn or I have the right dominants (to kill you or rescue my own lost souls).  I need to get two more EC out quickly to be able to block you.  If you have NJ and Son of God you can probably win right now anyway.
I know this is ideal drawing for the "Tomb" player, but then again I also said I had 3 EC in my starting hand, which is also rare with 7 or 8 EC in the entire deck.

I've not been playing long, so maybe there are more defenses against it than I have thought of.  Is anyone else out there as frustrated with the Garden Tomb craze as I am?  Thanks for listening.
Ed:Full credit goes to stefferweffer. Thanks for leting me use the article!
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Re: Redemption Webzine issue 1.
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2010, 08:12:03 PM »
2. Practically forces single color defense, making game less interesting - Seems like everyone will feel forced to pull out their Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians and Syrian/Emperor, Demon defenses again.  Isn't more variety a good thing?
not necessarily i use a mainly bi-color
defense sometimes TGT don't have that much affect
Only thing I have found is a Gold evil "place" enhancement, whose name escapes me, that negates and eventually discards a fortress
Spreading Mildew
Made too powerful by color independent cards – Ark, I am Patience, Holy Grail, Angel of Lord, Jepthah, Women as Snares.  All of these cards can be placed in ANY Garden Tomb deck to be instant, practically unstoppable special abilities.  I don't have to be playing Red to use Jepthah to help the "tomb", nor do I have to use Pale Green to take advantage of Women as Snares to help out.
7. Will create decks with more defense than offense - Is this what we want?  Won't this run the risk of longer games while people wait for their offense to get going?
how so?  ???
9. Makes one feel they have to play Garden Tomb to have any chance of winning - Anyone care to guess how many Garden Tomb decks will be at Nationals this year?  I know how to make a good Garden Tomb deck, but thus far I've resisted the temptation to make one for the reasons above.
Again.. i don't feel pressured  to create a TGT...
Scenario.  I draw one lost soul.  You draw 2 and go first, or draw one and win the toss.  My opening hand has 2 or even 3 EC (not bad right?)
Turn one.  You play Salome and Garden Tomb.  I can’t block.  You have 1 Lost Soul.

Later turn when I have drawn another Lost Soul:  After I have played all 3 of my EC (for fear of Garden Tomb), you play Holy Grail on one, Angel of Lord on another.  I can’t block with my one EC.  You have 2 lost souls.

Next turn, you Holy Grail or Jepthah my last EC in play.  You may have another lost soul now.

Now you have basically won, unless I draw a lot of EC in one turn or I have the right dominants (to kill you or rescue my own lost souls).  I need to get two more EC out quickly to be able to block you.  If you have NJ and Son of God you can probably win right now anyway.
I know this is ideal drawing for the "Tomb" player, but then again I also said I had 3 EC in my starting hand, which is also rare with 7 or 8 EC in the entire deck.

I've not been playing long, so maybe there are more defenses against it than I have thought of.  Is anyone else out there as frustrated with the Garden Tomb craze as I am?  Thanks for listening.
I agree this would s u c k but otherwise i don't see the bias
Wanderer of the Web.

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Re: Redemption Webzine issue 1.
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2010, 08:17:02 PM »
Note:Stefferweffer's article contains some mistakes such as TGT does not work if your oppnet Has a redemeed soul it doesn't work and the fact that it was written pre-TEXP doesn't help that matter so there are good counters. Just wanted eveyone to know.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 07:40:40 AM by RED »
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Re: Redemption Webzine issue 1.
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2010, 09:39:23 AM »
    My Redemption Journy

    Well here I am thinking back to 2005 it's almost been 5 years
since the start of my journy in the Redemption TCG. So please join me
 as I look back at what my career of playing has been so far.

  Christmas 2005:I'm 7 years old going on 8 and I'v been fooling
with some kind of cards for a year and
I really start asking dad&mom for these cards called Redemption.
Come Christmas and guess what I get?:Redemption 10th aniversary tin.
Man I wish I still had that.
I then get a pack of kings in 2 months so I'm hooked.

  Christmas 2006:I get Another 10nth edition starter and
Women and blue packs and (I got the CBS tin that should have had NJ)
I got Claudia!

    3 years later:It's June and I'm playing Booster at my first ever tournament
I got creamed in booster same with T1-2P Then I got 2nd in T1-MP.
My dad got 3rd and I get 8 boosters!

   March 2010:I got 4th place in my first ever Root tourny

    May 2010:I'm looking back at all my Redemption memories and I realize that I really am blessed with all the friends
I've made and all the games I've played so thanks go to:Gabe Isbell
for those tough games even though I lost them all. Tracer Burnout for a great friendship!
Rob for makeing this awsome game! And the greatest of them all
God for my Salvation. So to all who read this God Bless!
« Last Edit: June 01, 2010, 08:47:17 PM by RED »
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Re: Redemption Webzine issue 1.
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2010, 12:21:10 PM »

Everyone knows The Garden Tomb is really good.  A variety of TGT decks hung out at the top tables at Nationals all day.  The question wasn't whether or not people would be playing TGT, it was - what will you combine with your TGT offense?

I wanted to use the most annoying, complained about cards in Redemption from the past couple years so I combined TGT with Z's Temple and U&T.  The completed version of this deck went 36-2, winning against 35 different people and 36 different decks.  It went 6-1 at NC Regionals and an outstanding 8-0 performance at Nationals.

Teal works great with TGT because it has so many ways to remove opposing Evil Characters from play, which clears the way for TGT ladies to rescue unblocked.  Teals biggest weakness is lack of access to the NT LS and Female LS, which is also solved by TGT ladies.

Total 51

Domants 9
Angel of the Lord
Guardian Of Your Souls
Harvest Time
New Jerusalem
Son of God
Christian Martyr
Destruction of Nehushtan
Falling Away

Artifacts 5
Holy Grail
Holy of Holies
Lampstand of the Sanctuary
Unholy Writ
Urim and Thummim

Fortresses 2
The Garden Tomb
Zerubbabel's Temple

Access Sites 2
New Jerusalem
Promised Land

Lost Souls 8
Lost Soul (female only)
Lost Soul (first round)
Lost Soul (hopper)
Lost Soul (N.T. only)
Lost Soul (revealer)
Lost Soul (shuffler)
Lost Soul (wanderer)
Lost Souls (2-line)

Heroes 10
Phinehas, son of Eleazar
Joshua the High Priest
Joiada, Son of Eliashib
Priests of Christ
Mary the Mother of James

Good Enhancements 9
Feast of Trumpets
First Fruits
Passover & Unleavened Bread
Trumpet Blast
Jordan Interrupted
Filling Zerubbabel’s Temple
Holy unto the Lord
Zeal for the Lord

Evil Characters 5
The Amalekites' Slave
Seven Sons of Sceva
King of Tyrus
Prince of this World

Evil Enhancement 1
Haman's Plot

There were two cards changed between NC Regionals and Nationals.  Tim Maly suggested adding Holy Grail after winning 5-4 in our game at NC Regionals.  I also bumped the deck up to 51 cards by adding Haman's Plot, mostly to help against Captain bands.  Both turned out to be a great addition.  Holy Grail won me a few rescues and probably even a game vs Kurt Hake.  I registered 3 copies of the deck so I could use 3 Haman's Plot (if necessary).  I used the 3rd one during the 8th and final round.

If people are interested I'll add commentary about how to play the deck at a later time.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 09:00:03 AM by RED »
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Re: Redemption Webzine issue 1.
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2010, 08:40:26 AM »
Interview with Mark Underwood. Note his replys arev Verrrryyy long.
One:What was it like when you started?(the Metagame)
When I first started playing Redemption, it was in the summer of 1995.  I picked up a starter deck set and a couple blue packs from the "Lion's Den" Christian Bookstore up in Batavia, NY run by a friendly guy named Daniel.  I played the game against myself a couple times, and then when I returned to college, taught it to my friends Dave and Aaron.  At the time we were mainly just experimenting with it as a comparison to another strategy card game that I had created based on the Bible as well.  Since the game was extremely "limited" back in those days, we didn't like it at all and preferred playing my game instead.  So it sat in a box for a decade.  The metagame at that point was "play a bunch of 2/2 GEs on your 4/4 GC and hope to end up bigger than the 6/6 EC with it's 2/2 EEs".

When I returned to Redemption about a decade later, I was brought back by a student of mine named Dawn who had come from a playgroup out in Kansas City, led by rpgdirector.  At this point, Priests had just come out and the game had evolved significantly.  The dominant offense of the time were Angels and the newly feared Z-temple priests.  The dominant defense was the minimal standalone splash defense.
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Re: Redemption Webzine issue 1.
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2010, 08:41:54 AM »
Two:What was your first deck?
I think my first deck was a red banding deck with Adino and spears, and I really have no idea what the defense was.  But I quickly migrated to Silver.

My first real tournament deck was an Angel offense with a splash standalone defense.  It wasn't very creative with characters (Michael, TSA, CotH, Gabriel, Arianna, Angel in the Path, Angel at Shur, & Jacob for banding.)  I did focus my GEs on immunity and negates though rather than battle winners, which was slightly unique at the time.  I also had uber protection with David's Harp, Chariot of Fire, Chamber of Angels, and The Name of the Lord.  I don't know what I was thinking :)

On defense, I also lacked creativity.  I had KoT, PotW, Nero, Emp Claudius, and maybe Beast for the Earth or something like that.
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Re: Redemption Webzine issue 1.
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2010, 08:44:00 AM »
Three:How did you do at your first tournamet? Also any advice for new tournament players?
After playing with my students for a few months, I started taking them to some tournaments.  Our first one was a local up in Northern KY hosted by Ben Huntsman.  There I reconnected with an old college buddy named Jon Greeson (Soul Seeker), and found out about an active group around Cincinnati.

I remember best my first and last games of that tournament.  My first turn of my first game, I drew 7 out of 8 LSs in my deck.  I thought I would lose for sure.  But that game happened to be against a kid whose older brother made a deck out of all his best cards, and then put all the rest in a deck for his little brother.  Needless to say, none of his enhs ever matched up with his characters and I was able to pull off the win after all.  I tried to give him some pointers throughout the game and he was really sweet to me the rest of the tournament.  He would root for me in all of my games and congratulate me if I won.  This brings up 2 pieces of advice for new tournament players:  never give up on a game, and always be kind to your opponent whether you are winning or losing (teach don't taunt).

My last game of that tournament was surprisingly the championship game and it was against my good friend Jon Greeson (who was an experienced pro already and had been mopping up on people).  I remember that there was a huge lost soul drought for a looooong time, which led to us both having to discard cards at the end of turns a lot.  I remember one turn he discarded Destruction of Nehustan.  I was floored.  I didn't even own a Destruction of Nehustan at that point (or a lot of other good cards, in fact I was borrowing a New Jerusalem dominant for the tourney), and to think that the rest of his hand was better than that was extremely intimidating.  Partly due to the LS drought, and partly due to my slow play due to having to read a lot of his cards that I'd never seen before, we ended up timing out in a tie.  He still ended up winning the tournament (due to a much higher differential), but I remember thinking that maybe I could really compete in this game with the big dogs (little did I know how terrible I really was back then).  My advice for new tournament players is to NOT expect to play for the championship in your first tournament.  And also that anyone can beat anyone given the right draw, which gives hope to the noob, and should give humility to the star.
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Re: Redemption Webzine issue 1.
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2010, 08:45:06 AM »
Four:When did you start consistnly top 4ing ROOT?
I actually have been towards the top of ROOT ever since the beginning.  In fact, I won it back in August 2009.  This however, is less of a testament to how good of a player I am, and more of a testament to how persistence pays off.  I consistently get beat by Gabe and MKC.  I often get beat by Maly, Prof A, RDT, Soul Seeker, Tracer, and a few others.  However, it is rare that all of these people are playing in the same month.  But I have consistently played all my games every month (except during Lent when I took a break).  Therefore, assuming that only half of those 7 people are playing in a given month, I only have to finish ahead of 1 of them to make the top 4.

The other thing is that what I lack in creativity for creating decks, I excel in the ability to adapt and perfect.  Thus I have been able to take the best ideas that I have seen from playing the best people in the country to create decks that are really good in my opinion.  And I'm always trying to keep learning new things.  New strategic ways to play cards, new deck ideas, etc.  Usually after I finish a game, I like to stick around and talk with my opponents to get any ideas for improvements that they might have for me, and to share any ideas that I might have for them.

My advice here is to not worry about winning games in ROOT.  Just focus on having a fun time with people and being open to learning something.  If keep that up long enough, the winning will come along by itself.  Persistence pays off :)
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Re: Redemption Webzine issue 1.
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2010, 08:45:45 AM »
Five:Lastly how do you think the meta shifted since you started-Good or Bad?
If you count when I started the first time 1995, the question is easy.  The game has DEFINITELY shifted for the good.

If you count when I started the second time, the question becomes very difficult.  On the one hand, the meta has definitely shifted toward pre-block ignore (TGT especially, but also Zebulun, and several common GEs like RTC) which I REALLY HATE!  It's frustrating enough when you have to give away LSs because you haven't drawn ECs.  It's even more frustrating when you have to give away LSs with an EC sitting in your territory, or ECs sitting in your hand.

On the other hand, back when I started playing again, the only offenses that really had a chance were Silver and Teal.  Blue, Red, Gold, White, and Green all stunk.  Purple was pretty bad too.  Back then, the choice was "What would you splash with your silver?"  In addition to this, the standalone splash defense was so dominant and took so few cards, that way too many decks were playing that as well.  The overall result was that there was a LOT of similarity between decks, and therefore, less variety in games.

So I guess if I had to come down off the fence on one side, I would have to say that things are better now than they have ever been.  You can go to a tournament and truly have no idea what kind of deck you'll be facing each round (unless you're at the top table, in which case you know that there will be a TGT in there somewhere).  This continual improvement in the game is really an amazing testament to how God has led Rob and the volunteer playtesters to make this game the best that it can be.  I'm blessed to have a chance to play it and be a part of this community.
Ironman 2016 and 2018 Winner.
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