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Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« on: May 13, 2015, 07:29:04 PM »
Lost Soul Rankings

Recently Josiah wrote an article about lost soul ranking, but if you have any imput on them feel free to post.

Tier 1 breakdown:

Hopper: Definetley deserves to be here as it is the best lost soul in the game.
Retribution: IMO this card is unproven, you'll see it a lot in type 2 but not as much theoretically in type 1. Since there have been no major tournaments this lost soul should probably not be ranked at all.
Cbp: Definitely deserves to be hero. Almost every deck has some btn option and covenants are few and far between so a no cost counter is always nice.

Tier 2 breakdown:
Wanderer: Definitely a tier one lost soul, was in the top 3 type one decks last year. Should be in every old testament offense, the only deck I would consider not putting it in would be a N.T offense where you have a number of females. Not quite as good as a hopper but functions similarly as it gives you access to a no special ability lost souls and can restrict your opponents  access. In top 3 deck= Tier 1
Resurrection: I feel like this lost soul is a bit high, however grabbing a previously discarded hero can help immensely so I am not appalled its here. It was in the top 3 decks last year for type one so I am not sure if that was just a lets try the new lost soul thing or not. Definitely a type 1 lost soul though.

Tier 3 breakdown:

Thorns:  The qualifier for this tear is that it is in the majority of competitive decks. If we are talking about type 2 then we might be okay as dou and soul manipulation is popular. Type 1 though? Not so much. It definetely wasn't in any of the top three decks and I doubt any deck that topped used it (speak now or forever hold your peace). There were two people who played defense heavy in top so its a possibility but one play suicide swine stampeded. So maybe 1/8; still not a majority.

Three liner (or two liner, doesn't matter if we are talking about type 1): This card was in the top 3 nationals winning decks. I don't have proof that it was in all top 8 decks but I would highly doubt that it wasn't. The ability to have a certain block whenever you want is clutch. Yes it does create an extra souls and is a liability against sog nj but it also punishes an opponent for playing sog nj too early. If this isn't tier 1 I don't know what is.
Site Guard: Probably overrated as well. We don't know how popular Dragon Raid will because there have been no major tournaments so we shouldn't be too quick to jump on the band wagon of a previously "defensive-heavy" only lost soul.
Revealer: Probably in a good place. Used to be tier 1 when it came out. It was in literally every deck. Now it lost its luster when more dynamic lost souls have come out.

Tier 4 and below break down:

Everything in tier 4 and below look great. However there are a few gems. N.T lost soul and female only are definitely tier 1. Again in top 3 decks for sure and probably in all eight. Definetely not "rarely" played or in a "minority of decks". Female is definitely better so maybe N.T goes up to tier two but they are still very good. FBTN probably should be in tier 3 at least because its in every deck with an O.T offense and is a hard counter to hopper.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 10:58:21 PM by Gabe »

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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2015, 11:07:34 PM »
Great points, Nathan. On the whole I think the Beers brothers did an excellent job but I also noticed some discrepancies compared to my personal values. Nothing drastic. Mostly what you mentioned above. I wonder if this is an example of different metas in different parts of the country?

It's also possible that some of the articles rankings are based on exception and personal experience. I know that I've found the "Retribution" Lost Soul pretty annoying to play against but I haven't desired to put it in every deck myself. I expect Dragon Raid (P) to be in almost every deck so that has to be taken into consideration when ranking Lost Souls. "N.T. Only" and "Female" have been staples for quite some time. But Lost Souls with abilities that matter during battle have less value with DR in the meta. The influx of N.T. Heroes should devalue the "N.T. Only" Lost Soul as well. I'd probably still rank both higher though.

I consider the "Wanderer" the best Lost Soul in the game (sans "Hopper").

The Lost Souls card (2-Liner or 3-Liner) are definitely a staple. Just it's presence forces your opponent to play differently. If we were ever to ban a card it would be at the top of my list of choices.
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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2015, 01:21:25 AM »
I suppose your right about dragon raid but I wonder how many will be in circulation.


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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2015, 02:22:20 AM »
Retribution is a very subpar lost soul.

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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2015, 12:51:38 PM »
Just to clear up, our article did keep in mind the future of the game not the past.  The tiers were not intended to say what was played but what will be played moving forward, sorry if that is unclear.

How is retribution is subpar when you consider U&T the best non-Dom card in the game and say every deck should use it.  You also seem to like Vp, Sorrow of Mary and guidance for the look at hand abilities. I think you'll find its outstanding in play.  (I may be wrong though.)

How does the NT only have any value right now?  It stops Judges and OT FBTN.  The rest of the upper level decks are using NT heros.  Son of God still negates it.  The only way I see it being that valuable is if your running NT, woman only, */4, and 3/2-liner to try and limit what SoG/NJ can save.  I think you can get way better value not playing the protect souls.
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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2015, 01:07:29 PM »
How does the NT only have any value right now?  It stops Judges and OT FBTN.  The rest of the upper level decks are using NT heros.  Son of God still negates it.

It looks like you're basing its value based on what you expect in the top cut at Nationals. In my experience, at lower level tournaments and even in early rounds at Nats, you'll face plenty of decks that don't fit that mold.
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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2015, 01:15:40 PM »
Just to clear up, our article did keep in mind the future of the game not the past.  The tiers were not intended to say what was played but what will be played moving forward, sorry if that is unclear.

How is retribution is subpar when you consider U&T the best non-Dom card in the game and say every deck should use it.  You also seem to like Vp, Sorrow of Mary and guidance for the look at hand abilities. I think you'll find its outstanding in play.  (I may be wrong though.)

How does the NT only have any value right now?  It stops Judges and OT FBTN.  The rest of the upper level decks are using NT heros.  Son of God still negates it.  The only way I see it being that valuable is if your running NT, woman only, */4, and 3/2-liner to try and limit what SoG/NJ can save.  I think you can get way better value not playing the protect souls.

I wouldn't say retribution is sub-par, but its incredibly overvalued here.  Its the sort of soul I might or might not include in my deck depending on the meta, not an auto-include, and certainly not tier one.

I expect to still see plenty of Judges and the deck variants at top level play at this point.  NT heroes are new and fun, but there will still be people that play the tried and true deck.  And honestly I don't think "the deck" (I still hate that name for it, its so uncreative) is weaker than any NT deck right now.

And yeah, you way way undervalue the liners.
The user formerly known as Easty.

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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2015, 01:17:37 PM »
How does the NT only have any value right now?  It stops Judges and OT FBTN.  The rest of the upper level decks are using NT heros.  Son of God still negates it.

It looks like you're basing its value based on what you expect in the top cut at Nationals. In my experience, at lower level tournaments and even in early rounds at Nats, you'll face plenty of decks that don't fit that mold.

You are correct these were based on what I assumer will be the top 20 decks at Nats.  I believe the best 20 decks are all capable of winning a nats if they have some luck and don't make errors.  Your correct that it will differ at lower level tournaments and perhaps I should write to lower level tournaments in the future?  I guess my goal every year is finish in the top 20 at nats and hope to top cut. That is were my thought process has been aimed.

Perhaps I need to reconsider the liner for myself, most people tend to be on the opposite side of where I am on it.  Don't get me wrong its good I just never use it unless I am running DoU, SSS, just a hireling, burial.  I don't play a whole lot with any of those.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 01:19:52 PM by jbeers285 »
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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2015, 02:35:07 PM »
Here's the issues with Retribution.

1. It only hinders your opponent from using those cards, it doesn't stop it altogether.

Do you think I care if I have to discard 1 card from my territory if it wins me the rescue?  I play 12 heroes, surely there's 1 I don't need for this matchup.  But wait! It's more than 1! It's every time you use it!

2. It becomes significantly worse as the game progresses.

Congratulations, you drew 3-5 cards! Some of those are characters you're playing down, so now there's only 2-3 cards I don't know.  I can still make very informed decisions without even activating it.  In fact, if you drew it after I've already looked at your hand once, I don't even need to make the initial discard investment.

3. It's reliant on your opponent's actions.

So maybe I only have crucially vital cards in my territory.  No problem, I just WON'T LOOK AT YOUR HAND.  Sure, I haven't gained the advantage I wanted, but now I suppose I'm playing the game the way it's supposed to be played. It won't lose me the game.

4. Your opponent controls result.

Not only do I have to be the one to trigger the soul, but I also get to determine how it reacts.  This goes back to point 1, but I can discard whatever I want.  I can even discard your Abomination of Desolation. Thanks for that. And again, there's certainly something I won't mind discarding.  Maybe I'll do an Isaiah card and then just cycle it back again with Isaiah.

5. It's still a lost soul.

It by no means protects you from anything, it's just a minor thorn in the side, and I can easily negate it or rescue it and the rest of the game I will still have free reign to your hand.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 03:19:58 PM by Westy »

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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2015, 03:59:33 PM »
Perhaps I need to reconsider the liner for myself, most people tend to be on the opposite side of where I am on it.  Don't get me wrong its good I just never use it unless I am running DoU, SSS, just a hireling, burial.  I don't play a whole lot with any of those.

Don't forget Hormah on that list. It's easily splashed in any non-demon defense. You can discard a human EC from hand at the end of your turn to underdeck it and the half rescued Lost Souls card.

Players are under more pressure these days to play SoG/NJ when they get the pair than ever before. Cards like Vain Philosophy, Sorrow of Mary, Emperor Tiberius, The Serpent and Mayhem all present the threat that if you don't use SoG/NJ when you have it you may not get to before the game ends. As someone previously mentioned, the Lost Souls gets much better if your opponent has already played SoG.
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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2015, 04:42:59 PM »
Those threats you've mentioned almost all point to retribution being a great lost soul. 

For Westy
1. Remeber we are talking about a lost soul ability not a character, not a territory class enhancement, a lost soul.

2. Your forgetting how much protection is being played right now.  Retribution by default has hit Herod's Temple for me on 2 occasion I can think and a throne of David once.

3. It is but the fact that a lost soul in my deck forces my opponent to think about what he will play is good for me.

4. and 5. Even if it's ability never happens it became one more obstacle for my opponent, and it's a lost soul. Remeber I am not comparing these to other cards in the game just lost souls. Remeber that 12 Hero's is not currently running the meta, Balance is and 8-10 heros tends to be the number.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 06:04:20 PM by jbeers285 »
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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2015, 04:50:04 PM »
Read through the rankings again, and I'd while I'd agree punisher isn't played in most decks, the reason given for why it isn't seems to be wanderer.  But that would mean the reason is "this soul is so good, that if your opponent steals it from you that would be bad," but that doesn't seem like a good reason to rank it low.  Lots of souls are good for your opponent if they steal it.
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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2015, 04:50:46 PM »
I've been running Retribution in every deck I've built since it came out (except for Abom decks). It can be incredibly devastating in T2 when you have both out and your opponent forgets about it.
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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2015, 06:21:43 PM »
Why would you not play it in a bomb? It seems supplementary to me.

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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2015, 06:23:14 PM »
Why would you not play it in a bomb?

Because retribution allows the opponent to choose what they discard, and abomb is placed in their territory, so they can choose to discard abomb.
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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2015, 06:24:39 PM »
It was a test, we all passed.  ;)


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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2015, 08:31:47 PM »
I'm not overly familiar with the Early Church set, so this is largely going to be reflections from last season. If cards have been introduced that would drastically change the impact of any the following souls, please feel free to explain. I'm really curious why Revealer is so low on the list. Last I remember, it was a staple that was played in virtually every competitive deck, since the ability to draw souls or bury dominants is non-trivial. Definite Tier 1, at least as recently as Nats '14. CBP isn't an automatic staple since many defenses can use enhancements that are CBP or CBN to begin with; Tier 1 should be reserved exclusively for universal staples. I'm also not really sure why 3-Line is considered better than 2-Line. Sure, it's technically better than Multiplayer, but who cares about Multiplayer? 2-Line is the better soul in two person categories, and so at the very least they should be on the same tier level, and really, the fact that 2-Line is better really ought to be reflected in the tiers.

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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2015, 08:36:53 PM »
2-Line is the better soul in two person categories, and so at the very least they should be on the same tier level, and really, the fact that 2-Line is better really ought to be reflected in the tiers.
Why is the 2-line a better soul in two person categories?  I do not understand.


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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2015, 09:10:59 PM »
It allows you the opportunity to rescue half of it if your half-rescued Liner somehow ends up in your opponent's LoB (via Nebushasban for instance). This was a much bigger deal before the rule change that disallowed Lost Souls to be rescued from your own territory (and honestly, the strong wording I used in my previous post was a product of my still sort of being in that mindset), but I would still play 2-Liners before 3-Liners in 2P categories.

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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2015, 09:43:34 PM »
Reveal statisticly gets your opponent to their dom's faster.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 10:01:22 PM by jbeers285 »
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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2015, 10:15:35 PM »
Reveal statisticly gets your opponent to their dom's faster.

That doesn't really matter, because the advantage of burying a dominant far outweighs the two card boost if you don't hit one. Assume for example that your opponent has 20 cards in deck. If you don't hit Son of God, then your opponent is only two cards closer to it. If you do hit it, your opponent is now 20 cards away. Even if you disagree with that interpretation of the math, the fact that you  have a shot at fishing out souls (including Hopper) with it makes it an absolute staple to me.

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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2015, 10:26:07 PM »
I know I come from mainly  a T2 perspective and sometimes that's not what people are looking for, but I have never excluded Revealer from any of my decks in any category.  It is as staple as they come, for me.  No 'when drawn' soul effects, burying cards (especially devastating in T2), and genning souls are all fantastic effects.

I think that if anything, this topic has proven that perhaps there aren't enough staple souls for everyone such that everyone uses the same set, which is encouraging to me.

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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2015, 12:03:08 AM »
I believe Retribution LS is still strong, even in an ABOMB deck.Philosopher's protects it from discard. Revealer is still strong in my opinion with all the hand control out there, & VP, not to mention Water Jar and Call & Fishers.Being able to manipulate an opponents hand & deck is nice especially since we're all still racing for SoG/NJ.
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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2015, 12:49:21 AM »
Those threats you've mentioned almost all point to retribution being a great lost soul. 

For Westy
1. Remeber we are talking about a lost soul ability not a character, not a territory class enhancement, a lost soul.

2. Your forgetting how much protection is being played right now.  Retribution by default has hit Herod's Temple for me on 2 occasion I can think and a throne of David once.

3. It is but the fact that a lost soul in my deck horses my opponent to think about what he will play is good for me.

4. and 5. Even if it's ability never happens it became one more obstacle for my opponent, and it's a lost soul. Remeber I am not comparing these to other cards in the game just lost souls. Remeber that 12 Hero's is not currently running the meta, Balance is and 8-10 heros tends to be the number.
I'm sorry, why does it being a lost soul effect things at all? Thorns is a great soul because it completely stops your opponent's actions.  You make certain cards absolutely worthless.  2 Liner is great because you can manipulate it to stop your opponent from rescueing a lost soul after the fact.  CBP is great because it opens up possibilities to you that otherwise wouldn't be available.  Revealer instantly does something. Etc. etc. etc.

This is due to bad play, not the strength of the retribution.  Justin's point falls into this as well. You can't say it's a good card because it's good against bad players.  If you're hitting those things it would either be because they're bad, or they didn't need them.

Fine, keep playing this trash lost soul.  I'm happy with it.  While you're at it, play the Speed Bump lost soul.  That'll also make your opponent reconsider things and if they forget about it it's super good.  I know you put it at Tier 4 but man, this card can be so good if your opponent is playing particular cards and plays into it or can't play things because of it or forgets about it!

There are so many lost souls that give you an immediate or more drastic benefit than just discarding 1 or 2 cards.  As far as being balanced goes, there are always expendable resources in certain matchups. Always.  And if there isn't just don't look at their hand.


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Re: Lost Soul Rankings Discussion
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2015, 01:03:36 AM »
I don't even take out the "trash" anymore. I just say "OK Ma I just took out the Retribution lost soul, happy?" ;)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 01:15:14 AM by TheHobbit »


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